Many futurists, both professional and laymen, believe that Mankind is hurtling toward an Extinction Event because of Over Population, specifically the birth rate of sub Saharan Blacks.
Europeans have cut their birth rate, as have Asians(more Japanese are dying than being born), Latin Americans and all racial categories of Americans. Only Sunni Muslims and Sub Saharan Blacks have not cut their birth rates.
In 1960, Nigeria had a population of 45 million people, and could feed itself. In 2018, the population is 200 million, and the median age is 17.9 years. Nigeria can no longer provide food, medical care, nor education for its population.
Because of the population explosion in sub-Saharan nations, there is a lack of basic resources for their peoples. To resolve that problem of lack of resources, sub Sahara Africa is exporting migrants, on a vast basis. That Mass Migration has led Globalists in Western Europe and the United States to believe the future of Western Civilization is to be dominated by Sunni Muslims or sub Saharan Africans.
'…. In Uganda, nearly 80% of the population is under 30 ’
What does it mean in the cosmology of the Humankind that sub Saharan Blacks are still producing families of over thirty offspring?
The crisis of Climate Change can only be remedied by the reduction in the Planet Earth’s population. Western Civilization has acknowledged that intuitively, and birth rates have fallen in Russia, the United States and Western Europe significantly.
“There were 3,853,472 births in the U.S. in 2017 — "down 2 percent from 2016 and the lowest number in 30 years," the CDC said.
The general fertility rate sank to a record low of 60.2 births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 — ..npr.”
Nations exporting migrants have not reduced their birth rates; rather than cutting their birth rates they have resorted to exporting people to Western Civilization.
…. high birthrates … mean that by the end of this century, there could be as many as four billion people on the continent(of Africa), about 10 times the population 40 years ago….NEW YORK TIMES”
One of the DEEP STATE proposed solutions to the over population threat of sub-Saharan blacks is the development of a pathogen, a disease, DISEASE X, which will only target sub Saharan blacks; leaving other races immune from the pathogen.
Theoretically that is possible, since sub-Saharan blacks are the only people on the planet who do not have Neanderthal DNA in their gene pool. That means that they can be exclusively targeted for a pathogen.
Disease X will kill only people without a Neanderthal DNA.
On March 12, 2018, this Blogger discussed DISEASE X in the Blog: WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation
The following is excerpted from that prescient Blog:
“WHO-World Health Organization
Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings.
…..DISEASE X, WHEN it comes; will be either a man-made pathogen, or a man nurtured pathogen, created or nurtured to save Mankind from extinction by too many humans.
It will target sub Saharan Africans, those peoples with the highest birthrates, in order to: A) end the Migration crisis which is over whelming Western Civilization by killing off migrants in Black Death numbers….
…. it can be done, the development of a killer pathogen which will only target sub-Saharan Africans, leaving the other races, the other populations of the world immune. Sub-Saharan black Africans are the only peoples in the world without Neanderthal DNA; everyone else has 2% Neanderthal DNA in their gene set……so you can target people without Neanderthal DNA, which means killing just sub-Saharan black Africans but sparing Europeans, and Indians, and Asians (Chinese, Indonesians, Japanese, Filipinos), and Native Americans. Black Americans will also be spared since every black American probably has white blood in him, and that white blood has Neanderthal DNA….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.
After this Blogger published that speculation, he received an email from an imminent and moral researcher, saying that Mankind was not capable of developing such a targeted pathogen.
Perhaps, but if Mankind cannot do it, Artificial Intelligence certainly might be able to; DEEPMIND is A.I. at its apex.
And DEEPMIND, A.I., did the following:
“SAN FRANCISCO — You can think of it as a World Cup of biochemical research.Every two years, hundreds of scientists enter a global competition. Tackling a biological puzzle they call “the protein folding problem,” they try to predict the three-dimensional shape of proteins in the human body. No one knows how to solve the problem. Even the winners only chip away at it. But a solution could streamline the way scientists create new medicines and fight disease.
Mohammed AlQuraishi, a biologist who has dedicated his career to this kind of research, flew in early December to Cancun, Mexico, where academics were gathering to discuss the results of the latest contest. As he checked into his hotel, a five-star resort on the Caribbean, he was consumed by melancholy.
The contest, the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction, was not won by academics.
It was won by DeepMind, the artificial intelligence lab owned by Google’s parent company.“I was surprised and deflated,” said Dr. AlQuraishi, a researcher at Harvard Medical School. “They were way out in front of everyone else.”
DeepMind specializes in “deep learning,” a type of artificial intelligence that is rapidly changing drug discovery science. A growing number of companies are applying similar methods to other parts of the long, enormously complex process that produces new medicines. These A.I. techniques can speed up many aspects of drug discovery and, in some cases, perform tasks typically handled by scientists.
“We have to connect so many other dots,” said Juan Alvarez, associate vice president of computational and structural chemistry at Merck.
In the spring of 2016, after making headlines with A.I. systems that played complex games like the ancient board game Go, DeepMind researchers were looking for new challenges. So they held a “hackathon” at company headquarters in London. Working with two other computer scientists, the DeepMind researcher Rich Evans homed in on protein folding. They found a game that simulated this scientific task. They built a system that learned to play the game on its own, and the results were promising enough for DeepMind to greenlight a full-time research project. The protein folding problem asks a straightforward question: Can you predict the physical structure of a protein — its shape in three dimensions?
If scientists can predict a protein’s shape, they can better determine how other molecules will “bind” to it — attach to it, physically — and that is one way drugs are developed. A drug binds to particular proteins in your body and changes their behavior.
In the latest contest, DeepMind made these predictions using “neural networks,” complex mathematical systems that can learn tasks by analyzing vast amounts of data. By analyzing thousands of proteins, a neural network can learn to predict the shape of others.….DeepMind’s victory showed how the future of biochemical research will increasingly be driven by machines and the people who oversee those machines.
…“This is a first step,” said David Baker, the director of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington. “There are so many other steps still to go.”As they work to better understand the proteins in the body, for instance, scientists must also create new proteins…….NEW YORK TIMES.”
If A.I. can discover the solution to the protein folding problem, it can create DISEASE X.
Every day over population pushes the Planet Earth toward BRAVE NEW WORLD solutions; it is either MASSIVE Birth Control now, or DISEASE X later, or an Extinction Event for Mankind sooner than later.

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