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Showing posts with the label Zombies

America's DOOMSDAY Check List, it Includes Zombies

This Blogger has an abiding and perhaps defining admiration for American films of the 1940s, 50s,60s, especially film noir and Classical Westerns produced during those years.   Why?   The first reason, perhaps the main reason, is that they were written, in the majority, by men who had seen combat, or participated in war, or had friends and/or relatives in war.   They seemed determined to grapple with the major issues of    Life; such as, when    one bent over to tie one's shoe lace and the bullet meant for him, killed his best friend. Is that personal luck? Random luck?   O r Pre-ordination? If it is pre-ordination, does that mean you must live a life justifying the escape from certain death?   Since most grievously wounded men whine for their mommies, they never produced art like I AM GLAD MY MOM DIED.   They strove to reveal enduring verities, enduring vanities, enduring flaws, and enduring absurdities in the human condition.   Even in...