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Showing posts with the label Yemen

Three Current Events Foretelling America’s Not Too Rosy Future

It has been a week of foreboding for the world, and America’s place in the world.   KIDNAPPING AMERICANS and FRIENDS OF AMERICA-   It has been nearly a month since Haitian thugs kidnapped 16 Americans, and one Canadian,all  missionaries, on their return from a Haitian orphanage.   The kidnapped Americans included five children, ages 8 months, 3, 6, 14, and 15.   Since the kidnapping, the Biden Administration has given speeches about the economy, sent Vice President to Paris, worked feverishly for the passage of bills, plotted giving $450,000 to illegal aliens for penance. What the Biden Administration has not done is get the kidnapped Americans back home, or informed their loved ones and friends on what in the hell is happening.   The missionaries come from the Christian Aid Ministries, an Anabaptist faith group, which is pacifist. They are located in Millersburg, Ohio, a village stretching slightly over 2.5 miles, with a population of 3,151.  ...