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Showing posts with the label Learned Hand

The Courts of the Inept Liberal Elite Turn Donald Trump into Revolutionary Hugo Chavez

America's Liberal Elite see Donald Trump, former President, as a revolutionary; so, in their singularly inept fashion, they are making him a revolutionary, by using the Courts, to pursue charges against him. Charges that seem picayune to America's working class of soldiers, farmers and workers.  The Liberal Elite, under an immigrant Judge, is trying all-American Donald Trump for sleeping with an adult film star  and then paying hush money to keep it from damaging his ambition.  In a nation in which illegal aliens are above the law, the Liberal Elite think it is wise that an immigrant Judge preside over a trial, which might thwart the ambitions of a Nationalist Presidential  aspirant. Only the Liberal Elite would think that is a good idea; for this trial, the very concept behind the trial, shows how locked into confirmation bias the inept Liberal Elite has become. Couldn't the Liberal Elite find another Judge Learned Hand to preside over this trial, to make the result...