This Blogger has a friend, who is an actor. He played the lead in a Los Angeles production of STEAMBATH. STEAMBATH is one of those plays not produced nearly enough on America’s stages( MARAT/SADE, NO EXIT,SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR and THE BALCONY being others). STEAMBATH is set in an afterlife, in which that afterlife is set in a steam bath; God is there, as the Puerto Rican attendant. It is an absurdist play; but, since all of us are living through these absurdist times, it resonates. As the Israeli/HAMAS devolves into absolute absurdity, perhaps God indeed is a Puerto Rican steam bath attendant. The people of Gaza are starving; they need food. Israel, at war with HAMAS, the terrorist overlords of Gaza, has restricted food supplies; in an effort, this Blogger assumes, to get the emaciated people of Gaza to turn against HAMAS. To alleviate the starvation, a consortium of nations: America, Jordan and Egypt have begun to parachute pallets of food suppl...