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Britain- DEI Conservatives LOSE BIG, Setting the Stage for a Neo-Fascism Backlash in 2029

DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is a malady; which causes the delusion that members of historically oppressed groups,  have innate, magical  administrative  abilities, merely because they have been oppressed. 

On July 4, 2024, as Democrats were turning into zombie cannibals, in the wake of Joe Biden’s uber addled Henry VI/POLONIUS performance in the Mother of all Debates; Joe Biden sought solace in England’s Parliamentary election results.  The left wing Labour Party won a smashing victory.

Labour victory was led by a white, Anglo Saxon atheist, who has  the safe vibes of actor Kenneth More ( see pictures below).  He is raising his two children in the Jewish faith of his wife, their mother. In normal times, a political party, a Marxist political party, run by an atheist, would be counter balanced by a  political party loyal to the Church of England; loyal to the tenets of William Tyndale; the English martyr burned at the stake, for translating the Latin Bible into English.
But these are not normal times; the defeated opposition party, the Conservatives, the Tories, have  gone all in on DEI politics. To the degree, that their Prime Minister was a Hindu Indian. So, the choice was between an Anglo atheist and a Hindu, married to the daughter of one of the richest  men in the world.
It is a long way down from ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS.
This Blogger thinks it is very foolish for British society to trust their future to an atheist; after only surviving World War II because of a plethora of miracles: the Battle of Britain, Dunkirk, Malta, the SPITFIRE  itself. God was an Anglican then…..Britain can only hope that God still is; for the alternative is that God has gone atheist and  stopped  believing in Himself, or has gone pagan.
The towering political figure of British politics at the beginning of the 20th Century was David Lloyd George. He won World War I for Great Britain.
He had many flaws; chief among them was that he was an incorrigible womanizer. He had his way with many women, mainly homely ones.
Winston Churchill, whose mother was from Brooklyn ,had matched him with an eternal beauty,  once asked him: “David why do you seduce so many ugly women?”
Lloyd George’s answer was succinct, and revelatory: “Winston, they are so very grateful.”
The David Lloyd George of Tory politics in the 21st Century was Boris Johnson, writer, historian, Mayor of London, Foreign Secretary. He took a discouraged Tory Party from the leadership of over matched Theresa May and led it to a smashing victory in 2019.He established the Tories as the Party of governance, until at least 2050.
But he had personal flaws;he was a womanizer ( though his dalliances  were more comely  than Lloyd George’s grateful ones).
He was ousted by his own party, so that they could replace him with Liz Truss. She was The face of the new Conservative Party, DEI Tories. She turned over the British economy to an Afro-Brit, Kwasi Kwateng. They tanked the British economy. Truss lasted 44 days in office; she had the shortest tenure, as Prime Minister, in British history.
“Truss became the UK's shortest-serving leader ever in 2022 - just 44 days - when her unfunded tax cuts sparked a bond market meltdown and a collapse in sterling, raising the cost of mortgages for homeowners already struggling with living costs.”
The British working class voted for BREXIT to safeguard their borders from migrants who had entered Europe, thanks to Angela Merkel’s lunacy.
The DEI Tories betrayed that xenophobic impulse by appointing people of color to halt the mass Migration; they all talked a good game, but the migrants kept coming….and coming.
The Tories then turned to a Hindu Brit; whose most famous act as Prime Minister, was leaving the D-Day 80th Anniversary  early, for a television interview.
That exit, caused Nigel Farage to revive his xenophobic political movement, now called the Reform Party; it cannibalized the Tories in the July 4th election.
Labour won 35% pf the vote; but in actual votes, Labour got less votes than they did in losing in 2019.
The DEI Conservatives won  24% of the votes, the xenophobic Reform Party won 14%. Together the fragmented Conservatives  won 38% of the vote.
  • Labour Party: 35 percent vote share, 412 seats
  • Conservative Party: 24 percent vote share, 121 seats
  • Liberal Democrats: 12 percent vote share, 71 seats
  • Reform UK: 14 percent vote share, 4 seats
  • Green Party: 7 percent vote share, 4 seats
  • Scottish National Party (SNP): 2 percent vote share, 9 seats
  • Sinn Fein(Irish Republican Army): 0.7 percent vote share, 7 seats
  • Plaid Cymru (Welsh): 0.7 percent vote share, 4 seats
The British voter punished the DEI Tories.It was the worst electoral showing in the Tory's 200 year history.
Liz Truss lost; she is the first former prime minister to lose a seat in almost 100 years.
12 senior Tory  ministers were voted out, surpassing the previous record of seven in 1997 when Tony Blair brought Labour to power in a landslide election victory.. 
"Education minister Gillian Keegan, culture minister Lucy Frazer, science minister Michelle Donelan, and justice minister Alex Chalk also lost their seats.
 Peter Bottomley, who had been the longest-serving lawmaker in parliament. The 'Father of the House' - the honorary title bestowed upon the member who had been in parliament the longest - was first elected in 1975 but lost his Worthing West seat.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, a former minister nicknamed "the honorable gentleman from the 18th century" because of his grand airs and trademark double-breasted suit, lost too.
“Ahead of his loss, Sir Jacob had told ITV West Country that he feared he knew the result - and blamed his party for taking its core voters for granted.
"We have no divine right to people's votes", he said.
"We have to win them at every single election and parties do sometimes, particularly when they've been in office a long time, take their core vote for granted and that's been a mistake."
He added that he believes many traditional Conservative voters have turned to Reform UK. More than 7,000 voters chose Reform UK in his constituency. 
There was further disappointment in North Somerset for the Conservatives, where Sir Liam Fox lost his seat to the Labour Party after 32 years.
Sir Liam has previously held a number of roles in Government including serving as the Defence Secretary, the Chairman of the Conservative Party and the International Trade Secretary.
He was elected in 2019 with a majority of 17,536, but this was dramatically reversed, with Labour's Sadik Al-Hassan winning a wafer thing majority of 639 votes.
Conceding to Labour, Sir Liam congratulated Mr Al-Hassan and joked that he would discover it is "not quite as easy as it looks from the outside".
Liam Fox has served as the North Somerset MP for 32 years, but said he lives "to fight another day".
He thanked voters in North Somerset for his 32 years in Parliament, which he described as a "tremendous privilege".
"There's no point complaining about it here, there's nothing else to prove, we all have to take the ups and downs and bumps in life."
He thanked his team for all of their hard work and said he would continue to be vocal in the constituency, adding that he would hold the seat's new MP to account.
"I live to fight another day", he concluded.
Mel Stride has represented Central Devon since 2010 and was serving at the Work and Pensions Secretary.
Having helped the Prime Minister with both of his Conservative Party leadership contests in 2022 and serving as campaign chief, he worked his way to the frontbench.
 “The Justice Secretary, the Veterans Minister and the Science and Technology Minister are some of the ministers who have all lost their seats.
In Cheltenham, Alex Chalk lost to the Liberal Democrats, while Johnny Mercer was beaten by Labour in Plymouth Moor View. Elsewhere, Michelle Donelan was not elected to the new seat of Melksham and Devizes.
·       Alex Chalk - Justice Secretary-Mr Chalk was first elected to Cheltenham in 2015 but won by a very narrow margin of 981 votes in 2019.
Now, he has lost his seat - and his job as Justice Secretary - to the Liberal Democrat candidate,
Max Wilkinson.- beat Mr Chalk by 7,210 votes - a higher majority than the Conservatives have achieved in the seat since 1979.
Conceding to Mr Wilkinson, Mr Chalk congratulated his opponent and wished him well.
iSpeaking to ITV News, he said: "It's tough, I'm kind of finding it hard to put it into words. But you know what, I said in my speech, you can't only love democracy when you win."
He said he would now focus on being a "good father".
·        Mark Harper - Transport Secretary....Mark Harper has lost his seat to Labour by the tantalisingly small amount of around 300 votes.
Mr Harper has represented the Forest of Dean since 2005, and won a majority of 15,869 in 2019.Mark Harper (third from right) on stage as the results were declared.
But this has been completely swept away, with Labour's Matt Bishop now elected to represent the constituency.
Mr Harper won 16,095 votes, but it was not enough to beat Mr Bishop's 16,373 votes.
Speaking to ITV News afterwards, he said: "I’m very disappointed, particularly to have lost by such a small margin.
"I’ve very proud of the things I’ve achieved, over that 19 years [I've represented the Forest of Dean] I’ve helped thousands of people that live here and have achieved a great deal that I’m proud of and that’s what being a member of Parliament is about.
"It’s been a bad night for the Conservative party and when the dust has settled, my colleagues who are still in Parliament will have to think about how we go forward and how we rebuild the conservative party.
"I will now take some time to reflect on what I’ll do in the future."
·         Johnny Mercer - Veterans Minister Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer has lost a hard-fought battle for Plymouth Moor View to Labour.
The former MP, who has represented the seat since 2015, turned up just minutes before the declaration.
He saw his majority of 12,897 won in 2019 dramatically overturned.
The former Army captain lost to Royal Marines veteran Fred Thomas by 5,604 votes.
Mr Mercer won 12,061 votes to Mr Thomas' 17,665.
Mr Mercer left immediately after the declaration without speaking to any members of the media.
·         Michelle Donelan - Science and Technology Minister lost her seat - despite a swapping constituencies in a bid to win re-election.
Ms Donelan has represented Chippenham since 2015 but announced she would stand in the new seat of Melksham and Devizes, which it was thought was because this was considered a safer seat,
However, she has lost to the Liberal Democrats' Brian Matthew by 2,401 votes.
Ms Donelan won 17,630 to Mr Matthew's 20,031 - while Reform UK candidate Malcolm Cupis came a distant third with 6,726 votes.
·         Justin Tomlinson - Energy Security and Net Zero Minister  LOST  his seat in Swindon North. He had the unfortunate honour of becoming the first member of the Government in the West Country to lose his seat this election.
Justin Tomlinson has served in government in multiple times and has represented Swindon North since 2010 - but has now lost his constituency to Labour.
Mr Tomlinson previously worked as the Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, the Minister for Disabled People and a junior minister in the Department for Work and Pensions.
He most recently won a majority of more than 16,000 in 2019 but he has seen this wiped out.
Labour candidate Will Stone has now won a majority of 4,103, winning 17,930 votes to Mr Tomlinson's 13,827.
·         “I can’t pretend it hasn’t been a pretty devastating night for the Conservatives and that has been hugely influenced by the Reform votes. It has been a rollercoaster.”
   Elsewhere, senior Conservative politician Sir Robert Buckland has also lost his seat to Labour in Swindon South. He has said his party now faces a "long" and "tough" road to win back support.
Another Conservative big-hitter now out of a job is Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, who has held a whole host of roles in the Government, most recently serving as the Business Secretary in 2022.
He went head-to-head with his long-term rival, Labour's Dan Norris, who held the precursor to Sir Jacob's seat until 2010, when the Conservative beat him.
The pair had not had a re-match for 14 years but competed to represent the new seat of North East Somerset and Hanham, with Mr Norris winning with a majority of 5,319…..ITV.”
Sadly, Tory Penny Mordaunt, leader of the lower house of parliament and touted as a possible future Conservative leader also lost.
“In a landmark outcome for Indian-origin representation, the UK Parliament will welcome a record 29 MPs of Indian descent following the 2024 general election. Labour emerged as the leading party for People of Indian Origin (PIO) MPs, securing 19 seats, a notable increase from previous terms.”…TIMES OF INDIA.”
Currently, the very fine actor, Michael Douglas is narrating a documentary that blames the rise of neo-Fascism  in America on economic inequalities.
 That may have been true in 1920s Italy, and 1930s Germany; but in 2024, the rise of neo-Fascism in Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Netherland, Hungary  and Belgium is based on the hard truth that a strain of Fascism maybe the only antidote to Mass Migration.
England will not have another election until 2029; but with Labour in power, migrants will flood the land….giving  rise to British neo-Fascism.
In the 21st Century, changing demographics nurtures neo-Fascism. 
One sunny day, in 2027, a retired Special Air Service commando will take his restored Triumph sports car for a drive back to his hometown.
He will not recognize it.
He will find that the Anglican Church, in which he was  baptized, closed and shuttered.
He will find a new mosque being built down the street.
He will comeback from that trip, a neo-Fascist.  
In the 21st Century, the inability of the governing class to control Mass Migration will cause the rise of neo-Fascism.

The new atheist Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Keir Starmar

actor Kenneth More

the defeated Tory Rishi Sunak, and wife

Penny Mordaunt


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