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Showing posts with the label TPS

The Navajo Understand: the Tooh Bikooh is DRYING UP;In Response, Biden ENCOURAGES Migration to America

The Navajos know, the Homeland is in the midst of a mega-drought.  " The  Colorado River's  flow has shrunk during one of the driest 22-year periods in centuries. Scientists say the West is experiencing a megadrought."     In response. America's KING LEAR Leader, Joe Biden, has decided to allow more    migrants into America, more people to drink water from a dwindling water supply.   That policy only makes sense to senile Globalists; bewitched by the delusion more people and less water is the key to Multicultural Governance.   Biden reversed President Trump’s termination of Temporary Protection Status for Haitians; President Trump ended the TPS, granted to Haitians, because of the devastating earthquake in 2010. Alas, twelve years later, Haiti, despite all the efforts of Sean Penn and his friends, has not rebuilt. Maybe Haiti would have a better chance of rebuilding, if America    sent home, back to Haiti, all the Haitians, fed, clo...

The Fierce Urgency of Repatriating TPS Migrants-Jobs and Robots

TPS- Temporary Protected Status   is a temporary status given to eligible nationals of designated countries who are present in the United States.   TPS meant that citizens from Third World nations, which could not cope with war or disaster were allowed to stay and work in the United States. Last week, in  vulgar language, President Trump shattered the euphemism of Third World Nations, drawing attention to this immigration program. The following nations are protected under TPS- El Salvador (earthquake)since 2001, protecting 263,280 Salvadorians. Haiti-(earthquake)since 2010, protecting 58,700 Haitians Honduras(1998 hurricane),Nepal (2015 Earthquake), Nicaragua(1998 hurricane),Somalia(2012 Somali civil war),South Sudan(2016, civil war),Sudan(2013, civil war), Syria( 2012, civil war), and Yemen(2015, civil war). President Trump indiscreetly disparaged Haitians living in America under TPS, and has advocated for their repatriation to Haiti. Liberals and Global...