America is living in a strange, weird, and delusional time; unparalleled in its social inability to deal with History or the Future. How do we know this? Look at how the Elite is preparing its children for this century of fraught, and perhaps existential times; look at the roster of Commencement Speakers at Elite Universities. The 2023 Harvard Commencement Speaker was Tom Hanks; what can Tom Hanks tell the crop of new Elitists? That the best way to jump start your career is by wearing drag? Dartmouth had award winning film makers; Duke had the NBA commissioner. In an age in which America cannot find enough volunteers to fill the ranks of its defenders; this Blogger did not find one war hero, or veteran among the Commencement speakers at major colleges or universities. Nor a student of the Greek historian, Polybius. Readers, trust this Blogger, in this age, America needs to discuss Polybius. Polybius was a great friend of the grandson of Scorpio Africanus; the Roman military geniu