The American Republic is at a Roman Republic crossroads; former President Trump has been indicted for the third time; seemingly another indictment is coming, perhaps two. The onslaught of indictments has not weakened Mr. Trump’s massive support among legions of Americans. Toward the end of its existence, the Roman Republic tried to use legal means to contain Julius Caesar and his Legio XIII. That failed. Caesar crossed the Rubicon with the 13 th Legion; Civil War ensued, and the Roman Republic broke down. If he is convicted, will Trump cross the Rubicon? That is where America stands in 2023; why? In these circumstances, the Liberal Media, academicians, pundits, cognoscente and politicians lament, that a great swathe of Americans don’t see Trump as a danger to American democracy. But that swathe does see the danger; and consider it a lesser danger to their well beings than a breakdown of American culture. Let’s go back to basics; why does a natural man or woman,...