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Is "Causal Determinism" in Physics Proof of a Calvinist God? Calvin, Hawking, Teilhard de Chardin and GRBs

The two most interesting recent theologians  have to be Billy Graham, who found God the old fashion way, in the desert around Joshua Tree, California, and  Father  Teilhard de Chardin. Teilhard de Chardin was a  French Jesuit priest, who was trained as a paleontologist and geologist.  In Science, he helped discover the the ancient Peking man. In theology, he developed the concept of OMEGA POINT, the maximum level of complexity and consciousness which he believed the universe was evolving. The Jesuit believed that the Universe was evolving toward a complete understand of God. He developed the concept of noosphere,  “ a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships . "   Billy Graham offered and offers the fun, the joy, the Amazing Grace  of believing in God, the fun which comes from spirituality.  The French Jesuit’s basic tenet was that the true purpose of s...