Whispers on the wind have informed this Blogger that the “Deep States” of both Western and Eastern Civilizations have reached the following conclusions: Mankind is living in the Anthropocene Epoch, in which the physicality of the Earth itself is being changed by man made activities. There is Climate Change. Climate Change is caused not by farting cows(see Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’ GREEN NEW DEAL's FAQ), but by rampant over population of Humans, specifically Sub-Saharan Blacks. Every other subset of humanity has slashed its birthrate in order to save the planet, only sub-Saharan blacks have continued to reproduce at levels dangerous to the continuance of life on this planet. The over population of sub-Saharan blacks will lead to Mass Migration, which in turn will lead to social breakdown on a global scale. The over population of sub-Saharan Blacks must be reduced, in the near future. War can reduce populations; in Paraguay’s Great War, 70% of the male population w...