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Showing posts with the label Trumpism

Did the FBI's Mistake Ridden "paso de la muerte", Solidify Trump as an American Demi-God ?

Being born and bred in Brooklyn, New York, this Blogger had never seen a rodeo until he spent a summer in the Oklahoma Panhandle. One weekend, this Blogger’s host piled his family and this Blogger, into his old station wagon and took them to McAlester, Oklahoma. McAlester    was and is the home of the Oklahoma    state penitentiary; the original BIG MAC in Oklahoma.   Once a year, the prison opened its doors to outsiders, for the Oklahoma Prison Rodeo. It was a major event; you parked outside, walked through the prison gates; armed guards flanking your path, with shotguns, in case anyone got a foolish idea to try and help the rodeo convicts escape. You walked into an outdoor arena with stands for thousands. Sixty-five thousand would attend the event.   Most of the competitors were lifers, which the announcers would make note of; they would announce the competitors as follows:  “Folks, here is Joe Smith from Anadarko, he is a lifer in here for murder. L...

Biden/Harris Inauguration To Likely Begin America's Third Century Crisis

There is a scene in the classic Western epic, RED RIVER, in which the loyal retainer, played by Walter Brennan, has to make a decision; should he   betray his friend of 20 years, and join the cowhands in a mutiny? Taking the herd away from the John Wayne character to take it to   Abilene, instead of Sedalia. He joins the mutineers, for this reason: the John Wayne Character was wrong, WRONG.   This Blogger thought about that simple yet complex scene a lot as he read responses to his last grouping of Blogs, from Liberal critics. To them, this Blogger was childish, shameful, Fascist, racist, contemptible, bizarre,  paranoid, and/or holding views beneath his level of intelligence.   Yet, not one Liberal critic called out this Blogger as WRONG. From that small sample, one can readily extrapolate that Millennial Liberals are no longer capable of grasping the concept of Wrong; just the concept of shame. Behavior is no longer right or wrong to Liberals, but shameful, an...