As Readers of this Blog know, this Blogger believes that God is currently in the process of revealing Himself by the simple expediency of confusing omniscient scientists. The Psychology of God is this; as belief in Him wanes and is replaced by secularism, he counter attacks by Destroying the security and surety of secular science. The greatest invention of God is TIME. There is no need for TIME, except as a divine tool or as a Divine Toy. In his epic, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, Stephen Hawking asked his Readers, to believe in a time, before the Big Bang, in which there was no TIME. The TIME, which God invented is really strange, other worldly, spooky, DIVINE; by the laws of universal physics, one should be able to go forward and backward in TIME. But, in God's TIME, one can only go forward in TIME, never BACKWARDS. One can never use TIME to go back and correct one’s mistakes; that has to be a deliberate cruelty of God. Once TIME was invented, with only forw...