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Showing posts with the label TOBA Eruption

Over population from a Limited Gene Pool Causes DOPPLEGANGERS

This Blog is a follow-up to the 11-15-2022 Blog on Over population. This Blogger’s site and email box were    swamped by Readers and strangers, reacting to his Blog on Overpopulation. It seems that this Blogger is not the only sane, semi-sane, quasi-sane or insane denizen of this planet concerned about Overpopulation.   This Blogger considers this planet, Earth, the TITANTIC; over population is the unseen menace about to send us to our demise. This Blogger believes that, with 8 Billion humans on Earth, the iceberg has already struck. In response to the existential threat, the leaders of Earth, especially American politicians, are dedicated to discussing the menu for the evening, on a doomed ship.   In 1994, the Earth’s population of humans was 5.5 billion; alarmed, Stanford University did a study and concluded the planet could survive best with a population of between 1.5 and 2 billion, tops.   As of November 15, 2022, the Earth’s population  is 8 bill...