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Showing posts with the label Stephen Hawking

Discovery of "THE BIG RING" Continues God's Befuddlement of Mankind's Cosmology

As Readers of this Blog understand, this Blogger believes that we, Mankind, are on a path, a trek, which  will lead us to the confirmation of the existence of a Creator, a Divine God. And it is all because of Astrophysics and 21st Century Cosmology. No longer, will Mankind seek answers to the Divine in miracles, or Ritual or Belief Systems, but in the Nature of the Universe; a Universe so bewildering, it could only have been created on purpose, by an intelligent being. This Blogger first took astronomy is college; but the course was dull, for the teacher and guest astronomers believed that astronomy was a settled science. That Mankind had advanced from the Sumerians, Mayans to Galileo and Copernicus to Einstein in an ever evolving scientific logic. However, in 2024, Mankind now knows the Universe is illogical on every level; so illogical it is divine. This Blogger had to take a passenger train across East Germany; to get from West Berlin to Hanover. He was advised, in case he ...

EASTER 2024, A Brief Summing Up :Inca Jesus, GOD, TIME, Carnivores, Death, Killing, ABSURD JESUS, Dr. Gene Scott, Paul and Heaven AL,L IN ONE BLOG

  For some inscrutable reason, this Blogger and his brother were vacationing in Peru, up the Urabamba River, dodging bullets of malice from SHINING PATH revolutionaries.  One night, the Brothers, and their Inca guide, stayed in a wondrous estancia, owned by a clever and erudite descendant of some Inca chieftain. The Brothers had a fabulous meal; Peru has great food and wine. Then, all parties reconvened in the sitting room, for cigars and Piscos sours. In the room, in a prominent place, was this painting, a religious painting, of a Christ-like figure; but who was clearly not a Jew from Nazareth, but an Inca. Never one to be discreetly silent after a few Piscos sours, this Blogger's brother told the Inca host   " You know Christ did not look like that; he was not an Inca." The gracious host laughed and said  "The Christ is the same to all men, but looks different to all men. To an Inca, the Christ looks like an Inca; to a Jew, he looks Se...