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Showing posts with the label Lynchings

The Diversity and Inclusion of American Lynchings-THIS IS US

The first time this Blogger heard about the egregious treatment of Mexican-Americans in Texas, by the Texas Rangers and Anglo Texikans, was when he attended a NALIP (National Association of Latino Independent Producers). He was there to lobby a Latino writer/Director to develop a project about the Cristero War in México, a war in which the Mexican government tracked down and killed Roman Catholic priests. In one seminar, the legendary actor Edward James Olmos encouraged the assembled talented Latinos to write about the bloody yoke placed on Mexicans in Texas. Below is a well meaning article in the NEW YORK TIMES about Anglos lynching Mexicans in Texas. The article confirms that there is a streak of perhaps irredeemable racism in the American gene pool; the outraged article skips the concept that the American character may not only be racist, but mean as hell. In the play 1776, the character BENJAMIN FRANKLIN explains the birth of the American character:   “….   We...