In 1998, a former Soviet KGB futurist turned academic, released a map, outlining the dissolution of the United States into four separate nations: a West Coast nation dominated by China; a Southern nation dominated by Mexico; an East Coast nation dominated by Europe, and a Midwest America dominated by a buffed up Canada, (he must have seen Justin Trudeau prize fight). Hawaii would go to either China or Japan; Alaska would revert to Russia. (see second map below) He predicted that this dissolution would be caused by the centrifugal forces of multiculturalism and diversity swamping America’s cultural unity. He predicted this would occur by 2010. Like most futurists, he got his dates wrong, but his concept of a 21st Century American dissolution seemed and seems doable, viable, even reasonable. In 2023, Republican Congresswoman, from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, suggested a national divorce because of conflicting values in the body politic. Rep. Greene used the word “...