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Showing posts with the label Graham Greene

The Attempted Murder of the Dialectic at THE NEW YORK TIMES, the Stalinist Purge of James Bennett

This Blogger’s father was a Trotskyite; as such he worshiped the    dialectic “… .  the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions. ” Which may be the reason why this Blogger, as an undergraduate, attended meetings of both the left wing SDS(STUDENTS    FOR a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY) and the right wing, YAF(YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM). That experience taught this Blogger that no one political organization, or viewpoint has ALL THE TRUTH…..some political organizations have some of the truth, maybe most of the truth, but not all of the truth. It takes the Dialectic to get as close to the truth as possible.   One of the most disturbing highlights of the current unrest in America is how many Liberals are closet Stalinists, opposed to the Dialectic. 2020 American Liberals believe, by the process of Group Think, that they have the whole truth, and that their truth is ex –cathedra. That Stalinist frenzy was exposed in the American Liberal Medi...

The Psychology of God: From James Garfield to Jimmy Carter, From Graham Greene to Natasha Richardson

Periodically this Blogger is guilty of slipping into a Graham Greene Lite mode, and discussing the Psychology of God. The last time this Blogger did that was his 2015 Christmas Message:   A Christmas Message about Absurdity Saving Mankind from Derangement......... . In that devout Christmas message, this Blogger proclaimed that God was deranged, and that " THE BIBLE is the Psychology of God as told to Mankind by God.” Surprisingly the Message brought a number of remarkably kind and inquisitive emails from divinity students concerning its contents and conclusions. They all desired further Graham Greene Lite insight into the Psychology of God. This Blogger hesitated, because: How much more Graham Greene Lite can one get after one writes that God is deranged? Then this Blogger watched a PBS television program about the assassination of James Garfield, America’s 20...