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Mexico City, with 22 Million People, Will Run Out of Water in June.....Thirsty, They Will Come to Joe Biden's Open Border

  Mexico City, with its 22 million inhabitants, is built on the razed ruins of one of  the most beautiful cities in history, the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan.  Tenochtitlan was built on an island, in what was then a massive lake, Lake Texcoco; connected to the mainland by impressive causeways.   Hernan Cortes, who destroyed both the Aztecs and their capital, thought the city a marvel of the world. But, being from the Texs of Spain, Extremadura, he never let beauty or a marvel get in the way of his twin purposes in Life, to serve his  God and to get rich. Extremadura as Texas.   The Aztecs were custodians and stewards of water; their heirs, the new Mexican people, not so much. They drained Lake Texcocoand started over building, and over building….until they created a megapolis of 22 million inhabitants, minus water.   “Mexico City, Oe of the world's largest cities, is running out of water, and day zero could happen as soon as June, facing a  dire water crisis  ,,,,,, Some neighborhoo

A “Bloody Assizes” Judge Turns the Trumps into Folk Heroes, 2024 JOADS of THE GRAPES OF WRATH

2024 America is in decay and disarray; because of one simple fact, Liberals do not know how to govern their fellow Americans. They are so righteous, so, self righteous that they make Psychopathological Decisions, Decisions without consciousness of the consequence of said decisions. In 1685, the Prince Harry of his day, the Duke of Monmouth led a failed rebellion against the King. of England.  What followed was the “Bloody Assizes”, in which the defeated were prosecuted with such a ferocity that it exceeded justice, or even a reckoning. The Judges were punitive on steroids. Hundreds of defeated rebels were hung; thousands were shipped off into slavery in the colonies. The "Bloody Assizes" were so mean spirited, so without mercy, or common sense that the King was over thrown three years later, in a "Glorious" Revolution. “Bloody Assizes” became a byword for punitive legal judgments, bordering on psychopathological madness. In 2024, a Liberal New York Judge went “Blood

The Liberal Elite STILL Does Not Understand Trump's New Republican Party; That Liberals Created

  Liberals  are in increasing despair about their creation, the new Republican Party. That is supremely ironic, for in truth, it was Liberal cant and dogma which created the new Republican Party. Let us count the ways, Liberals created the new Republicans. The Liberal madness of unbridled Social Engineering, applied to every function of American society, including, insanely, the successful Military, fresh from defeating the Soviet Union without a war, by cowing it. Liberals left every American institution, religious, social and civic, in disarray and dysfunction. The Liberal  madness of Social Engineering culminated in the new religion of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), by which Liberals enfeebled America's Military by  giving command of the formerly feared American Navy to a trifling and unqualified  female lightweight, over  the objections of the Secretary of Defense. The religion of DEI  scuppered American academia by forcing the leading university in the nation, to accep