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Showing posts with the label Donald Trump

res ipsa loquitur........Joe Biden in "the MOTHER of ALL DEBATES"

  res ipsa Latin; it means, the thing speaks for itself. On June 27, 2024, Joe Biden and his nemesis, Donald Trump held the Mother of All Debates. Joe Biden’s performance spoke for itself: it was so bad, it was both tragic and farcical. It was as tragic as KING LEAR on the  moor; as farcical as POLONIUS behind the curtain. As Americans watched the debate, they wept for the Democratic Party….and wondered. How did the party  of FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, Eugene McCarthy, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Julian Bond turn its future over to a product that genuinely resembles the enfeeblement of inbred European monarchs: Henry VI of England,  Ivan V of Russia, Charles VI of France, Ferdinand VI of Spain? They were mad, enfeebled hereditary leaders; no nation, no people, in their right mind, would consider ELECTING a mad, enfeebled President…..until the Democrat of America in 2024. Oh yeah, Joe Biden will save...

Latino Voters Shift Right, to Trump

  This Blogger has been consistently, nay constantly ,impressed, nay amazed, at how, in a world of active and volatile demons and devils, the Liberal Mindset  has been locked into data rationalism.   Liberals have abandoned empirical observation; abandoned instinct, abandoned experience, abandoned social interaction, abandoned conversation, abandoned discussion, abandoned debate for data rationalism, for polling.                            What does that mean?   A 2024 Liberal can tell you how many people failed to get out of the swamp; but they can’t tell you HOW to get out of the swamp.  Which is why America keeps losing wars.   Instinct, empirical observation, social interaction with Latino males, informs sentient Americans that Joe Biden,, in 2024, is hemorrhaging Latino male voters to Don Donald Trump.   Why?   This Blogger has had some interactions with Latino males; he an...

America's Democracy is Doomed, Because of the Never-ending Crisis of the 21st Century

This Blogger is a regular viewer of MSNBC and THE VIEW; one is struck by the evolution of the phrase: “ In 2024, American Democracy is at stake.”. It went   from a pedestrian statement into a divine incantation.  The MSNBC apparatchiks believe it is such a powerful incantation that they use it in exorcisms of Trump supporters.  How important is Democracy to the survival of the  Republic?  When our ancestors were sitting around smelly, filthy and nasty caves, gutting dead mastodons; they started to form  extended families; which led to clans; which led to tribes.  They took that evolution for survival, in a dangerous world. When the concept  of a State showed up; to ask our ancestors to give up their natural God given rights to the State, they did so, not for democracy but for safety, survival in a dangerous world. As the State matured; so, did the concept of Territoriality; that the tribes had a right to their caves, their lands, their savannahs, ...

Teaching Liberals a Lesson about the Frantz Fanon Republican Party

  This specific  Blog was triggered by viewing the  coverage of the Trump Guilty Verdict on MSNBC and THE VIEW.   There is a notable line from the film classic, CITIZEN KANE:  "If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're going to need more than one lesson"   It is now quite obvious the Liberal Elite and their acolytes will need more than one lesson to teach them about the current Frantz Fanon state of American society, specifically the current Republican Party.   In August 2015,  this Blogger  published:  Ruminations on the 2016 Campaign: Trump.    The following is excerpted from that Blog: “One of the guilty pleasures ….is watching  the Liberal commentators, commentariat, literati, pundits, cognoscenti and gossips  try to, unsuccessfully, comprehend the Trump phenomenon.     …..’Whether Liberals like it or n...