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Showing posts with the label Jewish Americans

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Reflections on Burgeoning American Anti-Semitism

This Blog is being written on Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2023; the day commemorates the SIX (6) million Jews killed by the Nazis, during World War II, the Holocaust. The date was chosen because it marks the date the concentration camp Auschwitz, was liberated from the Nazis by Soviet troops during World War II.   What is shocking, nay appalling, is the rise of anti-Semitism among Americans in 2023; what is shocking is how the righteous Ruling Elite in America intends, to combat this rising anti-Semitism, with platitudes and bromides and with worn out sophomoric appeals to America’s better angels.   Doesn’t the Ruling Elite have any clue about the American character?   Winston Churchill, whose mother was from Brooklyn, knew more about the angels in America than any current American thought leader.   It was Churchill who pegged the American character:  “ You  can  always count on the  Americans to do the right  thing  after the...