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Showing posts with the label David Cameron

Great Britain Adopts THE MAXEY CHRONICLES' Policy of Applying RICO to Illegal Aliens

One of seminal shibboleths of American Liberals, Illegal Aliens, and both their advocates and apologists is the one that the 12 million illegal aliens in America cannot be repatriated to their homelands. This Blogger vehemently disagrees, and on March 13, 2015, published a Blog which offered a plan to accelerate the self repatriation of illegal aliens. A Mexican Zapatista informs America on how To Deport 12 million Anthropocene Illegal Aliens, by Use of RICO……. . The following is excerpted from that Blog : “This Blogger informed the Zapatista that the Liberals say it is impossible to deport 12 million people, without the use of the whip or the gun. The Zapatista replied:" Make them self-deport, by a Liberal use of RICO.” RICO is the : “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a   United States federal law ...

Why Scotland Remained British-the Wee Backlash to Bonnie Tariq Ali

On September 18, 2014, the ancient land of the Celts and Picts, Scotland, held an independence referendum to decide, by democratic vote, whether to sever, forever, the United Kingdom, the  union between Great Britain and Caledonia, which had been in effect since 1707. The Union vote felled the Independence vote, 55% to 45%. The result was a shock to the British pundits, for the last poll before the vote had independence winning 51% to 49%. What changed? One man made the difference; the media will say that man was Scottish former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. Brown, is the son of a Presbyterian (Church of Scotland, Scotland’s official church) Minister; Rev. Brown was a good and decent man who blunted the savage comfort of Presbyterian Elitism with a great respect for the Social Conscience.  Gordon Brown’s father was and is held in great respect in Scotland. The newly minted legend of the 9-18-2014 Scottish Independence Referendum is that Gordon Brown, a ...