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Showing posts with the label Rome's Social War

New Thinking on Immigration: Immigration Based On America’s Dwindling Supply of Fresh Water

Contrary to what the CNN commentators say about Immigration Reform, it is not about the American economy; contrary to what the MSNBC literati  say, it is not about social justice; contrary to what the Fox News talking heads say, it is not about winning elections. That is OLD thinking, Immigration Reform is about something more basic than all those illusory reasons; it is about America’s dwindling natural resources, specifically, and most critically, fresh water. Immigration Reform needs NEW thinking; any Reform has to be based on an acknowledgement that American natural resources cannot sustain a more liberal immigration policy. Readers, the Mississippi River is drying up, how can we bring in more people? Being an American citizen is the greatest perk on Earth and as President Lyndon Johnson once said “We got it and they want it.” Who are they? Undocumented immigrants, aka undocumented workers, aka undocumented immigrants, aka climate refugees aka ILLEGAL ALIENS(...