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Showing posts with the label Lawrence O"Donnell

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's Cultural Devaluation of American Courage and Sacrifice

One of the great mysteries of the early 21 st Century is Lawrence O’Donnell; that is not quite true. Mr. O’Donnell is a MSNBC host. He is no mystery at all. He is the living embodiment of REV. WILLIAM COLLINS from Jane Austen’s  novel PRIDE AND  PREJUDICE; like REV. COLLINS, O’Donnell is UNCTUOUS,-  sycophantic ,  ingratiating ,  fawning ,  servile ,  grovelling,  cajoling, crawling,  cringing , Uriah Heepish,  toadying,  hypocritical ,  insincere ,  flattering ,  adulatory ,     gushing ,  effusive ,  suave ,  urbane ,  glib ,  smooth , smooth-tongued, smooth-spoken,  smooth-talking ,  slick ,  slippery ,  saccharine ;  oily ,  oleaginous ,  greasy ; cloying,  nauseating ,  sickening and pompous. Then again REV. COLLINS is perhaps off the mark for O’Donnell; he is URIAH HEEPISH. URIAH ...