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Showing posts with the label Third Century Crisis

Biden/Harris Inauguration To Likely Begin America's Third Century Crisis

There is a scene in the classic Western epic, RED RIVER, in which the loyal retainer, played by Walter Brennan, has to make a decision; should he   betray his friend of 20 years, and join the cowhands in a mutiny? Taking the herd away from the John Wayne character to take it to   Abilene, instead of Sedalia. He joins the mutineers, for this reason: the John Wayne Character was wrong, WRONG.   This Blogger thought about that simple yet complex scene a lot as he read responses to his last grouping of Blogs, from Liberal critics. To them, this Blogger was childish, shameful, Fascist, racist, contemptible, bizarre,  paranoid, and/or holding views beneath his level of intelligence.   Yet, not one Liberal critic called out this Blogger as WRONG. From that small sample, one can readily extrapolate that Millennial Liberals are no longer capable of grasping the concept of Wrong; just the concept of shame. Behavior is no longer right or wrong to Liberals, but shameful, an...