COURT BANS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN COLLEGE ADMISSIONS- When that Decision was announced, the NEW YORK TIMES interviewed a 20 year old Black college student, for his opinion. His opinion was as follows: “Affirmative action being taken away is not so much a bad thing, because I don’t think that anyone who is not qualified for something should get that purely based off their skin color." What would cause such a reactionary reaction in a 20 year old Black college student? Affirmative action used to be viewed as a noble thing, a Sherpa carrying society up the mountain of opportunity; now, across many sectors of American society, it is seen as a vampire, sucking the blood of American competence. Therefore, the Supreme Court was justified in putting a stake in its college admissions heart. But why does American society see Affirmative Action as a vampire? Because Joe Biden gave America the epitome of Affirmative Action Incompetent Vampirism as America's image...