When that Decision was announced, the NEW YORK TIMES interviewed a 20 year old Black college student, for his opinion. His opinion was as follows: “Affirmative action being taken away is not so much a bad thing, because I don’t think that anyone who is not qualified for something should get that purely based off their skin color."
What would cause such a reactionary reaction in a 20 year old Black college student?
Affirmative action used to be viewed as a noble thing, a Sherpa carrying society up the mountain of opportunity; now, across many sectors of American society, it is seen as a vampire, sucking the blood of American competence. Therefore, the Supreme Court was justified in putting a stake in its college admissions heart.
But why does American society see Affirmative Action as a vampire? Because Joe Biden gave America the epitome of Affirmative Action Incompetent Vampirism as America's image, the Biden Administration's Press Secretary, Karine Jean Pierre.
Joe Biden is a very foolish leader; he understands the power of symbolic representation, see Karine Jean-Pierre. But he does not understand the danger of symbolic usurpation by migrant , see Karine Jean-Pierre.
Ms. Jean-Pierre is the public face of America to the world, not because she is competent, or astute, or quick witted but because she is a Black, lesbian, migrant product of Affirmative Action. She is the personification of everything wrong, nay evil, about Affirmative Action.
Joe Biden proclaimed to the world that Ms. Jean-Pierre is the end result of the Affirmative Action good deed. America took Biden at his word; that Jean-Pierre was the end result of Affirmative Action; therefore it would be best for America and the world if no other Jean-Pierres appeared on the scene. Best that the Supreme Court kill Affirmative Action in its nursery, college admissions.
No one, who has ever seen Ms. Jean-Pierre in action, can support the continuance of Affirmative Action at the college admissions level. She is toxic to the very concept of competence. The Republic needed a Black woman with gravitas and dignity, in that role, perhaps another Haitian like Catherine Flon; instead, Biden gave America a migrant who is a cheap and tawdry version of Michèle Bennett Duvalier.
The decapitation of Affirmative Action in college Admissions was not surprising to this Blogger; for Jean-Pierre represents, symbolizes, embodies Affirmative Action, making its death inevitable.
What was as shocking to this Blogger, in that Affirmative Action was banned, not only in public universities and colleges, but also in private universities, like Harvard.
The opinions again revealed the old fashion hatred on the Court between Justices; in this case Justice Thomas against Justice Jackson. Black male against Black female.
Affirmative Action in America was started by President Johnson, but uplifted to heights never seen or thought of before by Richard Nixon and his Philadelphia Plan.
In those halcyon days, politicians, from both parties, thought it was the purpose of politics to look after Americans.
Alas, Affirmative Action was wounded, crippled, stabbed in the back by Mass Migration. The living zeitgeist did not want to penalize white American college applicants for migrants, DREAMERS or illegal aliens.
The decision banning Affirmative Action in college admissions sets the nation up for another triage. For it is still legal for universities and colleges to use Legacy as a key criteria in applicant acceptance.
So, all society has to do, to have a viable Affirmative Action, is expand the definition of Legacy, from Legacy, as currently defined, as students whose parents attended the university, to a broader based definition of legacy Americans.
Legacy Americans would be Americans whose ancestors suffered at the hands of American society in the consolidation of the Republic. That definition of Legacy would be the descendants of Native Americans, whose ancestors suffered genocide; Legacy Black Americans, whose ancestors suffered slavery and Legacy Hispanic Americans, whose ancestors suffered Manifest Destiny.
That proposed definition of Legacy would be triage; because it would preclude the applicant from recent migrant families, including DREAMERS.
Triage on its face means everyone cannot be saved; and this Supreme Court is teaching Liberals that meaning of Triage.
Finally, what Queen Marie Antoinette was to the French Revolution, what Czarina Alexandra was to the Russian Revolution; Karine Jean-Pierre is to the death of Affirmative Action in College Admissions. She is the tangible image of everything wrong with the system; and why the system should be overthrown.
Karine Jean-Pierre is the poster girl of failed Affirmative Action. To answer complex questions about American foreign and security policy; a cisgender, white, middle aged, former Admiral was brought in to do her job. Which begs the question the Supreme Court answered: who needs Affirmative Action when the end results of said Action are recipients incapable of doing their jobs? Who needs Affirmative Action, when it only produces superfluous window dressing and clueless extra weight?
Consider this, if Joe Biden had picked a competent, Black, lesbian, migrant, to be the face of the nation; someone the nation could be proud of, then the nation might still have Affirmative Action in college admissions.
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