I went to see EYES WIDE SHUT in total awe of its Director, Stanley Kubrick, who had in his career Directed THE GREATEST Science Fiction/Cosmological film EVER- 2001, SPACE ODYSSEY, the BEST and MOST INSIGHTFUL film essay on American culture EVER- LOLITA, arguably the greatest war movie ever- PATHS OF GLORY, and one of the best film epics ever- SPARTACUS.
Mr. Kubrick died SUDDENLY, before EYES WIDE SHUT was released.
Everyone was so sad.
Then I saw EYES WIDE SHUT, and understood exactly why Herr Director Kubrick had croaked so suddenly; he had willed himself to death before the release of the film, so that he would not have to suffer the slings and shots against his declining genius.
EYES WIDE SHUT is the WORST, laughably worst, porn film ever made, EVER. It starred that larger than life couple(at the time), Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The key scene in the film was Ms. Kidman peeing. I was spending over $60.00(including tickets,parking and snacks for me and my date ) to watch in, enthralled silence, Ms. Kidman pee.
OSCAR Winner Nicole Kidman urinating in that laughable porn film, EYES WIDE SHUT
It now is obvious that urinating on screen appeals to Ms. Kidman's artistic predilections.
For in her new movie, that sent the Cannes Film festival agog, she pees again.
"Nicole Kidman infamously urinates on Zac Efron in "The Paperboy,""
AN ACTRESS WHOSE ART KNOWS NO BOUNDS, NICOLE KIDMAN HAS MADE A CAREER OUT OF GOING TO EXTREMES. EQUAL PARTS GLAMAZON AND UNDERDOG, BOTH FEARLESS AND INNOCENT, SHE IS UPPING THE ANTE ONCE AGAIN IN THE PAPERBOY, ..... leaving critics and viewers astonished at one particularly risqué scene, in which Nicole's character, Charlotte, pees on Zac's character"
The following is from Ms. Kidman on the peeing thing:
"The peeing thing, I didn’t think was that weird, because I was in character," she told the magazine. "
"..That being said, Nicole (who adopted two kids with ex-husband Tom Cruise) really relishes being a mother.
"I love the sound of them and the feel of them. I just don’t want to miss anything, and I don’t want them to go ‘Where’s my mom?’ So I’m working through that," she added."
When I read Ms. Kidman's definition of modern American motherhood, all I could remember was the indelible fact that her children will ALWAYS be able to see her peeing on Zac Efron, for an eternity. She may find that cool, but to me, this refugee from the Periclean Age of America, I find it disturbing..... for her children. It places her kids in the role of ARON TRASK in John Steinbeck's masterpiece EAST OF EDEN, with Ms. Kidman as CATHY AMES/KATE, in same novel. CATHY/KATE is the mother of ARON, "KATE makes her new brothel infamous as a den of sexual sadism. She is not concerned that her children might ever look for her...."
But children do look, and children do find. 'ARON immediately sees KATE for who she is, and recoils from her in disgust. Wracked with self-hatred, KATE commits suicide."
Sooner or later Ms. Kidman's film legacy will intrude on her maternal currency, because we all live in EAST OF EDEN.
" "The Paperboy," it's harder to comprehend the unsettling sight of McConaughey naked, manacled and beaten bloody after a kinky pickup gone wrong. What conceivable reason is there for that disconcerting cut to a close-up of Cusack's soiled pants following a session of no-touching, heavy breathing, visiting-room prison sex with Kidman?
"I didn't have to,"(Director Lee) Daniels"
Now Reader. let us step back one minute to review our culture from a Gestalt, Karmic, Cosmological panorama.
During the Periclean Golden Age of America, when our leading Film Directors were John Ford, John Huston,Sidney Lumet,Alfred Hitchcock, George Stevens, Howard Hawks. Frank Capra, Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Elia Kazan, Michael Curtiz; during the Periclean Age of America when our leading singers were Frank Sinatra,Johnny Mathis, Ray Charles and Elvis, during the Golden Age of America when our leading TV shows were I LOVE LUCY, THE DEFENDERS, BONANZA, and WISEGUY, no one outside of America tried to kill Americans BECAUSE they were AMERICANS.
The Nazis and the Red Chinese killed American soldiers because they were at war with America; the Viet Cong killed American soldiers because America had intervened in their Civil War; the Cubans killed American CIA agents because they had tried to kill Castro. But no one woke up and spent their entire day trying to kill Americans because they were Americans, until now.
During the American Periclean Age(1944-1994) I visited many nations, including nine Communist run nations, including East Germany; in NO COUNTRY did people want to kill Americans for who we were. In the Periclean Age, citizens from every society in the world admired Americans and their Cowboy/John Ford sensibility of living amid corruption and decadence, acknowledging corruption and decadence,winking at corruption and decadence,indulging in corruption and decadence,partaking in corruption and decadence because America NEVER endorsed corruption and decadence, by bathing in gratuitous corruption and decadence.
Now, when one of our leading Movie Directors is Lee Daniels; when one of our leading singers is Lady Gaga; when of our leading TV personalities is FAMILY GUY, half the world, the traditional world, wants to blow us to hell, just because we are Americans. Americans who invented a Caligula culture, alien to the value systems of a majority of the world.
America, in its post Periclean Age, not only invented a Caligula culture, but proudly filmed and video taped that Caligula culture and ,in suicidal arrogance, exported it to the world as THE NEW NORMAL.
Good luck with that; in appreciative thanks for that export, half the world wants to send us to kingdom come, with alacrity.
To quote JACK WOLTZ from THE GODFATHER, "And let me be even more frank." Nicole Kidman pissing on screen endangers not only American culture, but American lives.
American women in the Periclean Age

Mr. Kubrick died SUDDENLY, before EYES WIDE SHUT was released.
Everyone was so sad.
Then I saw EYES WIDE SHUT, and understood exactly why Herr Director Kubrick had croaked so suddenly; he had willed himself to death before the release of the film, so that he would not have to suffer the slings and shots against his declining genius.
EYES WIDE SHUT is the WORST, laughably worst, porn film ever made, EVER. It starred that larger than life couple(at the time), Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The key scene in the film was Ms. Kidman peeing. I was spending over $60.00(including tickets,parking and snacks for me and my date ) to watch in, enthralled silence, Ms. Kidman pee.
It now is obvious that urinating on screen appeals to Ms. Kidman's artistic predilections.
For in her new movie, that sent the Cannes Film festival agog, she pees again.
"Nicole Kidman infamously urinates on Zac Efron in "The Paperboy,""
AN ACTRESS WHOSE ART KNOWS NO BOUNDS, NICOLE KIDMAN HAS MADE A CAREER OUT OF GOING TO EXTREMES. EQUAL PARTS GLAMAZON AND UNDERDOG, BOTH FEARLESS AND INNOCENT, SHE IS UPPING THE ANTE ONCE AGAIN IN THE PAPERBOY, ..... leaving critics and viewers astonished at one particularly risqué scene, in which Nicole's character, Charlotte, pees on Zac's character"
The following is from Ms. Kidman on the peeing thing:
"The peeing thing, I didn’t think was that weird, because I was in character," she told the magazine. "
"..That being said, Nicole (who adopted two kids with ex-husband Tom Cruise) really relishes being a mother.
"I love the sound of them and the feel of them. I just don’t want to miss anything, and I don’t want them to go ‘Where’s my mom?’ So I’m working through that," she added."
When I read Ms. Kidman's definition of modern American motherhood, all I could remember was the indelible fact that her children will ALWAYS be able to see her peeing on Zac Efron, for an eternity. She may find that cool, but to me, this refugee from the Periclean Age of America, I find it disturbing..... for her children. It places her kids in the role of ARON TRASK in John Steinbeck's masterpiece EAST OF EDEN, with Ms. Kidman as CATHY AMES/KATE, in same novel. CATHY/KATE is the mother of ARON, "KATE makes her new brothel infamous as a den of sexual sadism. She is not concerned that her children might ever look for her...."
But children do look, and children do find. 'ARON immediately sees KATE for who she is, and recoils from her in disgust. Wracked with self-hatred, KATE commits suicide."
Sooner or later Ms. Kidman's film legacy will intrude on her maternal currency, because we all live in EAST OF EDEN.
" "The Paperboy," it's harder to comprehend the unsettling sight of McConaughey naked, manacled and beaten bloody after a kinky pickup gone wrong. What conceivable reason is there for that disconcerting cut to a close-up of Cusack's soiled pants following a session of no-touching, heavy breathing, visiting-room prison sex with Kidman?
"I didn't have to,"(Director Lee) Daniels"
Now Reader. let us step back one minute to review our culture from a Gestalt, Karmic, Cosmological panorama.
During the Periclean Golden Age of America, when our leading Film Directors were John Ford, John Huston,Sidney Lumet,Alfred Hitchcock, George Stevens, Howard Hawks. Frank Capra, Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Elia Kazan, Michael Curtiz; during the Periclean Age of America when our leading singers were Frank Sinatra,Johnny Mathis, Ray Charles and Elvis, during the Golden Age of America when our leading TV shows were I LOVE LUCY, THE DEFENDERS, BONANZA, and WISEGUY, no one outside of America tried to kill Americans BECAUSE they were AMERICANS.
The Nazis and the Red Chinese killed American soldiers because they were at war with America; the Viet Cong killed American soldiers because America had intervened in their Civil War; the Cubans killed American CIA agents because they had tried to kill Castro. But no one woke up and spent their entire day trying to kill Americans because they were Americans, until now.
During the American Periclean Age(1944-1994) I visited many nations, including nine Communist run nations, including East Germany; in NO COUNTRY did people want to kill Americans for who we were. In the Periclean Age, citizens from every society in the world admired Americans and their Cowboy/John Ford sensibility of living amid corruption and decadence, acknowledging corruption and decadence,winking at corruption and decadence,indulging in corruption and decadence,partaking in corruption and decadence because America NEVER endorsed corruption and decadence, by bathing in gratuitous corruption and decadence.
Now, when one of our leading Movie Directors is Lee Daniels; when one of our leading singers is Lady Gaga; when of our leading TV personalities is FAMILY GUY, half the world, the traditional world, wants to blow us to hell, just because we are Americans. Americans who invented a Caligula culture, alien to the value systems of a majority of the world.
America, in its post Periclean Age, not only invented a Caligula culture, but proudly filmed and video taped that Caligula culture and ,in suicidal arrogance, exported it to the world as THE NEW NORMAL.
Good luck with that; in appreciative thanks for that export, half the world wants to send us to kingdom come, with alacrity.
To quote JACK WOLTZ from THE GODFATHER, "And let me be even more frank." Nicole Kidman pissing on screen endangers not only American culture, but American lives.
American women in the Periclean Age

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