At the Center of Our Galaxy, is Sagittarius A*,a Black Hole, Which Looks Like HOMER SIMPSON'S Devilish Donut
It has long been the contention of this Blogger, that the path to acknowledgement of a Divine Being is astrophysics. Last week, astrophysicists discovered the Black Hole at the center our galaxy, our Milky Way; called Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A-star). And it is a mystery. Every rampaging discovery in astrophysics is a mystery; the only plausible answer to so much mystery, is a Divine Being. The Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way looks like a donut; the donut HOMER SIMPSON sold his soul to the Devil for. All hail donuts. Seemingly all Black Holes look like donuts, making HOMER SIMPSON one of the greatest astrophysicists ever. Only the Protestant theologian John Calvin comes close to HOMER SIMPSON, in astrophysical understanding; for Calvin was the first to explain astrophysics entanglements, by use of the theology of predestination. “ Astronomers announced on Thursday that they had pierced the veil of darkness and ...