Al Gore Goes Trumpian:" many as 1 billion climate refugees migrating across borders...that’s a threat..."
This Blogger is having REAL difficulty understanding the new breed of American Liberals. He understood FDR Liberals, and JFK Liberals; in fact this Blogger was a JFK Liberal until the Democratic Party abstained from concern about the American working class in favor of dictating social mores to it. Like all of us, American Liberals live by the railroad tracks of Destiny; yet they are incapable of seeing, or hearing, or feeling that long black train coming on down. That long black train is Mass Migration caused by Climate Change. American Liberals intellectually accept Climate Change, yet deny, as fervently as any flat-earther, the seminal ramification of Climate Change, Mass Migration. Even as American food and water supplies deplete, because of Climate Change, American Liberals still want to invite masses of migrants into the homeland. To justify this denial of Climate Change’s impact, they quote Emma Lazarus’ poem, pasted on the Statue of ...