Al Gore Goes Trumpian:" many as 1 billion climate refugees migrating across borders...that’s a threat..."
This Blogger is having REAL difficulty understanding the new breed of American Liberals. He understood FDR Liberals, and JFK Liberals; in fact this Blogger was a JFK Liberal until the Democratic Party abstained from concern about the American working class in favor of dictating social mores to it. Like all of us, American Liberals live by the railroad tracks of Destiny; yet they are incapable of seeing, or hearing, or feeling that long black train coming on down. That long black train is Mass Migration caused by Climate Change.
American Liberals intellectually accept Climate Change, yet deny, as fervently as any flat-earther, the seminal ramification of Climate Change, Mass Migration. Even as American food and water supplies deplete, because of Climate Change, American Liberals still want to invite masses of migrants into the homeland. To justify this denial of Climate Change’s impact, they quote Emma Lazarus’ poem, pasted on the Statue of Liberty. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
That poem was written in 1883, BEFORE CLIMATE CHANGE, when America had abundant food and water. And opportunity, opportunities for migrants caused by the genocidal decimation of Native Americans. This Blogger has never found a poem by Ms. Lazarus opposing the genocide of Native Americans; she was for the migrant above the Native American. The Republic cannot make that immoral mistake again; the Native has priority over the Migrant.
Al Gore, a great Liberal, and a great declaimer of Climate Change has finally, belatedly, gratuitously belatedly, come to the conclusion that Climate Change will cause Mass Migrations, and that Mass Migrations are a threat to political stability.
“Former Vice President Al Gore appeared on The Circus Sunday night and reiterated his belief that climate change is responsible for the migrant caravans from Central America heading to the U.S. To prove his point Gore showed an area, spanning several countries, that is known as the Dry Corridor, part of which is so dry it’s gone an entire year without a harvest. This, according to Gore, is where the journey begins for many migrants.
“The drought becomes unbearable, so they pick up stakes and they say, ‘We can’t live here,’” Gore said. “First of all, they leave their farms and go to these cities, and they run into these criminal gangs, and they say, ‘We can’t handle this.’ And they head on north.”
If what Gore says is true, the caravans won’t be stopping anytime soon — not just from Central America to the U.S., but all over the world.
“The estimates are that in this century there could be as many as 1 billion climate refugees migrating across borders to other countries,” Gore said. “That’s a threat to political stability and peace.”….BBC.”
Nobel Laureate Gore is so far behind in recognizing what is obviously dangerous, that he should repeat a grade. President Trump was at least FOUR years ahead of him in the recognition of the Mass Migration threat.
It was obvious since the First Republican Presidential Debate in 2015 that Donald Trump was the only candidate, Republican or Democratic ,who saw Mass Migration as an existential threat to the Republic.
On August 8, 2015, this Blogger reflected on the First Republican Presidential Debate, and why Donald Trump would be a compelling candidate.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….the political elite, from both parties, have ossified into a self-destructive death spiral, incapable of throwing up the talent necessary to steward a nation of 320 million souls through these dangerous and daunting times….. The Republic is mere breathes away from dystopian times; ....a time of drought and famine, a time of superbugs resistant to antibiotics ending the Age in which Man could defeat Disease, ....and a time of SAVAGE religious warfare.
The next President must be capable of vision, compassion, hope, inspiration and savagery.
…..Western Liberalism is totally unprepared to cope with the 21st Century.
…..Blinded by a backward ideology, the Democratic Party is oblivious to the enormity of the threat facing the Republic by mass migration. ….
….What did the Republican "low information voter" learn from the Debate?…….Donald Trump was Donald Trump:” disregard my inability to be precise, understand that I have seen the future, and it will be rotten, but I can lead us to survival in that rotten future”…..that is very compelling……THE MAXEY CHRONICLES”
On February 24, 2017, this Blogger published:“The Trump voters gave Donald Trump a mandate when they elected him President; the mandate was to make the United States as UNATTRACTIVE as possible to migrants.
….This campaign to demagnetize America as an attractive destination for the millions of migrants has caused and will cause cruel and inhumane acts
… until the United States caps a ceiling on its population, which it must do to survive this era of Climate Change, it must do inhumane acts to make migration to America unattractive…THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger first began blogging about Climate Change Mass Migration being an existential threat to the Republic in December, 2014, when he published the following:
“By the year 2050, Bangladesh will have a population of 205 million people, a 58.75% increase over the 2000 population.
Bangladesh can barely sustain and feed its people today; in 2050, with a population of 205 million people, that would be a very difficult task.
Difficult will not be true, it will be impossible for Bangladesh to feed its population internally in the year 2050, because of Climate Change. By 2050, 25-30% of Bangladesh will be under water, lost to the Bay of Bengal.
….The development of the new salt water resistant rice seed is sputtering; the Bangladeshi population growth is not.
....“Up to 20 million Bangladeshis may be forced to leave the country in the next 40 years because of climate change, one of the country's most senior politicians has said. Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Bangladesh's finance minister, called on Britain and other wealthy countries to accept millions of displaced people.
In a clear signal to the US and Europe ...Abdul Muhith said Bangladesh wanted hosts for managed migration as people began to abandon flooded and storm-damaged coastal areas.
"Twenty million people could be displaced [in Bangladesh] by the middle of the century," Abdul Muhith told the Guardian. "We are asking all our development partners to honour the natural right of persons to migrate. We can't accommodate all these people – this is already the densest [populated] country in the world," he said.
He called on the UN to redefine international law to give climate refugees the same protection as people fleeing political repression. "The convention on refugees could be revised to protect people. It's been through other revisions, so this should be possible," he said.
... Mass migration could be positive for Bangladesh and the west: "We can help in the sense of giving the migrants some training, making them fit for existence in some other country.
"If you had 30 or 40 million migrating to other parts of the world, that's a sizable problem for which we have to prepare. And if it requires changes to immigration laws and facilitating people settling down and working in the developed countries, then I suppose this will require legislative action in the developed world," he said.......THE GUARDIAN UK”.
“Bangladesh is on the front line of climate change. This densely populated, low lying nation already faces regular catastrophic flooding. By 2050, when its population will top 200 million, Bangladesh stands to lose 20% of its land mass to rising seas. Thirty-forty million Bangladeshis will be displaced. Where will they go? Major General (Ret.) ANM Muniruzzaman, President of the Bangdladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies looks at how climate change will affect Bangladesh and the impact it will have on regional and global security.”
…"The land itself changed…It used to be muddy. It became more dusty." A landscape frosted with salt residue….By midcentury, as many as 1 billion people will find their lives disrupted -- and even might be permanently forced from their homes -- due to flooding and other climatic events, according to the International Organization for Migration….Bangladesh offers a preview of a hotter, crowded world forced to deal with climate disruptions.
"It will be the biggest mass migration in history," says Maj. Gen. A.N.M. Muniruzzaman, a retired Army officer who is now president of the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies in Dhaka. His country, he said, is not prepared to handle the basic food, water, and sanitation needs of so many displaced people…….. FOREIGN POLICY “
….Bangladeshi intellectuals are developing an action plan for the US Navy to…. dedicate all its resources to ferrying Bangladeshis to either San Francisco or Los Angeles in 2050.
They anticipate that the U.S. President, following in President Obama’ footsteps, will give them Executive Amnesty.
…. In 2050, the American population should grow by 16%, up to 372 million, with less fresh water and fewer jobs( because of robots) than it has now; the seminal question of the 21st Century is this: will the pampered Millennial Generation allow 30 million Bangladeshis (fervent Muslims who oppose Same-Sex Marriage and Gender Equality) to arrive and settle in California?...THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
Here is the problem as this Blogger sees it-if built, the Trump Wall, will, hopefully, act as a psychological deterrent to those one BILLION migrants; however Liberal Diva Nancy Pelosi sees building a wall to protect American citizens as immoral,even in the midst of Climate Change.
If the wall is not built, what is the alternative?
If Pelosi will not allow for any type of deterrence, what is the alternative?
Either open borders, which will be chaos.
Or lethality at the border; India shoots Bangladeshi migrants at its border. Liberals rather than base policy on a poem written in 1883 should come up with a workable plan to protect Americans from Al Gore’s recognized threat of Mass Migration.
History has confirmed that Al Gore is slow witted; he thought, until the end, that NAFTA was good for Americans. The Doomsday Clock on Mass Migration is ticking; even dim witted Al Gore, Harvard Graduate, sees that.

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