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Update: Via Confusion, Astrophysicists Inch Closer to Confirming God Exists

It can be truly said that this Blogger became a Believer in a Divine Creator while reading Stephen Hawking’s tome, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. This Blogger was a paragon of scientific secularism until he got to the final chapters; in those chapters, Hawking asked his reader to believe that the whole universe was created in a Big Bang, from material no bigger than a pin head, in a nanosecond. Hawking also asked his Reader to imagine a time before the Big Bang in which there was no Time.

When this Blogger read Hawking, he remembered a line from that wondrous German film, WINGS OF DESIRE, in which the fallen angel says:” Time cures all, but perhaps time itself is the disease.”

It is all about Time, and Time is not a natural phenomena. If it were, the laws of physics would apply; which means Mankind would be able to go back in Time, or forward in Time, fairly easily. But we can’t; even if we built a Time machine, we could only go forward, because Time is an arrow, going only one way. Time does not follow the rules of physics. Time was endowed with quirky traits. Who else but God is quirky in extremis?

Time introduced Death, the Death of men, Beasts, Dinosaurs and planets. 

Who else but God would introduce a shelf life on rocks, matter and flesh?

A short time ago a team of Canadian and Egyptian cosmologists conjured up a theory that the expanding universe will soon stop expanding, and then begin to contract.

“The equations in their model predict that the expansion of the universe will come to a halt and then will immediately be followed by a contracting phase.….This new cosmological  model  does away with such  singularity. The big bang singularity can therefore also be avoided by using the modified GUP-corrections to the cosmology.

In their cosmology model, the cyclic nature of the universe occurs as a result of incorporating quantum effects into a cosmological model of the universe.

Prof Faizal explained that even though there are many different mind-bending approaches to quantum gravity, like string theory and loop quantum gravity, what most of these different approaches have in common is that there is a minimum length below which space does not exist.'....physics/"

To solve the seemingly insolvable problems of astrophysics and cosmology, physicists have developed the Theory of Multiple Universes.

….In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, a scientist from the Lebedev Physical Institute in Russia, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.
Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.

This Blogger is a skeptic of multiple universes.  Do the multiple universes have the same physical order? If they don’t, how were the different Orders formulated?  Or the different Disorders?  And if they do have the same order, who created the universal order in the multiple universes?

Our universe, the one scientists say should have been destroyed by anti-matter  at the BIG BANG has order; we know that from ENTANGLEMENT, Einstein’s spooky things, a divine Order, in which information travels faster than light.

At this point in time, this Blogger believes that astrophysics, and cosmology has confirmed that:
a)   God exists.
b)  God created Time.

Now we know something else: God created CONFUSION.

“There was , you might say, a disturbance in the Force.

Long, long ago, when the universe was only about 100,000 years old — a buzzing, expanding mass of particles and radiation — a strange new energy field switched on. That energy suffused space with a kind of cosmic antigravity, delivering a not-so-gentle boost to the expansion of the universe.

Then, after another 100,000 years or so, the new field simply winked off, leaving no trace other than a speeded-up universe.

So goes the strange sounding story  being promulgated by a handful of astronomers from Johns Hopkins University. In a bold and speculative leap into the past, the team has posited the existence of this field to explain an astronomical puzzle: the universe seems to be expanding faster than it should be.

The cosmos is expanding only about 9 percent more quickly than theory prescribes. But this slight-sounding discrepancy has intrigued astronomers, who think it might be revealing something new about the universe.

….At a recent meeting in Chicago, Josh Frieman, a theorist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., asked: “At what point do we claim the discovery of new physics?”

Now ideas are popping up. Some researchers say the problem could be solved by inferring the existence of previously unknown subatomic particles. Others, such as the Johns Hopkins group, are invoking new kinds of energy fields.

Adding to the confusion, there already is a force field — called dark energy — making the universe expand faster. And a new, controversial report suggests that this dark energy might be getting stronger and denser, leading to a future in which atoms are ripped apart and time ends.

Thus far, there is no evidence for most of these ideas. If any turn out to be right, scientists may have to rewrite the story of the origin, history and, perhaps, fate of the universe.

Or it could all be a mistake………Generations of great astronomers have come to grief trying to measure the universe. At issue is a number called the Hubble constant, named after Edwin Hubble, the Mount Wilson astronomer who in 1929 discovered that the universe is expanding.

As space expands, it carries galaxies away from each other like the raisins in a rising cake. The farther apart two galaxies are, the faster they will fly away from each other. The Hubble constant simply says by how much.

…. in 2001…..a team…. reported a value of 72. For every megaparsec farther away from us that a galaxy is, it is moving 72 kilometers per second faster…… cosmologists are off to the game that Lloyd Knox, an astrophysicist from the University of California, Davis, called “cosmological Whac-a-Mole” at the recent Chicago meeting: attempting to fix the model of the early universe, to make it expand a little faster without breaking what the model already does well.

One approach, some astrophysicists suggest, is to add more species of lightweight subatomic particles, such as the ghost like neutrinos, to the early universe. (Physicists already recognize three kinds of neutrinos, and argue whether there is evidence for a fourth variety.) These would give the universe more room to stash energy, in the same way that more drawers in your dresser allow you to own more pairs of socks. Thus invigorated, the universe would expand faster, according to the Big Bang math, and hopefully not mess up the microwave baby picture.

A more drastic approach, from the Johns Hopkins group, invokes fields of exotic anti-gravitational energy. The idea exploits an aspect of string theory, the putative but unproven “theory of everything” that posits that the elementary constituents of reality are very tiny, wriggling strings.

String theory suggests that space could be laced with exotic energy fields associated with lightweight particles or forces yet undiscovered. Those fields, collectively called quintessence, could act in opposition to gravity, and could change over time — popping up, decaying or altering their effect, switching from repulsive to attractive.

The team focused in particular on the effects of fields associated with hypothetical particles called axions. Had one such field arisen when the universe was about 100,000 years old, it could have produced just the right amount of energy to fix the Hubble discrepancy…. They refer to this theoretical force as “early dark energy.”

….. the smart money is still on cosmic confusion. Michael Turner, a veteran cosmologist at the University of Chicago and the organizer of a recent airing of the Hubble tensions, said, “Indeed, all of this is going over all of our heads. We are confused and hoping that the confusion will lead to something good!”
Early dark energy appeals to some cosmologists because it hints at a link to, or between, two mysterious episodes in the history of the universe. As Dr. Riess said, “This is not the first time the universe has been expanding too fast.”

The first episode occurred when the universe was less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second old. At that moment, cosmologists surmise, a violent ballooning propelled the Big Bang; in a fraction of a trillionth of a second, this event — named “inflation” by the cosmologist Alan Guth, of M.I.T. — smoothed and flattened the initial chaos into the more orderly universe observed today. 

Nobody knows what drove inflation.

The second episode is unfolding today: cosmic expansion is speeding up. But why? The issue came to light in 1998, when two competing teams of astronomers asked whether the collective gravity of the galaxies might be slowing the expansion enough to one day drag everything together into a Big Crunch.

To great surprise, they discovered the opposite: the expansion was accelerating under the influence of an anti-gravitational force later called dark energy…..Dark energy comprises 70 percent of the mass-energy of the universe. And, spookily, it behaves very much like a fudge factor known as the cosmological constant, a cosmic repulsive force that Einstein inserted in his equations a century ago thinking it would keep the universe from collapsing under its own weight. He later abandoned the idea, perhaps too soon. Under the influence of dark energy, the cosmos is now doubling in size every 10 billion years — to what end, nobody knows.

Early dark energy, the force invoked by the Johns Hopkins group, might represent a third episode of antigravity taking over the universe and speeding it up. Perhaps all three episodes are different manifestations of the same underlying tendency of the universe to go rogue and speed up occasionally……

If so, it would mean that the current manifestation of dark energy is not Einstein’s constant after all. It might wink off one day. That would relieve astronomers, and everybody else, of an existential nightmare regarding the future of the universe. If dark energy remains constant, everything outside our galaxy eventually will be moving away from us faster than the speed of light, and will no longer be visible. The universe will become lifeless and utterly dark.

But if dark energy is temporary — if one day it switches off — cosmologists and metaphysicians can all go back to contemplating a sensible tomorrow.

…..far from switching off, the dark energy currently in the universe actually has increased over cosmic time,….. If this keeps up, the universe could end one day in what astronomers call the Big Rip, with atoms and elementary particles torn asunder — perhaps the ultimate cosmic catastrophe.

…One interpretation of the results is that dark energy is not constant after all, but is changing, growing denser and thus stronger over cosmic time. It so happens that this increase in dark energy also would be just enough to resolve the discrepancy in measurements of the Hubble constant.

The bad news is that, if this model is right, dark energy may be in a particularly virulent and — most physicists say — implausible form called phantom energy….”
As the universe expands, the push from phantom energy would grow without bounds, eventually overcoming gravity and tearing apart first Earth, then atoms…………NEW YORK TIMES.”

On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe. 

The following is excerpted from that Blog:

Astrophysics is the easiest path to  believing in the existence of God.

Lately, the only thing which astrophysics has been doing is proving the existence of a Creator, a God.

....Astrophysics is close to proving that Divine Mankind 
 is the most intelligent life in the Universe, because intelligent life on Earth is the oldest intelligent life in the Universe because of GRBs. (The inexplicable THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD, in which mankind learned language and became Divine in practice is 50,000 years ago).

....The latest developments in quantum theory are leading astrophysics to the conclusion God exists…..Supposedly  the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, according to Einstein. 

However, within the quantum theory there is the worm of ENTANGLEMENT, forever interlocking the fates of subatomic particles, regardless of their separation. So if a photon on one side of the galaxy spins up, an instant later on the other side of the galaxy its twin photon will spin down …..Suggesting that INFORMATION TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT.

This was very upsetting to Einstein, because the suggestion that information travels faster than light is a no-no in his special theory of relativity.

He dismissed it as unworthy “spooky things”, and invented the concept of hidden variables. Hidden variables are mystical science, much like miracles; consider them miracles for physicists. Their sole purpose is to find an explanation within the universal speed limit of light to explain the speed of information traveling above the universal speed limit.

European physicists did a test which banned Einstein’s hidden variables from the lexicon of physics. They proved mystical things are indeed happening in the speed of information, unexplainable by any scientific mumbo jumbo like hidden variables.

Einstein’s spooky things are God’s mysteries; ENTANGLEMENT may well be predestination pre- ordered by a Creator.

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear research, it operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world at the Swiss/French border.

It was CERN that discovered the Higgs Boson-the God Particle.

CERN came close to announcing the existence of God, by announcing that the Universe should not exist.

“One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time.
….All  of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” says Christian Smorra, a physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration. 
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”….The standard model predicts the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter – but that’s a combustive mixture that would have annihilated itself, leaving nothing behind to make galaxies or planets or people….cosmosmagazine.”

Readers, Science, Physics, astrophysicists,  and cosmologists are on the verge of proving the Universe, and Mankind SHOULD NOT EXIST.

But the Universe does exist.

What greater proof is there?
The Universe exists where and when it should not exist means that God exists.

Last week, astrophysicists announced another mystery, another something which should not exist in an Universe which should not exist, but does exist, a galaxy  without DARK MATTER.

…What astrophysics is proving is this- that the Universe which exists even though it should not exist, has too many consistencies (mathematical principles applicable though out the Universe) abiding with too many anomalies ( Galaxies without Dark Matter, ENTANGLEMENT) not to have been created by a Creative Divinity……THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”

For those Readers of this Blog with a Biblical bent, Astrophysics, cosmology is at a Tower of Babel inflection point. According to the Biblical story, Mankind spoke a common language. Mankind then decided to build a tower which could reach Heaven. In response, God confounded their speech, so they can no longer understand each other, and the tower was never built, maintaining Heaven’s property value.

Cosmology has taught Mankind this; it is God who created Confusion, both in Mankind’s personal lives and in the cosmos.

Every cosmological discovery drives Mankind deeper into Confusion.  What greater evidence of God’s existence do we need?
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