of the great mysteries of the early 21st Century is Lawrence O’Donnell;
that is not quite true. Mr. O’Donnell is a MSNBC host. He is no mystery at all.
is the living embodiment of REV. WILLIAM COLLINS from Jane Austen’s novel PRIDE AND PREJUDICE; like REV. COLLINS, O’Donnell is UNCTUOUS,-
sycophantic, ingratiating, fawning, servile, grovelling, cajoling, crawling, cringing, Uriah Heepish, toadying, hypocritical, insincere, flattering, adulatory, gushing, effusive, suave, urbane, glib, smooth, smooth-tongued, smooth-spoken, smooth-talking, slick, slippery, saccharine;
oily, oleaginous, greasy; cloying, nauseating, sickening and pompous.
Then again REV. COLLINS is perhaps off the mark for O’Donnell; he is URIAH HEEPISH. URIAH HEEP is a
character in Charles Dickens’ novel, DAVID COPPEFIELD. He is noted for being
the epitome of obsequiousness,
and insincerity. The character has become synonymous with sycophancy.
Mr. O’Donnell is especially URIAH HEEPISH to
Liberal tropes, specifically the uplifting of new immigrants to iconic status over the hard sacrifices of prior Americans.
As you can see, Mr. O’Donnell is not a mystery
at all for anyone who has read English literature. The true mystery is why did
one of the great men of the 20th Century, Senator Patrick Moynihan, ever hire him for anything above dog walking?
Ordinarily, Mr. O’ Donnell would be a harmless
cipher of a Liberal apparatchik; however, he is currently complicit in a proto typical Stalinist cum Orwellian
endeavor, by Liberals and Globalists, to alter the pyramid of American values,
diminishing the value of American Courage and replacing American Courage at the top of the American
value system with immigrant ambition.
When Anthony left the LAST WORD, he went to work in the Treasury Department at the Obama administration and then in the California Senate for Senator Kevin De Leon who was then the leader of the Senate. Anthony is one of the countless inspiring stories of immigration in America.
He was born in the Dominican Republic and came to this country as a child and this country is richer for it. Anthony`s grandmother, Thelma Azcona Lopez, is another one of those inspiring immigration stories. She was born in the Dominican Republic 94 years ago.
And tomorrow and Saturday, Anthony and his family will say their farewells to his grandmother at her wake and funeral in Brooklyn. She leaves 22 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. And this country is lucky to have them here with us helping this country live up to its ideal of greatness.”
O’Donnell believes that America is richer for
Reyes because
a)He is an immigrant
b)He worked as an intern at MSNBC,
c) He inveigled a job in the Obama
d)He worked for a political hack in California,
Kevin de Leon, who cares more about illegal aliens than legal Americans.
e)His family has a lot of sperm and eggs.
That is dangerous Liberal pap.
That is dangerous Orwellian pap.
That is dangerous Stalinist pap.
O'Donnell's pronunciamento is Liberal pap because it kowtows to
immigrant value systems; being
successful does not make any American or semi-American family great. America is neither richer nor greater because of the Reyes Family; it is the Reyes Family that is richer because of America, specifically the unfathomable Sacrifices of prior Americans.
Sacrificing for the Republic, that is what makes an American family great.
It is Orwellian pap because it makes having a
lot of progeny as the the ideal benchmark of Greatness. O’Donnell’s conclusion is
Orwellian in that it violates JFK’s dictum:’"And so,
my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you
can do for your country.’
Mr. Reyes did a lot of cool things for himself
and his prolific immigrant family but he made no sacrifices for the Republic. It
is Orwellian because O’Donnell replaced sacrifice for the mystic chords of the Republic with self aggrandizement as a
Kennedy Value. Down Became Up.
It is Stalinist pap because it sets up a Stalinist Universe in
which American Courage will never again be important in the 21st
Century; only hard work and connections will matter. That is what O’Donnell is
preaching, a new America full of hard working immigrants, making connections, doing
great things for their extended family and their interest group, but not for the Republic.
By anointing Reyes and his family as iconic, O’Donnell
does a great disservice to the survival of the Republic.
This Blogger believes that American Courage
will be needed again, in this century; which is why all Americans should keep
the benchmark of what is great in America pure. The richest part of richer is not self aggrandizement but sacrifice and more sacrifice and even more sacrifice for the survival of this unique endeavor, the Republic.
Is there an American family greater than those hard working upward mobile Reyeses?
Damn right there is.
The Borgstrom brothers were four siblings killed over a six-month period during World War II. They were the sons of Alben and Gunda Borgstrom of Thatcher, Utah. The brothers were:
The Borgstrom brothers were four siblings killed over a six-month period during World War II. They were the sons of Alben and Gunda Borgstrom of Thatcher, Utah. The brothers were:
LeRoy Elmer Borgstrom, 30 (born April 30,
1914, died June 22, 1944), U.S. Army
Clyde Eugene Borgstrom, 28 (born February
15, 1916, died March 17, 1944), U.S. Marine Corps
Rolon Day Borgstrom, 19 (born May 5, 1925,
died August 8, 1944), U.S. Army Air Forces
Rulon Jay Borgstrom, 19 (born May 5, 1925,
died August 26, 1944), U.S. Army Air Forces
…Alben and Gunda Borgstrom were the
parents of ten children, seven of whom were boys. Six of the boys graduated
from Bear River High School in Garland, Utah. Before the United States'
involvement in World War II, one of the sons died from a ruptured appendix.
When the U.S. entered the war, five of the remaining brothers enlisted or were
drafted into the military: Boyd, LeRoy Elmer, Clyde, Rolon, and Rulon.
While clearing an air strip on
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Clyde was killed … in March 1944. Three months
later, LeRoy Elmer was killed in Italy. In August, Rolon died after a bombing
raid over Germany. His twin brother, Rulon, who was initially reported missing,
died 17 days later from wounds received in an attack on Le Dreff near Brest,
When Rulon went missing, the Borgstrom
family, with help from neighbors and the Utah congressional delegation,
successfully petitioned for Boyd, the last Borgstrom son in the military, to be
released from service. Shortly thereafter, he was transferred to the United
States and discharged by special order of the Marine Corp's commandant. Eldon,
sometimes spelled Elton, who was not yet of enlistment age in 1944, was also
exempted from military service.
It took almost four years after the four brothers'
deaths for their bodies to be returned to Utah by the American Graves
Registration Service. A funeral service for the four brothers was then held in
the LDS Church's Garland Tabernacle in Garland, Utah on June 25, 1948. Clarence
E. Smith, former principal of Bear River High School, Utah Governor Herbert B.
Maw, LDS Church President George Albert Smith, and General Mark W. Clark spoke
at the funeral. Rear Admiral John R. Redman, Major General LeRoy P. Hunt, and
Brigadier General Ned Schramm were in attendance. The brothers were then buried
side-by-side in the Riverview Cemetery in Tremonton, Utah.
During the funeral service, the brothers
were posthumously awarded three Bronze Star Medals, one Air Medal, and one Good
Conduct Medal. According to Colonel Leonard R. Crews, "commanding officer
of the Sixth Army escort detachment at Ogden," the Borgstrom family was
the "only four-star Gold Star family on record in World War II." (The
Sullivan brothers—all of whom were killed in the same incident in World War
II—were a five-star Gold Star family.)
The loss of four of the Borgstrom
brothers, along with the loss of all five Sullivan brothers, led to the
official adoption of the Sole Survivor Policy in 1948.”’
This Republic can
survive the 21st Century without the social climbing Reyes Family;
it certainly will not survive the 21st Century without more Borgstroms
and Sullivans. The Reyes Family must do more than make America live up to some ideal of greatness ;it must be willing and more willing to replace the Borgstroms and Sullivans, in terrible and heart wrenching ways.This Blogger finds how the Republic is attempting to include the new immigrants into American Society very troubling; the assimilation process has been leeched of stoicism. Pakistani-American Khizr Khan loses one son in combat for the Republic and then makes a career out of professional mourning, the likes of which has not been seen since the professional mourning of General Custer's widow. Teddy Roosevelt and Jimmy Stewart both lost sons in combat for the Republic; neither lectured other Americans in arrogant superiority. They carried on, willing to pay the familial price for the maintenance of the Republic. And, like the Borgstorms and Sullivans, they did it stoically.
All great American families are stoic....and sacrificial, not self aggrandizing. Mr. O'Donnell needs to revisit his value system.

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