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Showing posts with the label Vladimir Putin Samantha Power

How Vladimir Putin Saved America From Being Duped, by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, Into A Syrian War

On June 14, 2012, I published this:” By their deeds and actions, President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Irish Born Globalized Elitist  Samantha Power thought and think that Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a “moderate” Islamist. THERE ARE NO MODERATE ISLAMISTS, just patient ones. Mr. Erdogan is a shrewd, patient dictator in the making, who longs to be a Caliph, in a restored Sunni Caliphate, anchored in a restored Ottoman Turkey. To believe anything else is reckless naiveté...GERRY MAXEY" Mr. Erdogan once said that democracy is like a streetcar, one can get off anytime.  Two years after my analysis, it  seems that Mr. Erdogan is becoming impatient, ready to jump off the streetcar of democracy. In his impatience, Mr. Erdogan has become more than shrewd; he has become Machiavellian. So Machiavellian that he almost involved Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Barack Obama and the United States in an unjustified war in Syria. Mr. Er...