It can be truly said that this Blogger became a Believer in a Divine Creator while reading Stephen Hawking’s tome, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. This Blogger was a paragon of scientific secularism until he got to the final chapters; in those chapters, Hawking asked his reader to believe that the whole universe was created in a Big Bang, from material no bigger than a pin head, in a nanosecond. Hawking also asked his Reader to imagine a time before the Big Bang in which there was no Time. When this Blogger read Hawking, he remembered a line from that wondrous German film, WINGS OF DESIRE, in which the fallen angel says :” Time cures all, but perhaps time itself is the disease.” It is all about Time, and Time is not a natural phenomena. If it were, the laws of physics would apply; which means Mankind would be able to go back in Time, or forward in Time, fairly easily. But we can’t; even if we built a Time machine, we could only go forward, because Time is an arrow, going only one way...