In the last week of April, 1944, in the 244 th week of World War II, when a fierce and determined Soviet Army was preparing to attack Nazi Germany, from the Arctic to the Black Sea; when across the English Channel, the Allies were amassing the greatest amphibious invasion force in History, to breach his Fortress Europe; Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer, the Head of the Nazi Party, the Head of the German Government and the Head of the German State, made a pronouncement to German generals. He told them, in no uncertain terms, that there was only one way to victory, a true, sincere belief in the reigning Ideology. He told them, that competence on the battlefield no longer mattered; he told them that Competence could no longer ensure victory; only blind devotion to Nazism could win the day. In military matters, in existential matters, in life and death matters, placing ideological devotion over competence is madness. Hitler placed ideological ...