November 2017 is the 100th Anniversary of
the RED OCTOBER 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
How can an event be commemorated
in November as the 100th Anniversary of
an event which occurred in October?
Czarist Russia used a Julian
Calendar to mark the passing of the days, so events which occurred in October
for Russians, happened in November for everyone else.
Many peoples rend their societies over religious conflict; the Russians tore their society apart over a specific religious conflict, how to make the sign of the cross correctly, ah the Russians.
This Blogger has an affinity for understanding Russian thought, apparent ever since he read THE LAY OF IGOR’S CAMPAIGN.
The first thing one must consider about the Bolshevik Revolution which led to a Communist state is that it may have been pre-ordained; that theory takes into account what the Virgin mary told the children at Fatima was accurate. ( Pope Francis at Fatima: One Miracle, Two Child Saints, Three Secrets, The Virgin Mary, Russia, and Vladimir Putin............
In March 1917(New Style) the Russian people decided that Nicholas II had to go; they forced his abdication. Lenin, head of the Bolshevik faction of the Communist party was in Switzerland. He saw his opportunity, and offered a deal with Imperial Germany; if the Germans would get him back to the Russian capital, St. Petersburg, he would overthrow the newly installed democratic government and make a peace with Imperial Germany on outrageously good terms for imperial Germany.
The Imperial German Deep State agreed, and shipped Lenin, his wife and assorted Bolsheviks across Germany in a sealed train; sealed meaning it did not stop in Germany; no one was allowed on the train, or off the train in Germany.
In April, 1917, Lenin arrived in St. Petersburg, and bgan to fulfill his part of the deal.
In July, 1917,the Bolsheviks tried to overthrow the government of Alexander Kerensky, but failed.
Lenin went into hiding. Leon Trotsky was jailed.
But Kerensky lacked the ruthlessness to save Russia from Communism.
The leftover Russian Army tried a coup against Kerensky, which failed. In mustering support for his government against the right wing coup, Kerensky let Trotsky out of jail, and let Lenin surface.
As soon as Lenin surfaced, he began to finalize his plans for a seizure of power. In November, 1917(New Style), Lenin assiduously courted the sailors of the cruiser AURORA;once he knew he had their loyalty he moved. The AURORA trained the ship’s guns on the Winter Palace where Kerensky was holding out, supported by a Woman’s Battalion.
Lenin wanted a revolution; Trotsky supported him.
Two top Bolsheviks, Zinoviev and Kamenev opposed.
Then someone cried out: “ON TO THE WINTER PALACE”, and the Revolution started, bringing in the 20th Century TIME OF TROUBLES.
Kerensky watched the revolution unfold, and asked a loyal general how many troops would it take to crush the Bolsheviks; the general replied:" Merely a regiment, but there is no regiment loyal.”
The Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace; the Women’s Battalion broke and ran at the first shot.
Kerensky regrouped and seized the Summer Palace of the Tsars, a wee distance from the Winter Palace. He marched on St. Petersburg, but Trotsky defeated him at the Battle of Pulkovo on November 13th.
Lenin established the first Politburo, a war council, to organize and supervise the Bolshevik Revolution. It consisted of himself, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.
After Lenin’s death, Stalin systemically murdered the other five original members.
In my youth, there was an ancient Russian couple who lived in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn, off of Grand Army Plaza. Their parents had fled to America after the failed Russian revolution of 1905. They had met Leon Trotsky himself when he was in New York City in January, 1917.
Outside of Lenin, Leon Trotsky was the man most responsible for the success of the Bolshevik Revolution; he created the Red Army, picked its commanders, and developed its strategy. He was a gifted war lord, writer, and orator.
In the 1920s he lost a power struggle to Stalin, and went into exile. Stalin had him assassinated in 1940, in Mexico City; the assassin used an ice axe.
The old Trotskyite couple lived in a spacious apartment, with a 1905 Russian décor; they even had a samovar in the living room. They were Jewish.
They had firm ideas why Trotsky lost the powers struggle. He was Jewish.
“ Gerry, Trotsky was seduced by Lenin; he believed that Lenin had created a post anti-Semitic Russia where only merit counted. But Gerry, there will never be a post anti-Semitic Russia. Stalin knew that. Stalin was a Georgian, not even a Russian, but he knew the Russians would rather have a Georgian who had studied for the priesthood, as Stalin had, than a Jew running the government or party, regardless of how talented that Jew was.
Trotsky was doomed when Lenin moved the seat of government from St. Petersburg to Moscow; St. Petersburg was cosmopolitan; Moscow was atavistic. Stalin wanted the move, for he knew, surrounded by Russian atavistic Old Believers, the Jew Trotsky never had a chance.
Zinoviev, and Kamenev, Kamenev was Trotsky’s brother-in-law. They were Jewish also; they could have been a vaudeville team, they finished each other’s sentences.
Stalin killed them both; Stalin liked killing Jews….he studied to be a priest you know…..the Great Purge was not about killing Old Bolsheviks but about killing Jews.”
This Blogger would ask them about Stalin-
“…..Stalin had a secret weapon, women adored him, He was catnip to women. The Old Bolsheviks were men of great instincts; they could feel that Stalin was planning on killing them…. Stalin would invite them, and their wives to dinner or a party. There Stalin would charm the skin off of their wives; when the Old Bolsheviks got home, they would say to their wives-
’ Stalin wants to kill me, I can feel it”
Their wives would say, “No honey, Josef is so charming, you are just being paranoid. “
Stalin had been a great promising poet, he would write poems to the wives.
Stalin always had the wives on his side; he was very sexy."
James Goldman wrote the screenplay to THE LION IN WINTER; he also wrote the screenplay for the film, NICHOLAS and ALEXANDRA. His script is the best interpretation of Lenin, Kerensky, and Trotsky this Blogger has seen in art.
As a youth, this Blogger sat
in a lecture by Kerensky when he was teaching at Columbia University. March,
2017,100th Anniversary of the February,1917 Russian Revolution:The Czar,
Kerensky, Rasputin and the Virgin Mary @Fatima.............
This Blogger has thought about
him again for this Blog; he was a man of delicate conscience, unfit for
leadership during existential death matches.
Among contemporary American politicians,
Kerensky reminds this Blogger of Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, Hillary’s running
mate. Like Kaine, Kerensky hated historical evils. Kerensky hated the historical evil of the Tsars;Kaine hates the historical evil of slavery. Both are ill equipped to deal with the evil of their times. modern evil. Kaine cannot deal
with jihadist evil, and Kerensky could not deal with Bolshevik evil.
Finally one must reckon with the
real legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution-Josef Stalin.
his youth, he studied to be a monk. He was well read, with a devastating
was a peasant, with innate peasant shrewdness, yet he was a great poet, perhaps
one of the greatest poets in the Georgian language who ever lived. He was an
artistic man of action, the beau ideal of Isaac Babel’s Red
Cossack, an intellectual thug. Babel admired Stalin; Stalin admired Babel’s
writing, yet still executed him.
was a man of immense charm, all his victims noted his great charm until he
turned on them.
was a great womanizer. As an unknown, women fell at his feet because of his
poetry, and his “bad boy” image. A charming womanizer, who drove his second
wife to suicide, or(as this Blogger believes) murdered her.
loved his mother, yet she annoyed him greatly. When they did have dinner together,
she would say things like: “Why
couldn’t you and Trotsky just get along?’
is that for a sitcom?
was a man of great courage; who had a breakdown when Hitler invaded the Soviet
a man with great peasant shrewdness and toughness, said the key to Stalin was, “all
his personal relationships, regardless of their duration, were temporary.”
Hitler killed many people, but he only killed two personal friends, or personal
associates in his rise to power, and maintenance of power…. just two, Ernst
Rohm and Gregor Strasser.
following is an incomplete list of former friends and associates that Stalin
killed on his rise to power, or while in power.
this Blogger was told by several knowledgeable old Communists that Stalin
ordered Lenin poisoned because Lenin was about to move against him, Lenin
considered Stalin too “rude” to have power). Trotsky, Abakumov, Bukharin,
Frunze, Maxim Gorky, Kirov, Lev Kamenev, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Pauker, Rykov,
Svanidze, Tukhacevsky, Yagoda, Yezhov, Zinoviev.
of Stalin’s victims were conspirators of brilliance, and courage yet Stalin did
them all in.
According to this Blogger's park Slope ancients, Stalin was afraid of only one man, Yakov Sverdlov, a Jew.
According to Trotsky’s diaries, he had the following
dialogue with Sverdlov:
…. Speaking with Sverdlov, I asked in passing: "Oh yes, and
where is the Tsar?"
"Finished," he replied. "He has been shot."
"And where is the family?"
"The family along with him."
"All of them?," I asked, apparently with a trace of
"All of them," replied Sverdlov. "What about
it?" He was waiting to see my reaction. I made no reply.
"And who made the decision?," I asked.
"We decided it here. Lenin believed that we
shouldn't leave the Whites a live banner to rally around, especially under the
present difficult circumstances."
I asked no further questions and considered the matter closed.
investigating magistrate in Ekaterinburg in 1918 saw the signed telegraphic
instructions to murder the Imperial Family came from Sverdlov.”
Before Sverdlov could take care of Stalin, he
died of typhus.
Kerensky died in 1970, in New York City. The
Russian Orthodox Churches of New York refused to bury him because they blamed
him for losing Russia to the Bolsheviks.
His body was flown to London, where it was
buried in a secular, non-Russian cemetery.
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