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Showing posts with the label MSNBC

The Liberal Elite STILL Does Not Understand Trump's New Republican Party; That Liberals Created

  Liberals  are in increasing despair about their creation, the new Republican Party. That is supremely ironic, for in truth, it was Liberal cant and dogma which created the new Republican Party. Let us count the ways, Liberals created the new Republicans. The Liberal madness of unbridled Social Engineering, applied to every function of American society, including, insanely, the successful Military, fresh from defeating the Soviet Union without a war, by cowing it. Liberals left every American institution, religious, social and civic, in disarray and dysfunction. The Liberal  madness of Social Engineering culminated in the new religion of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), by which Liberals enfeebled America's Military by  giving command of the formerly feared American Navy to a trifling and unqualified  female lightweight, over  the objections of the Secretary of Defense. The religion of DEI  scuppered American academia by forcing the leading university in the nation, to accep

2023, The Year of Thinking Dangerously

  In 2023, America lived the Year of Thinking Dangerously. This Blogger is continuously flabbergasted at Liberal consternation over so many Americans believing the Big Lie; that President Trump did not lose the    2020 election. There are valid reasons that so many Americans believe the Big Lie; because for the last three decades, Liberals have conditioned Americans to    believe Big Lies; that moss grows on the southern    side of a tree in America. In the Year of Thinking Dangerously, the very concept of an American state was cast aside, in the name of Compassion; Open Borders became defacto, denying the historical fact that, a nation without borders is not a nation. Liberals demanded Rule of Law from American citizens, yet enabled millions    upon millions of illegal aliens to disregard the Rule of law and be rewarded with food, shelter, clean clothes, education and free health care. When an illegal alien is given higher value than an American citizen; that is the epitome of    DANG

Will America be Able to Win the Next War with a DEI Military? Win any war?

  As a consequence of his Trotskyite youth, this Blogger does not enjoy viewing or listening to politicos  he agrees with; he likes to view and listen to people in opposition to his beliefs. Taking delight in noting and memorializing their errors in thoughts, actions or philosophy, as he prepares his fantasy Revolutionary Indictment against the enemies of the people. Indulging in that peculiarity means that this Blogger thoroughly enjoys reading the NEW YORK TIMES and viewing MSNBC. Jen Psaki hosts a program on MSNBC; she is a former    Press Secretary to Joe Biden; she is the sublime in the equation which describes the office of Press Secretary; it went from the sublime to the ridiculous, Karine Jean-Pierre, when she resigned. Ms. Psaki    is very smart, articulate and passionate; however, watching her  program also reveals her fatal flaw as an American; a flaw widely shared by American Liberals; she cannot countenance, respect nor work with people she does not like. It is that fatal