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France- Bastille Day, July 14, 2024,....Waiting for the Generals

Bastille Day is the National Holiday of France, under Republican regimes. It celebrates the storming of a decaying prison during the French Revolution, by a frenzied mob.

Emmanuel Macron is one of those specific French wunderkinds; who thinks he is more sophisticated than anyone; because, as a high school student, he attended a high school drama club and seduced the mother of a fellow student; who was supervising the club. They married in 2007.

Macron is one of those specific French wunderkinds, who thinks he is smarter than History, Russian Cossacks, Prussian generals, Vietnamese guerillas and Algerian nationalists.  Smarter than History itself, smarter than historical determinism, smarter than ancient enmities. 
He isn’t.
Macron was a Socialist politician; but he broke ranks and broke the French  Socialist Party by  running for the Presidency, in 2017, as the candidate of a new party; which he had founded, centered around himself.
He won 66% of the vote, defeating Marine Le Pen.
The European Union has a Parliament, independent of its member nations' Parliaments.
This year, the EU held Parliamentary elections; in France, the right wing, xenophobic, neo-Fascist National Rally of Marine Le Pen ( yes the same one) did very well.
Shocked, Macron called a snap election, hoping to summon the remnants of his 66% to him.
French parliamentary elections are set up like World Cup matches in soccer. The first round is Group matches;  the second round is knockout.
In the first round, the National Rally did really well; expectations would be that they would cruise to victory in the second round.
But, the left wing parties cobbled together a coalition, the New Popular Front, fashioned after a 1930s political movement, the ancient Popular Front. It won unexpected victories.
The New Popular Front came in first.
Macron’s  remnants came in second.
The neo-Fascists came in third.
However, no party gained a majority; in 2024, the French Parliament is divided into three mutually hating groups, making a governing coalition seemingly impossible.
The New Popular Front want Huguette Bello, 73, a former communist MP as Prime Minister. Not pleasing the French Army.
 France is on its Fifth Republic.
The other four were brought down by the French Army.
The First Republic, which severed all those aristocratic heads, was done in by the Army supporting Napoleon I’s coup against it.
The Second republic was done in by the Army support of Louis Napoleon’s self coup.
The Third Republic was done in by the inability of the Army to figure out that Nazi Germany would send tanks through forests, leading to its displacement.
The Fourth Republic fell when its Army deserted it to support Charles De Gaulle.
Which begs the question: what now for the Fifth Republic?
On April 27, 2021, this Blogger published the following: French Generals Issue a Cri de Guerre, Preparing France for Civil War Against Migrants.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:”This Blogger’s brother was in Paris, when Paris waited for French Foreign Legion paras to fly from Algiers to overthrow the French Republic. 
That attempted coup was foiled when Charles de Gaulle went on television, in his World War II general’s uniform and summoned up the mystic chords of memory.  
General Jacques Massu, the para general who had defeated the Arab revolutionary organization, the FLN, in the legendary Battle of Algiers, remained loyal to De Gaulle. France was saved, without a Civil War.  
That was then; De Gaulle and Massu are both dead.   
In 2021, the Generals are back, to save the French Republic, seemingly by any means necessary. 
They have published what is basically a pronunciamiento,  a cri de guerre, for Civil War against Islamic migrants.  They intend to save France from the  Islamic migrant hordes, living in banlieues, by blood and fire, by violence.  
So the race is on, which republican democracy will get to Civil War first, because of migration, France or America?  
“The French government has threatened to punish active soldiers who signed an open letter by 25 retired generals warning President Emmanuel Macron the country is headed for "civil war". 
A number of serving defence force members are believed to have signed the letter published last week in the right-wing Valeurs Actuelles magazine, which warned that "laxist" policies would result in chaos requiring "the intervention of our comrades on active duty in a perilous mission of protection of our civilizational values".  
"The hour is grave, France is in peril," the retired generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war" and deaths "in the thousands". 
The government and left-wing parties strongly condemned the letter, which was published on the 60th anniversary of a failed coup d'etat by generals opposed to France granting independence to Algeria. 
It was not immediately clear from the list how many of the signatories, apart from the former generals, had retired from the defence forces and how many were still active members. ....Ms. LePen told France Info that while she shared the soldiers' diagnosis of a country afflicted by "lawless areas, crime, self-hatred and our leaders' rejection of patriotism" she agreed that "these problems can only be solved by politics."  
The public foray by the generals, most of whom are close to far-right circles according to France Info, comes in the midst of a heated debate in France about racism and colonialism led by young, non-white French activists.  
The generals accused them of whipping up "hatred between communities" with their rhetoric and support for tearing down statues of French figures from colonial times.  
….The generals also accused "Islamism and the suburban hordes" of turning parts of the country into no-go areas where French values were no longer upheld.  
…While extremely rare, this is not the first time that former military top brass have criticised the running of the country.  
A popular former head of the armed forces who quit after a spat with Macron in 2017, General Pierre de Villiers, has been cited as a possible presidential candidate after publishing a book on "repairing France."  
The lead signatory of the letter in Valeurs Actuelles, Christian Piquemal, is a former Foreign Legion commander who was arrested for taking part in an anti-migrant demonstration in 2016. ......AFP.”  
"Twenty retired generals and scores of ex-officers have sparked a political furore in France after calling on President Emmanuel Macron to stop the country from descending into chaos and “civil war” at the hands of Islamists.  
Led by Jean-Pierre Fabre-Bernadac, a retired Gendarmerie general, and signed by 80 other retired officers, the open letter to Mr Macron was published in Valeurs Actuelles, a right-wing news magazine, last week.  
....It was, it said, sadly reminiscent of the Algiers putsch - an attempt to oust Charles de Gaulle 60 years ago by retired generals who opposed moves towards granting Algeria, then a French colony, independence after a bloody civil war. ….…THE TELEGRAPH.”
 The French Generals want to seize power, and save Western Civilization in France, by  cutting a deal with Vladimir Putin of Russia, to use Russian combat troops, in alliance with French military forces, including French shock troops, French paras, to deport the Islamic migrants from France.......THE MAXEY CHRONICLES. “

al jazeera


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