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Showing posts with the label India

Who Killed the DEI Paradise in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales?

  “Paradise is a place of contentment, a land of luxury and fulfillment containing ever-lasting bliss. Paradise is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, in contrast to this world, or underworlds such as Hell.” DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. What DEI really means is an alliance between rebellious, oppressed white women and minority SAMMY GLICKS, against the toxic masculinity of white males; those white males who were not only Nazis and Communists but those males who defeated the Nazis and the Soviets. DEI  not only gives the present of a Western  society to this alliance, but also the future of the society to this alliance. DEI Paradise not only gives the present and future to this alliance but also the past to this alliance. Josie Rourke, the female British film Director, directed the historical drama, MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS; she filled the 16th Century Royal Scottish Court of Mary, Queen of Scots with Black actors; even though none o...

With the 303 CREATIVE DECISION, the Supreme Court Forces Liberals to Triage Their Beliefs

Triage was invented and refined by French battlefield medics to prioritize who would be saved from their wounds and who would be left to die, or abandoned. Triage codifies the commandant that all cannot be saved. 303 CREATIVE vs. ELENIS- Black Week  refers to the week of Sunday 10 December – Sunday 17 December 1899 during the Second Boer War, when the British Army suffered three devastating defeats. June, 2023 may well have been Black Month for Gay rights in America; a month in which the zeitgeist inflicted devastating, perhaps lasting defeats on Gay Rights. Black Month started when BUD LIGHT beer courted and then allied itself, with a Trans influencer, a strange little creature, in a black cocktail dress. BUD LIGHT forgot that the majority of its customers would never want to share a beer with a Trans; BUD LIGHT sales fell 28%. In response, Gay intellectuals upended business school models and stated that sales don’t matter for a profit making company. Who knew that, except Gay Int...