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Showing posts with the label Latino Males

Latino Voters Shift Right, to Trump

  This Blogger has been consistently, nay constantly ,impressed, nay amazed, at how, in a world of active and volatile demons and devils, the Liberal Mindset  has been locked into data rationalism.   Liberals have abandoned empirical observation; abandoned instinct, abandoned experience, abandoned social interaction, abandoned conversation, abandoned discussion, abandoned debate for data rationalism, for polling.                            What does that mean?   A 2024 Liberal can tell you how many people failed to get out of the swamp; but they can’t tell you HOW to get out of the swamp.  Which is why America keeps losing wars.   Instinct, empirical observation, social interaction with Latino males, informs sentient Americans that Joe Biden,, in 2024, is hemorrhaging Latino male voters to Don Donald Trump.   Why?   This Blogger has had some interactions with Latino males; he and one brother were shot at by Latino males, who belonged to the Shining Path revolutionary group, in Urubamba