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Showing posts with the label Gov. Abbott

Gov. Abbott of Texas Calls for the Amoral, Venal Repeal of Plyler vs.Doe; As Advocated by Gerry Maxey in July, 2019

This Blogger has admired, even envied, the facile defense of Illegal Aliens, Illegal Immigration and Mass Migration, offered up by Liberal devotees of compassion in the Mainstream Media. They heartily dismiss the concept of Territoriality, as something beneath Americans; they support the concept of National Sovereignty for Ukraine, even at the COST OF WAR, but dismiss the very idea of American Sovereignty as racist;    they consider the very existence of citizenship laws as demeaning to uitlanders, squatters, and illegal claim jumpers on American citizenship.   Liberals have delighted in stripping the moral  hazard from illegally migrating to the United States.    They overlook the very real fact that America is being leeched of resources by over population, and that water stress is about to be the new    normal-"  (CNN) As California plunges even deeper into its  multiyear megadrought  after an alarmingly dry winter…..Residents and...