Contrary to what the CNN commentators say about Immigration Reform, it is not about the American economy; contrary to what the MSNBC literati say, it is not about social justice; contrary to what the Fox News talking heads say, it is not about winning elections. That is OLD thinking, Immigration Reform is about something more basic than all those illusory reasons; it is about America’s dwindling natural resources, specifically, and most critically, fresh water. Immigration Reform needs NEW thinking; any Reform has to be based on an acknowledgement that American natural resources cannot sustain a more liberal immigration policy. Readers, the Mississippi River is drying up, how can we bring in more people?
Being an American citizen is the greatest perk on Earth and as President Lyndon Johnson once said “We got it and they want it.”
Who are they?
Undocumented immigrants, aka undocumented workers, aka undocumented immigrants, aka climate refugees aka ILLEGAL ALIENS( a legal term).
Who are they?
People who want to make a better life for themselves, and their families, people without fresh drinking water in their homelands, people without clean drinking water in their homelands.
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
The Global Elite(Liberals, the Media, Bushies, and Hillary) have as a tenet of faith that these 11 million cannot be repatriated. This Blogger disagrees, on March 15, 2015, this Blogger published a Blog which offered a cost effective plan to accelerate the repatriation of illegal aliens: A Mexican Zapatista informs America on how To Deport 12 million Illegal Aliens, by Use of RICO…….
They have, in an undocumented fashion, come to America and claim jumped their place in our society. The majority of undocumented immigrants work hard, no one denies nor disputes that. But does hard work ALLOW you to claim jump? Miner courts did not think hard work secured your illegal claims, in fact no one in America thought that hard work supplanted the law until America went into decline.
Immigration reform is serious business; the Roman Republic fought a Civil War, between 90 BC and 88 BC over the very same concept of citizenship, over who was a Roman? And who was a Claim Jumper? Immigration Reform is serious business on a vast historical scale.
The Roman Republic was so wounded by that Civil War that military dictators arose: Sulla, Marius, Pompey, Caesar, Marc Antony, and Octavian. The Roman Republic was so seriously afflicted by that Civil War that the Republic itself ended in 27 BC, just 61 years after the end of the Civil War, fought over who deserved Roman Citizenship. Immigration Reform is serious business for a Republic in decline.
The following is from an interview given by Retiring Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the daughter of immigrants, under scoring the Old Thinking worldview on Immigration.
“SOLIS: So let`s talk that. Let`s talk about fairness in the
workplace. Let`s make sure that people are treated well in our country.
And I agree that, yes, we have to attract the very intelligent and those
individuals that are at the high earning capacities in the STEM research
areas. Fine. But we also have to talk about the belly of our economy."
Translated in American, Ms. Solis wants to amnesty unskilled workers, the belly of the economy, who compete for precious jobs with native born blacks, Hispanics, Asians and whites.
With water so precious, what sense does it make to amnesty claim jumping unskilled workers?
Is the economic contribution of undocumented immigrants more important than the values of American law? Is economics more important than sustaining American values of not rewarding claim jumpers? And how can economics trump a lack of fresh water?
During the last Great Migration to America, 1900-1920, roughly one third of immigrants could not make it work and went home. They self deported, which is what Romney was talking about in his own inane way, 33%, ONE THIRD of all immigrants from 1890 to 1960 WENT HOME, self deportation. “one-third of immigrants to America eventually returned to their native countries".
For the economy, America has the legal, moral, ethical right to cherry pick who is amnestied for economic reasons. DREAMERS who are graduating with STEM majors and STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS) professionals should be amnestied. That alone should be an incentive for more STEM students and professionals among undocumented immigrants.
Being an American citizen is the greatest perk on Earth and as President Lyndon Johnson once said “We got it and they want it.”
Who are they?
Undocumented immigrants, aka undocumented workers, aka undocumented immigrants, aka climate refugees aka ILLEGAL ALIENS( a legal term).
Who are they?
People who want to make a better life for themselves, and their families, people without fresh drinking water in their homelands, people without clean drinking water in their homelands.
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
The Global Elite(Liberals, the Media, Bushies, and Hillary) have as a tenet of faith that these 11 million cannot be repatriated. This Blogger disagrees, on March 15, 2015, this Blogger published a Blog which offered a cost effective plan to accelerate the repatriation of illegal aliens: A Mexican Zapatista informs America on how To Deport 12 million Illegal Aliens, by Use of RICO…….
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“This Blogger informed the Zaptista that the Liberals say it is impossible to deport 12 million people, without the use of the whip or the gun.
The Zapatista replied:" Make them self-deport, by a Liberal use of RICO.”
RICO is the :“Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act …the racketeer must forfeit all ill-gotten gains and interest in any business gained through a pattern of "racketeering activity."
….The Zapatista believes illegal aliens will self deport by a date certain; if after that date certain all their material possessions accumulated as a by-product of their illegal residence and activities will be subject to forfeiture and civil lawsuits because they are illegal aliens, and thus, by definition engaged in illegal activities….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES”.
In the old days of Periclean America, when American values were not questioned by the pundits, cognoscenti, literati, priests from the Roman Catholic Church, Los Angeles Police Chiefs, local newscasters, Hispanic professional activists, undocumented immigrants would have been categorized by another name, perhaps more honest, Claim Jumpers. In reality, is that not what undocumented immigrants are? Claim jumpers, claim jumping American citizenship.
They have, in an undocumented fashion, come to America and claim jumped their place in our society. The majority of undocumented immigrants work hard, no one denies nor disputes that. But does hard work ALLOW you to claim jump? Miner courts did not think hard work secured your illegal claims, in fact no one in America thought that hard work supplanted the law until America went into decline.
Immigration reform is serious business; the Roman Republic fought a Civil War, between 90 BC and 88 BC over the very same concept of citizenship, over who was a Roman? And who was a Claim Jumper? Immigration Reform is serious business on a vast historical scale.
The Roman Republic was so wounded by that Civil War that military dictators arose: Sulla, Marius, Pompey, Caesar, Marc Antony, and Octavian. The Roman Republic was so seriously afflicted by that Civil War that the Republic itself ended in 27 BC, just 61 years after the end of the Civil War, fought over who deserved Roman Citizenship. Immigration Reform is serious business for a Republic in decline.
The following is from an interview given by Retiring Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the daughter of immigrants, under scoring the Old Thinking worldview on Immigration.
“SOLIS: So let`s talk that. Let`s talk about fairness in the
workplace. Let`s make sure that people are treated well in our country.
And I agree that, yes, we have to attract the very intelligent and those
individuals that are at the high earning capacities in the STEM research
areas. Fine. But we also have to talk about the belly of our economy."
Translated in American, Ms. Solis wants to amnesty unskilled workers, the belly of the economy, who compete for precious jobs with native born blacks, Hispanics, Asians and whites.
With water so precious, what sense does it make to amnesty claim jumping unskilled workers?
Is the economic contribution of undocumented immigrants more important than the values of American law? Is economics more important than sustaining American values of not rewarding claim jumpers? And how can economics trump a lack of fresh water?
During the last Great Migration to America, 1900-1920, roughly one third of immigrants could not make it work and went home. They self deported, which is what Romney was talking about in his own inane way, 33%, ONE THIRD of all immigrants from 1890 to 1960 WENT HOME, self deportation. “one-third of immigrants to America eventually returned to their native countries".
For the economy, America has the legal, moral, ethical right to cherry pick who is amnestied for economic reasons. DREAMERS who are graduating with STEM majors and STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS) professionals should be amnestied. That alone should be an incentive for more STEM students and professionals among undocumented immigrants.
“But we also have to talk about the belly of our economy.”
In the end that is what this immigration reform debate is really all about, those in the belly of the economy. There will be quick agreement on the STEM and Military Service undocumented immigrants, but those in the belly are the problem.
Can the United States of America, in 19 Trillion dollars worth of debt, absorb those undocumented immigrants in the belly of the economy.
It makes no economic sense to amnesty those in the “belly of the economy.” The future of American Immigration Policy is not about the economy, nor is it about contributing to the belly of the economy. That is old thinking; the future American Immigration policy should be based on America’s dwindling natural resources. America does not have enough fresh water to maintain a liberal immigration policy.
The NEW THINKING on immigration policy must acknowledge this benchmark, the Mississippi River is drying up. How can we not cherry pick people when our sources of fresh water are evaporating?
America will not be able to sustain the waves of undocumented immigrants, who will be coming from Mali, the Sahel, and other medieval nations. The Immigrants will have to come, for their home countries will be over populated and out of fresh water, and food. They have to come, but we do not have to let them in, our lack of water trumps the hopeful morality of Emma Lazarus.
Amnesty turns citizenship into club membership, where paying a fine and getting in the back of the line suffices for breaking the law, unacceptable.
Any Elitist Immigration Reform increases Diversity but wrecks havoc on American Blacks, who conquered white racism only to see it replaced by Diversity as the oppressor.
But in the end, it is all about WATER. There is not enough of it to share with a thirsty Mass Migration, or perhaps any immigrant.

Any Elitist Immigration Reform increases Diversity but wrecks havoc on American Blacks, who conquered white racism only to see it replaced by Diversity as the oppressor.
But in the end, it is all about WATER. There is not enough of it to share with a thirsty Mass Migration, or perhaps any immigrant.
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