In 1970, Hollywood made a film out of an old hippie slogan SUPPOSE THEY GAVE A WAR and NO ONE CAME. It was a comedy; but it was under girded by salient facts from the Fall of the Roman Empire. In 451 AD, contemporary Roman sources state that the Roman Empire fielded an Army of 150,000 to fight Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons.
Twenty five years later, in 476 AD, the Roman Empire could not field a platoon to save Rome from barbarian hordes, ergo the Fall of the Roman Empire.
During World War II, the United States had a population of 132.1 million and fielded a Military of 6,000,000 men and women. In 2016, the American population is 320 million, and can barely field a Military of 2 million men and women.
Why the shortfall?
President Obama’s Social Engineering of the Military, highlighted by the REPEAL OF DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, Open Service for Gays, Women in Combat, and Open Service for Transgenders. The Social Engineering drove Christian males from volunteering for the Military.
Community Organizer, raised by a transgender nanny, President Obama is oblivious to the immutable fact that the American Military is not an institution conducive to Social Engineering; Social Engineering severs the continuance of the mystical chord of sacred duty. The American Military, at its best, is a ruthless and efficient killing machine; unfortunately for American Liberals, historically the best killers for the Republic have been Evangelical Christians.
Even before the Repeal, this Blogger had grave concerns about its long term, far reaching and seminal negative impact on the viability of the American Military as a fighting force, as a winning Military.
Voicing those prescient concerns, this Blogger, on October 15, 2010, published the following:
“I cannot think of any Millennial reason to be against Open Service(Gays can serve openly).However War was here before Millennials, and will be here after Millennials. War is not modern, and neither are the men/women who fight it.
War is the nether world between irrational and insane. It is no mistake that the greatest American Generals were either plucked from an insane asylum(General William Tecumseh Sherman) or should have been in a madhouse(General Patton, who thought he was the reincarnation of a Roman General, seriously).
War and the successful prosecution of War is an endless circle between madness and mysticism.
It is that territory between madness and mysticism that DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL Repeal Advocates don't seem to understand nor appreciate.
Those renowned military experts Lady Gaga and Sarah Silverman think that ending DON'T ASK,DON'T TELL will enhance America's ability to win wars. I disagree. Lady Gaga and Silverman believe that the Repeal will have no negative consequences. I believe that Repeal will have tremendous FORESEEABLE NEGATIVE consequences…Gerry Maxey.”
The following is from that Blog:
Even before the Repeal, this Blogger had grave concerns about its long term, far reaching and seminal negative impact on the viability of the American Military as a fighting force, as a winning Military.
Voicing those prescient concerns, this Blogger, on October 15, 2010, published the following:
“I cannot think of any Millennial reason to be against Open Service(Gays can serve openly).However War was here before Millennials, and will be here after Millennials. War is not modern, and neither are the men/women who fight it.
War is the nether world between irrational and insane. It is no mistake that the greatest American Generals were either plucked from an insane asylum(General William Tecumseh Sherman) or should have been in a madhouse(General Patton, who thought he was the reincarnation of a Roman General, seriously).
War and the successful prosecution of War is an endless circle between madness and mysticism.
It is that territory between madness and mysticism that DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL Repeal Advocates don't seem to understand nor appreciate.
Those renowned military experts Lady Gaga and Sarah Silverman think that ending DON'T ASK,DON'T TELL will enhance America's ability to win wars. I disagree. Lady Gaga and Silverman believe that the Repeal will have no negative consequences. I believe that Repeal will have tremendous FORESEEABLE NEGATIVE consequences…Gerry Maxey.”
Gays were suppose to replace the missing Evangelical Christian soldiers; there are now 66,000 openly gay, lesbian and bisexual soldiers currently in the American Military; “…. roughly 2 percent of all military personnel, according to a report by a gay rights policy center.”
Transgenders were scheduled to replace the missing Evangelical soldiers “11,000 transgender individuals serving in the armed forces, or about 0.1% of the approximately 2 million active and reserve members in the U.S military.”
President Obama’s Army Secretary is Eric Fanning; Fanning was appointed not for his skill or foresight but because of Diversity; he is the first Gay Army Secretary in American History. He is assisted by the dumbest man in America, Patrick Murphy, Assistant Secretary of the Army.
Even Fanning and Murphy figured out that the collapse of Recruitment of Straight Males, especially in combat units, could not be remedied by sufficient numbers of Gays or Transgenders.
Their answer was female soldiers.
There are 157 MILLION women in the United States, if only 1.3% of the American female population volunteered, all the personnel needs of the American Military would be met.
Confident that women were willing to replace Evangelical Christians as the protectors of the Republic, Fanning and Murphy allowed women to join combat units.
As of this date, out of 157 million females in America, 180 have volunteered for combat.(Los Angeles Times 10/12/16)
180 are not enough to keep the barbarians outside the gates of Homeland.
Where are the young WONDER WOMEN, Sarah Silvermans, Lady Gagas,Joy Behars, Samantha Bees, SUPERGIRLS and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERS?
They have political opinions; surely they must be willing to fight, kill and die for the Republic..... well, where are they?
This Blogger supports women in Combat.
On December 28, 2014, THE MAXEY CHRONICLES named the female Kurdish warrior defending Kobane as 2014 PERSON OF THE YEAR, 2014. THE MAXEY CHRONICLES' 2014 PERSON OF THE YEAR- The Kurdish Woman Warrior Battling ISIS' Sex Slavers
The following is from that Blog:
“The Kurdish female combat soldier has shown the world how to defeat ISIS physically, psychologically, and most importantly, spiritually.
“As well as the threat posed by the women's bravery and skill on the battlefield, the militants are terrified that dying at the hands of a female will stop them from reaching heaven….THE SUN/UK”.
American female combat soldiers.....are needed….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger wholly supports the use of women combat soldiers, especially against ISIS.
On August 24, 2015, this Blogger published this Blog:American Women in Combat are needed to Send ISIS to Hell….
The following is excerpted from that Blog.
“Every Thursday, there is a slave market in Raqqa, the capital of the Caliphate; …..In response to the evil of ISIS, the Lord of Hosts has delivered unto America, the means by which not only to defeat the slavers of the Caliphate in this world, but the means to send them to their version of hell in the next world.
Female Combat soldiers.….ISIS soldiers are terrified of female combat soldiers, as Kurdish female soldier explain:
“.... Nesrin Abdi …‘For Daesh [an Arabic term for ISIS], to be killed by a woman means he will not go to Heaven. ....DAILY MAIL UK”.
ISIS is more than a state; it is a religious sect founded on the Caliph Ibrahim’s interpretation of Islam. Its warriors are fanatical because they firmly believe that if they are killed in battle, dying for the Caliphate, they are martyrs assured of a place in Heaven for an eternity.
However, if they are slain by female combat soldiers, their eternity is spent in hell. That is the fatal flaw in Caliph Ibrahim’s theology; women warriors can send ISIS warriors to hell, automatically, just by killing them.
If American male warriors defeat ISIS, it only means that Civilization gains territory; but if American female combat soldiers defeat ISIS and kill its warriors, Civilization can send ISIS' theology and ideology to Hell for an eternity.
Essentially American female combat soldiers give America a chance to geld, castrate, and emasculate the theology of the Caliph, for an eternity…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger believes that the Republic will need, at a minimum, 10,000 female combat soldiers to defeat ISIS, 180 ain’t gonna cut it.
On December 13, 2015, this Blogger published: Diversity,Women In Combat,Transgenders…..........
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“…. in 2010, under the influence of a pop culture phenomenon, Lady Gaga, President Obama social engineered the U.S. Military, repealing DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, allowing openly Gay soldiers to serve.
In the belief system of many Evangelical soldiers, that act turned a God fearing Republic into a Godless Republic, and morale in the American Military, especially in the predominantly Evangelical combat units plummeted.
In response, many Evangelical combat soldiers retired, rather than serve a Godless Military.
The remnant of the U.S. Military is now, in this Blogger’s opinion, a rotted rump, of politically correct functionaries, and flunkies, rather than warriors.
President Obama, supported by his trove of Millennial Americans, think that having a diverse leadership, on its face, is more important to winning wars than having a specific warrior class of loyal and ingenious killers. President Obama believes that Diversity inherently adds to Generalship, Leadership, and Fighting Skills. This Blogger believes that is a dangerous and fallacious theory, which will have disastrous results when America fights its next war, and there will be a next war.
President Obama rejects that heresy….
the key significant challenge to the U.S. Military is simple and seminal, under political correctness, IT CAN NO LONGER WIN A WAR.
…..Military is not a social club, a Boy Scouts cum Girl Scouts with guns; it is, or should be, for the nation which depends on it, an ingenious, courageous killing machine, dedicated to killing the enemies of the Republic, and coming home alive, honorably.
The only diversity which is legitimate, or should be legitimate in the American Military is the diversity to win wars…there are 320 million Americans but only 10 great NFL quarterbacks; the same ratio applies to warlord skills. In this nation of 320 million, only 10 to 12 military leaders have the warlord skills to lead this nation to victory, that skill set is MUCH MORE VALUABLE to the Republic than diversity…..…THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
If there are no women, Gays or Transgenders volunteering for combat, how can combat units be diverse? It is an oxymoron.
However, if there are no Evangelical Straight Male Christians volunteering for combat units, there are NO COMBAT UNITS…Rome in 476 AD.
Has Diversity birthed a Cromwellian American Army in 2016?
Diversity, the Repeal, Lady Gaga, and/or Transgender Open Service have given the Republic a seething Military, which seemingly will not spill blood to protect the Republic as long as politically correct Commanders are in Command.
All Republics perish; all States perish; all Nations perish; all Empires perish. It was a foregone conclusion that the Repeal, minus a mass commitment of females volunteering for combat, would accelerate this Republic exiting History.
That mass female volunteering has not occurred and History is preparing to jettison this Republic. It is all so sad.
American female soldiers, loathe to volunteer for combat
Fort Riley is the home of the 1st Infantry Division, the 1st ID, THE BIG RED ONE.
Something happened there.
Lt. General(ret) William “Jerry” Boykin, is a former chief of U.S. Army Special Operations Command and a top member of Delta Force.
On October 5, 2016, General Boykin said this:"…. it comes back to what is the purpose of the military? What’s their mission? It’s to fight and win wars….. Douglas MacArthur said at West Point in 1962,"Your mission remains determined, fixed, inviolable.’ It is to win the nation’s wars…..This administration has had a devastating impact on our military readiness. And what the Congress should be doing and the president should be doing now in every decision that’s made regarding the military, is the first question should be how does this enhance readiness? The ability to fight and win the nations wars."
General Boykin, has noted the rot in the Army, since the Repeal....:”Since the policy's repeal, it has been discovered that male-on-male incidents of rape have skyrocketed in the military, with the American Psychological Association (APA) revealing that the Department of Defense may be underreporting incidents of male rape by up to 15 percent.”
Boykin, a Trump supporter, is very popular at Ft. Riley.
There are 17,000 soldiers stationed at Fort Riley; they invited General Boykin to give a speech at a prayer breakfast for Christians. However, Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Freedom Foundation protested to the commander of the base, Major General Wayne Grigsby. Weinstein said that Boykin’s views on transgenders and Muslims precluded him from giving a speech at a prayer breakfast on base. General Grigsby agreed with Weinstein, and the invitation to Boykin was rescinded.
Then something happened among the Christian soldiers of the BIG RED ONE.
Something happened, not to the level of the French Army mutiny of World War I, or the Pennsylvania Line Mutiny of the Revolutionary War, but something happened to inform the Army Command that the troops of the Big Red One were no longer willing to fight for the ancien regime, and its imposed Diversity.
“The U.S. Army on Thursday named a new commander for the 1st Infantry Division just days after firing Maj. Gen. Wayne Grigsby as the leader of the Big Red One.
Maj. Gen. Joseph Martin will assume command of the 1st Infantry Division, headquartered at Fort Riley, Kansas…..
Grigsby was relieved of command due to loss of confidence in his ability to lead,…..
Grigsby had been suspended but senior Army officials took the additional step of firing him ….In an unusual step, Army officials have declined to disclose the nature of the investigation or provide information on what type of incident or violation it involves.
…Boykin's invitation drew complaints because of comments he has made claiming Islam doesn't deserve First Amendment protection and remarks about transgender people that were perceived as threats.
There were no suggestions that Grigsby's current problems were related to the Boykin matter…Military Times.”.
Readers draw your own conclusion; however, informed and reliable sources, based at Fort Riley, have informed this Blogger that the change in Commanders occurred because the fighting troops of the Big Red One, the Christian soldiers of the 1st ID, took a stand against Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga Rot,Open Service for Gays and Transgenders, and made known they would no longer fight for a politically correct Commander.
All Republics perish; all States perish; all Nations perish; all Empires perish. It was a foregone conclusion that the Repeal, minus a mass commitment of females volunteering for combat, would accelerate this Republic exiting History.
That mass female volunteering has not occurred and History is preparing to jettison this Republic. It is all so sad.
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