Whispers on the wind have informed this Blogger that the “Deep States” of both Western and Eastern Civilizations have reached the following conclusions:
Mankind is living in the Anthropocene Epoch, in which the physicality of the Earth itself is being changed by man made activities.
There is Climate Change.
But bases don’t stick together at random. C can only bond to G, and A can only bond to T. These strict rules help ensure that DNA strands don’t clump together into a jumble.
No matter what sequence of bases are contained in natural DNA, it still keeps its shape.
But those four bases are not the only compounds that can attach to DNA’s backbone and link to another base — at least on paper. Dr. Benner and his colleagues thought up a dozen alternatives.
Dr. Benner and his colleagues created a Hachimoji gene for an RNA molecule. They predicted that the RNA molecule would be able to grab a molecule called a fluorophore. Cradled by the RNA molecule, the fluorophore would absorb light and release it as a green flash.
Andrew Ellington, an evolutionary engineer at the University of Texas, led the effort to find an enzyme that could read Hachimoji DNA. He and his colleagues found a promising one made by a virus, and they tinkered with it until the enzyme could easily read all eight bases.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….. …….….Africa’s population is rampaging out of control, threatening all Mankind.
On March 12, 2018, this Blogger discussed DISEASE X in the Blog: WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation
The following is excerpted from that prescient Blog:
“WHO-World Health Organization
Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings.
…..DISEASE X, WHEN it comes; will be either a man-made pathogen, or a man nurtured pathogen, created or nurtured to save Mankind from extinction by too many humans.
It will target sub Saharan Africans, those peoples with the highest birthrates, in order to: A) end the Migration crisis which is over whelming Western Civilization by killing off migrants in Black Death numbers….
…. it can be done, the development of a killer pathogen which will only target sub-Saharan Africans, leaving the other races, the other populations of the world immune. Sub-Saharan black Africans are the only peoples in the world without Neanderthal DNA; everyone else has 2% Neanderthal DNA in their gene set……so you can target people without Neanderthal DNA, which means killing just sub-Saharan black Africans but sparing Europeans, and Indians, and Asians (Chinese, Indonesians, Japanese, Filipinos), and Native Americans. Black Americans will also be spared since every black American probably has white blood in him, and that white blood has Neanderthal DNA….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.
After this Blogger published that speculation, he received an email from an imminent and moral researcher, saying that Mankind was not capable of developing such a targeted pathogen.
Perhaps, but if Mankind cannot do it, Artificial Intelligence certainly might be able to; DEEPMIND is A.I. at its apex.
And DEEPMIND, A.I., did the following:
….The contest, the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction, was not won by academics.
It was won by DeepMind, the artificial intelligence lab owned by Google’s parent company.
……DeepMind specializes in “deep learning,” a type of artificial intelligence that is rapidly changing drug discovery science. A growing number of companies are applying similar methods to other parts of the long, enormously complex process that produces new medicines. These A.I. techniques can speed up many aspects of drug discovery and, in some cases, perform tasks typically handled by scientists.
….DeepMind researchers were looking for new challenges. So they held a “hackathon” at company headquarters in London. Working with two other computer scientists, the DeepMind researcher Rich Evans homed in on protein folding. They found a game that simulated this scientific task. They built a system that learned to play the game on its own, and the results were promising enough for DeepMind to greenlight a full-time research project. The protein folding problem asks a straightforward question: Can you predict the physical structure of a protein — its shape in three dimensions?
If scientists can predict a protein’s shape, they can better determine how other molecules will “bind” to it — attach to it, physically — and that is one way drugs are developed. A drug binds to particular proteins in your body and changes their behavior.
In the latest contest, DeepMind made these predictions using “neural networks,” complex mathematical systems that can learn tasks by analyzing vast amounts of data. By analyzing thousands of proteins, a neural network can learn to predict the shape of others.….DeepMind’s victory showed how the future of biochemical research will increasingly be driven by machines and the people who oversee those machines.
…“This is a first step,” said David Baker, the director of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington. “There are so many other steps still to go.”As they work to better understand the proteins in the body, for instance, scientists must also create new proteins…….NEW YORK TIMES.”
If A.I. can discover the solution to the protein folding problem, it can create DISEASE X.
If Speaker Pelosi thinks building a wall to deter Mass Migration is immoral, what will she think of the development of DISEASE X to kill Mass Migration at its source?
This Blogger believes that it is past time that Globalists, Moralists and Liberals come up with a plan, other than DISEASE X, to curb over population; the whole world is waiting, and time is short.

Mankind is living in the Anthropocene Epoch, in which the physicality of the Earth itself is being changed by man made activities.
There is Climate Change.
Climate Change is caused not by farting cows(see Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’ GREEN NEW DEAL's FAQ), but by rampant over population of Humans, specifically Sub-Saharan Blacks.
Every other subset of humanity has slashed its birthrate in order to save the planet, only sub-Saharan blacks have continued to reproduce at levels dangerous to the continuance of life on this planet.
The over population of sub-Saharan blacks will lead to Mass Migration, which in turn will lead to social breakdown on a global scale.
The over population of sub-Saharan Blacks must be reduced, in the near future.
War can reduce populations; in Paraguay’s Great War, 70% of the male population was slain, and its population was cut from 525,000 to 221,000. Russia has a missile system, SATAN-2, which with one missile dropped on Lagos could wipe out Nigeria’s entire population, a quick solution to the sub-Saharan black population explosion, but unconscionable, and the radioactivity might impact South Americans.
That leaves biological warfare; could a disease be developed which would target JUST sub-Saharan blacks, leave the other races immune?
That was not possible until technology caught up with the Climate Change necessity of Mass Murder. A Disease can be developed which can target and kill just sub-Saharan blacks because only sub-Saharan blacks HAVE NO NEANDERTHAL DNA in their gene pool. Every other subset of humanity has Neanderthal DNA, so would be immune to the engineered pathogen.
Now scientists have taken a giant step toward creating targeted pathogens with the creation of Hachimoji DNA.
“In 1985, the chemist Steven A. Benner sat down with some colleagues and a notebook and sketched out a way to expand the alphabet of DNA. He has been trying to make those sketches real ever since.
On Thursday, Dr. Benner and a team of scientists reported success:…., they said they have in effect doubled the genetic alphabet.
Natural DNA is spelled out with four different letters known as bases — A, C, G and T. Dr. Benner and his colleagues have built DNA with eight bases — four natural, and four unnatural. They named their new system Hachimoji DNA (hachi is Japanese for eight, moji for letter).
Crafting the four new bases that don't exist in nature was a chemical tour-de-force. They fit neatly into DNA’s double helix, and enzymes can read them as easily as natural bases, in order to make molecules.
..the four natural bases of DNA are all anchored to molecular backbones. A pair of backbones can join into a double helix because their bases are attracted to each other.
The bases form a bond with their hydrogen atoms.
The bases form a bond with their hydrogen atoms.
But bases don’t stick together at random. C can only bond to G, and A can only bond to T. These strict rules help ensure that DNA strands don’t clump together into a jumble.
No matter what sequence of bases are contained in natural DNA, it still keeps its shape.
But those four bases are not the only compounds that can attach to DNA’s backbone and link to another base — at least on paper. Dr. Benner and his colleagues thought up a dozen alternatives.
Working at the Swiss university ETH Zurich at the time, Dr. Benner tried to make some of those imaginary bases real.
….In recent years, Dr. Romesberg’s team has begun making unnatural proteins from these unnatural genes. He founded a company, Synthorx, to develop some of these proteins as cancer drugs.
At the same time, Dr. Benner continued with his own experiments. He and his colleagues succeeded in creating one pair of new bases.
Like Dr. Romesberg, they found an application for their unnatural DNA….Now with eight bases to play with, the researchers started building DNA molecules with a variety of different sequences. The researchers found that no matter which sequence they created, the molecules still formed the standard double helix.
Because Hachimoji DNA held onto this shape, it could act like regular DNA: it could store information, and that information could be read to make a molecule.
For a cell, the first step in making a molecule is to read a gene using special enzymes. They make a copy of the gene in a single-stranded version of DNA, called RNA.
Depending on the gene, the cell will then do one of two things with that RNA. In some cases, it will use the RNA as a guide to build a protein. But in other cases, the RNA molecule floats off to do a job of its own.
Dr. Benner and his colleagues created a Hachimoji gene for an RNA molecule. They predicted that the RNA molecule would be able to grab a molecule called a fluorophore. Cradled by the RNA molecule, the fluorophore would absorb light and release it as a green flash.
Andrew Ellington, an evolutionary engineer at the University of Texas, led the effort to find an enzyme that could read Hachimoji DNA. He and his colleagues found a promising one made by a virus, and they tinkered with it until the enzyme could easily read all eight bases.
They mixed the enzyme in test tubes with the Hachimoji gene. As they had hoped, their test tubes began glowing green.
“Here you have it from start to finish,” said Dr. Benner. “We can store information, we can transfer it to another molecule and that other molecule has a function — and here it is, glowing.”
In the future, Hachimoji DNA may store information of a radically different sort. It might someday encode a movie or a spreadsheet.
….With eight bases instead of four, Hachimoji DNA could potentially encode far more information…..NEW YORK TIMES.”
On September 13, 2014, this Blogger published: The "DEEP STATE" of the Ebola Epidemic in Africa .
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….. …….….Africa’s population is rampaging out of control, threatening all Mankind.
….Communist China solved its burgeoning population problem by restricting families to one child per household; is it reasonable for Mankind to cure Ebola and other African diseases without Africa curbing its population explosion by installing a one child per family mandate?.”…….….Gerry Maxey, September 13, 2014
On March 12, 2018, this Blogger discussed DISEASE X in the Blog: WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation
The following is excerpted from that prescient Blog:
“WHO-World Health Organization
Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings.
…..DISEASE X, WHEN it comes; will be either a man-made pathogen, or a man nurtured pathogen, created or nurtured to save Mankind from extinction by too many humans.
It will target sub Saharan Africans, those peoples with the highest birthrates, in order to: A) end the Migration crisis which is over whelming Western Civilization by killing off migrants in Black Death numbers….
…. it can be done, the development of a killer pathogen which will only target sub-Saharan Africans, leaving the other races, the other populations of the world immune. Sub-Saharan black Africans are the only peoples in the world without Neanderthal DNA; everyone else has 2% Neanderthal DNA in their gene set……so you can target people without Neanderthal DNA, which means killing just sub-Saharan black Africans but sparing Europeans, and Indians, and Asians (Chinese, Indonesians, Japanese, Filipinos), and Native Americans. Black Americans will also be spared since every black American probably has white blood in him, and that white blood has Neanderthal DNA….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.
After this Blogger published that speculation, he received an email from an imminent and moral researcher, saying that Mankind was not capable of developing such a targeted pathogen.
Perhaps, but if Mankind cannot do it, Artificial Intelligence certainly might be able to; DEEPMIND is A.I. at its apex.
And DEEPMIND, A.I., did the following:
“SAN FRANCISCO — You can think of it as a World Cup of biochemical research.Every two years, hundreds of scientists enter a global competition. Tackling a biological puzzle they call “the protein folding problem,” they try to predict the three-dimensional shape of proteins in the human body. No one knows how to solve the problem. Even the winners only chip away at it. But a solution could streamline the way scientists create new medicines and fight disease.
….The contest, the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction, was not won by academics.
It was won by DeepMind, the artificial intelligence lab owned by Google’s parent company.
……DeepMind specializes in “deep learning,” a type of artificial intelligence that is rapidly changing drug discovery science. A growing number of companies are applying similar methods to other parts of the long, enormously complex process that produces new medicines. These A.I. techniques can speed up many aspects of drug discovery and, in some cases, perform tasks typically handled by scientists.
….DeepMind researchers were looking for new challenges. So they held a “hackathon” at company headquarters in London. Working with two other computer scientists, the DeepMind researcher Rich Evans homed in on protein folding. They found a game that simulated this scientific task. They built a system that learned to play the game on its own, and the results were promising enough for DeepMind to greenlight a full-time research project. The protein folding problem asks a straightforward question: Can you predict the physical structure of a protein — its shape in three dimensions?
If scientists can predict a protein’s shape, they can better determine how other molecules will “bind” to it — attach to it, physically — and that is one way drugs are developed. A drug binds to particular proteins in your body and changes their behavior.
In the latest contest, DeepMind made these predictions using “neural networks,” complex mathematical systems that can learn tasks by analyzing vast amounts of data. By analyzing thousands of proteins, a neural network can learn to predict the shape of others.….DeepMind’s victory showed how the future of biochemical research will increasingly be driven by machines and the people who oversee those machines.
…“This is a first step,” said David Baker, the director of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington. “There are so many other steps still to go.”As they work to better understand the proteins in the body, for instance, scientists must also create new proteins…….NEW YORK TIMES.”
If A.I. can discover the solution to the protein folding problem, it can create DISEASE X.
If Speaker Pelosi thinks building a wall to deter Mass Migration is immoral, what will she think of the development of DISEASE X to kill Mass Migration at its source?
This Blogger believes that it is past time that Globalists, Moralists and Liberals come up with a plan, other than DISEASE X, to curb over population; the whole world is waiting, and time is short.

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