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WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation

WHO-World Health Organization
Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings.

The WHO labeled the Disease, Disease X, because the new pathogen is unknown; the WHO has no idea what the new killer disease will be, they are merely sure there will be one.

The WHO does not know if the new mysterious bound to happen pathogen will be a freak of nature or manmade; they do not know where DISEASE X will come from.

“The World Health Organisation [WHO] has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.
Each year the Geneva-based organisation, which is charged with monitoring and safeguarding world health, convenes a high-level meeting of senior scientists to list diseases that pose a serious risk of sparking a major international public health emergency.
In previous years the list has been confined to known killers such as Lassa fever, which is currently sweeping Nigeria, and Ebola, which killed more than 11,000 people in an epidemic in West Africa between 2013 and 2016.
 However, this year a ninth mystery pathogen has been added to the watch list for the first time. “These diseases pose major public health risks, and further research and development is needed, including surveillance and diagnostics”, said the WHO in a statement.  “Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease”.
Experts on the WHO panel say Disease X could emerge from a variety of sources and strike at any time…Telegraph-UK”.
Since September 13, 2014, this Blogger has known where DISEASE X will come from, the laboratories of the Deep State.
On that date, this Blogger published: The "DEEP STATE" of the Ebola Epidemic in Africa .
The following is excerpted from that Blog:

“Within the polluted bowels of major powers are their respective “Deep States”. 

 A “Deep State” is defined as a “State within a State”, which means that the Deep State is not concerned with politics or social policy per se, but with the survival of Mankind in general, with the moral imperative being that the citizens of its State live as well or  better in the future as they have in the current, or the past.

The “Deep State” has functional reporting lines of responsibility to each power’s intelligence agency; they are populated by mad scientists, cosmologists, philosophers, futurists, astrophysicists, biologists, researchers, would be writers, failed writers, and successful writers of dystopian science fiction, elegiac Westerns, or Historical novels, especially Medieval Adventures. This Blogger has never met a writer of Young Adult novels indentured to the “Deep State.”

The morality of those who inhabit the “Deep State” is both murky and quirky, but if there is one guiding moral principle, it is this- the children and grandchildren of the current generation will not descend into a dystopian future, regardless of what moral violation must be done in the current time frame. Be Cruel today for a happy future tomorrow, perhaps Orwellian, yet perhaps necessary.

Ebola is a lethal African disease; Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF); a disease of humans and other primates caused by an ebolavirus. Ebola was named after the  Ebola River in Africa, the Congo.

….The world is currently living through the largest Ebola outbreak known to Man, in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Nigeria, Liberia, with a separate outbreak in the Congo…..

The obviously moral thing to do is to help quash this Ebola outbreak.

…..American and British military aid to fight Ebola has a very seminal omission. 

Where are the Communist Chinese? There are over one million Communist Chinese currently residing in Africa, with up to 20 million more expected in a  decade. Yet the Communist Chinese have not lifted a finger against Ebola; perhaps because, inside the Communist Chinese “Deep State”, the Ebola outbreak is seen in starkly different terms than Ms. Garrett.  Inside the Communist Chinese “Deep State”, Ebola is seen as a friend of future Chinese migration to Africa because it has the potential to depopulate Africa of native born Africans.

Sovietologist Boris Nicolaevsky, head of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, under the Bolsheviks from  1917 to 1922( he was arrested and deported for being too ‘moderate”)  once stated that he knew of  a meeting in which Stalin promised Africa to Mao for the Chinese people to populate after the triumph of World Communism.  

Inside all “Deep States”, the Ebola outbreak is seen differently from the absolute of Ms. Garrett’s moral surety. Inside the “Deep States”, Ebola is seen as the enemy of Mankind now, but perhaps the friend of Mankind as it tries to avoid a dystopian future.

Why is that so? Because Africa’s population is rampaging out of control, threatening all Mankind.

 “….The number of Africans under 18 may swell by two-thirds, to reach almost a billion by 2050, even if child-mortality rates remain relatively high. The new figures assume a reduction in fertility rates over time, as prosperity increases.

Yet Africa seems unusual in that economic growth during the past decade has not cut fertility as much as it has done elsewhere. Fertility rates in some African countries have stalled, instead of falling continuously, as happened throughout East Asia and Latin America.

The Unicef report is based on recent research that suggests that Africa is facing a population boom, nearly quadrupling it by the end of the century. The Population Research Bureau, a Washington-based outfit, said last year that Africa’s population would more than double to 2.4 billion by 2050, with the sub-Saharan part of it, currently 900m-plus, swelling to 2.2 billion. This is because Africa’s total fertility rate—the number is children a woman can expect to have in her lifetime—is 4.7. The figure in America is 2.0; in East Asia 1.7.

The prospect of so rapid a rise has triggered a host of Malthusian fears, on the continent and elsewhere. If Africa is struggling to feed a billion people, it is hard to see how it could feed 4 billion in future. Though the past decade has been relatively peaceful, perhaps a population boom will fuel civil strife. And surely, some fear, the expanding masses will destroy what is left of Africa’s flora and fauna, wiping out endangered species and pouring concrete on primal forest and grassland….THE ECONOMIST

Suppose Ebola is not just a random outbreak of a new virus but Nature’s way of stabilizing the population of Africa in order to save the elephants, the rhinos, the hippos, the giraffes, the great apes, the lions, the cheetahs, and the leopards?

Is Ebola, in its murderous way, an ally of Mankind’s future?

Communist China solved its burgeoning population problem by restricting families to one child per household; is it reasonable for Mankind to cure Ebola and other African diseases without Africa curbing its population explosion by installing  a one child per family mandate?

Who is the real enemy of Mankind’s future, Ebola? Or African over population?

That is the cosmological, not the moral question about Ebola in the “Deep State.”

We have a clue about the “Deep State’s” answer from its response to the Second Congo War…The “Deep States” tolerated the Second Congo War, the Rwanda Genocide, the Civil Wars in Sudan, South Sudan, Mali, CAR, Nigeria, and the AIDS epidemic because those calamities kept the African population from exploding.

The “Deep States” will tolerate further calamities, man-made or natural in Africa, until Africa figures out how to control its overpopulation, which threatens the planet itself….Gerry Maxey, September 13, 2014”

On February 3, 2018, this Blogger published: In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation…...........................

The following is excerpted from that Blog:

“There is shocking news abroad in the land, the Center for Disease Control is reducing by 80% its financial commitment to prevent global diseases from running rampant.But is that news more shocking than the projection that the planet Earth may have over 9 billion inhabitants living on it by the year 2050?

The human race has survived epidemics which depopulated the land; but can humanity survive overpopulation? This Blogger thinks not.

It is a fact of life that deep state thinkers believe that overpopulation is a greater threat to mankind's future than diseases cascading down from monkeys.

Preventing diseases from achieving full impact may not bode well for the survival of the human species.


DISEASE X, WHEN it comes; will be either a manmade pathogen, or a man nurtured pathogen, created or  nurtured to save Mankind from extinction by too many humans.

It will target sub Saharan Africans, those peoples with the highest birthrates, in order to: A) end the Migration crisis which is over whelming Western Civilization by killing off migrants in Black Death numbers and B) Depopulate Africa of Africans, paving the way for Chinese colonization of arable African land.

If DISEASE X jumps racial barriers and begins to infect and kill whites and Asians, a cure will miraculously be found.

Then the WHO will warn the Earth about  a DISEASE Y, which will only kill sub Saharan Blacks. If DISEASE Y jumps racial barriers and kills more than blacks, a DISEASE Z will be formulated or nurtured.

The goal is to stop overpopulation by any means necessary.

DISEASE X is the any means necessary.
Image result for disease x


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