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Kevin de Leon and Illegal Alien Neocolonialism in California,Forcing American Natives to Go Mau Mau

“Neocolonialism is the practice of using globalization or cultural imperialism to influence another country.”

Neocolonialism in 2018 can be defined as the Globalized Elite and The Liberal Establishment disregarding the wishes, norms, and traditions of the legal citizenry for the enhancement of illegal aliens.
This Blogger is a follower of charismatic Dominican writer Junot Diaz; Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic, and now teaches creative writing at MIT. He has a MFA from Cornell, has won a Pulitzer Prize and a MacArthur Genius fellowship.
If one enjoys the exercise of immigrant sophistry, one should partake of Dominican Diaz and South African Trevor Noah trashing America, the nation they trash but don’t leave.
Junot Diaz is very big on explaining how colonialism and white supremacy impact Latinos around the world.

Alas, like most Latino intellectuals, he is a backwards thinker; he sees white colonialism impacting Latinos but is blind to the impact of neocolonialism of Latino illegal aliens on Americans in California.

In Kenya, in a most egregious example of white colonialism, British settlers illegally stripped away the social traditions, political norms and cultures of the indigenous people of Kenya. In 2018, neocolonial illegal aliens are stripping away the social and political norms of legitimate American citizens; yet Latino intellectuals support the neocolonialists.

In 2018 neocolonial California, the three most ardent enablers of neocolonialism are: Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Governor Jerry Brown( who is more loyal to Jesuit colonialism  than he is to American Exceptionalism).

How do we know that the three headed monster of neocolonialism(DeLeon, Becerra, and Brown), are more concerned with the opportunities of neocolonial illegal aliens than uplifting the American citizenry?

Under their stewardship, California has allowed illegal aliens to enter the state bar in California; they have allowed illegal aliens to practice law  against American citizens.

That is colonialism at its most profane. What nation, which allows illegal aliens to practice law in its courts, against its own citizens, can survive?

So the seminal question becomes: Does the neocolonial political class want America to survive on American terms? Or do they want an America as a colony dominated by illegal aliens?

Last week, Senator de Leon’s actions answered that question.

Lizbeth Mateo is an illegal alien. No one disputes that fact.

She came to America, illegally, at the age of 14, with her illegal alien parents, to colonize California from Oaxaca,Mexico.
“According  to de León's office, Mateo graduated from Santa Clara University law School in 2016 and passed the California state  bar last year…SACRAMENTO BEE.”
When she graduated law school, the neocolonialist Ms. Mateo posted this on her FACEBOOK page( in Spanish):[E]verything is dedicated to Oaxaca, Mexico!! to that land that I miss so much.”
That is so British colonialist missing the White Cliffs of Dover while stealing from the Kikuyu in Kenya; so Cortes missing Extremadura while stealing from the Aztecs; so Dutch colonialist missing the canals of Amsterdam while stealing from the legitimate citizens of the East Indies.

By worldview, Ms. Mateo is a neocolonialist; she is  only in California to benefit the neocolonialist invading force of illegal aliens; her heart will always be in Mexico….why is she needed in California?

“California has its first illegal alien in state office, after Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) appointed Lizbeth Mateo to the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee….SACTO BEE.”

That is why; she is in California to serve the neocolonialist agenda of illegal aliens.

“Mateo complained that illegal aliens are not adequately represented in state government, and  described her appointment as a step forward towards correcting that….
“While undocumented students have become more visible in our state, they remain underrepresented in places where decisions that affect them are being made,” Mateo said, as quoted by Fox News.

De León, who is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), described Mateo as: “a courageous, determined and intelligent young woman who at great personal risk has dedicated herself to fight for those seeking their rightful place in this country,” according to Fox News.
There is no need for greater clarity concerning the neocolonialist agenda; infiltrate and usurp the American government, of, for and by American citizens, with a neocolonial satrapy managed by illegal aliens, ungrateful illegal aliens.
“The Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday appointed the first undocumented resident to a statewide post, according to Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León's office.
Lizbeth Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrant rights activist, will serve on the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee. The committee advises the California Student Aid Commission on efforts to increase college access for California students from low-income or underserved communities.
"While Donald Trump fixates on walls, California will continue to concentrate on opportunities," de León said in a news release. "Ms. Mateo is a courageous, determined and intelligent young woman who at great personal risk has dedicated herself
to fight for those seeking their rightful place in this country."
Neocolonialists have no rights in the country they are looting and despoiling. Ms. Mateo has no rights in America, she should not be on American soil, deciding if California will give aid to American students.

She has no rights, just as the French had no rights in Algeria, just as the Italians had no rights in Libya, just as the British had no rights in Kenya.

This appointment is dangerous; it is as if the neocolonial elite want the oppressed, discarded, insulted American people to go Mau Mau.

As the son of a Trotskyite, this Blogger believes now would be an appropriate time to issue a Trotskyite warning to all the neocolonialists; any violence conducted against neocolonialists, illegal aliens, will be  justified morally, historically and socio-economically, for the violence will not be racism nor nativism  but righteous organic manifestations of Mau Mau retribution against a greedy and overreaching neocolonial class, illegal aliens, by the victims of illegal alien neocolonialism, American citizens

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standingCalifornia neocolonialism at its finest, California Senate Pro Temp President Kevin deLeon swears in illegal alien neocolonialist Lizbeth Mateo in front of her illegal alien parents.


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