Is "Causal Determinism" in Physics Proof of a Calvinist God? Calvin, Hawking, Teilhard de Chardin and GRBs
The two most interesting recent theologians have to be Billy Graham, who found God the old fashion way, in the desert around Joshua Tree, California, and Father Teilhard de Chardin.
Teilhard de Chardin was a French Jesuit priest, who was trained as a paleontologist and geologist. In Science, he helped discover the the ancient Peking man. In theology, he developed the concept of OMEGA POINT, the maximum level of complexity and consciousness which he believed the universe was evolving. The Jesuit believed that the Universe was evolving toward a complete understand of God. He developed the concept of noosphere, “a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships ."
Teilhard de Chardin was a French Jesuit priest, who was trained as a paleontologist and geologist. In Science, he helped discover the the ancient Peking man. In theology, he developed the concept of OMEGA POINT, the maximum level of complexity and consciousness which he believed the universe was evolving. The Jesuit believed that the Universe was evolving toward a complete understand of God. He developed the concept of noosphere, “a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships ."
Billy Graham offered and offers the fun, the joy, the Amazing Grace of believing in God, the fun which comes from spirituality. The French Jesuit’s basic tenet was that the true purpose of science was to find scientific proof of the existence of God.; the French priest offered the inevitability that science would offer proof of God.
John Calvin was a French theologian, who preached in Geneva. He developed Calvinism.
The most shocking new development is that Calvinism, old fashioned Presbyterianism, may be the correct interpretation of the Universe.
Presbyterians have a romantic entanglement with the concept of predestination, “Predestination, in theology, is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God."
The Calvinist God “freely and immutably ordained whatsoever comes to pass”.
AHAB from MOBY DICK was a Calvinist.
The Calvinist God is a God of eternal information, a God which knows the past, present and future.
That concept is laughable on its face, until modern science, physics specifically, developed the Calvinist concept of “causal determinism.”
“The present, the past and the future are all connected by physical laws, a phenomenon called “causal determinism”. With complete information about a system’s present, it ought therefore be possible to determine all its past and future states. In theory, that applies to any system, up to and including the entire universe.”
There is no difference between Calvinism and Causal Determinism except scope; they are both based on Eternal Information.
If the future of the universe can be known through causal determinism then there is a God. For if there is Order in the Universe, there is a God.
Causal Determinism outlaws Chaos; if there is Chaos in the Universe there is no God, but Causal Determinism outlaws Chaos, ergo there is a God.
Black Holes in the Universe are suppose to shallow everything, including eternal information, a part of the universe’s past, meaning the future can not be determined, therefore no God. But now physicists understand that inside the hole the information continues to exist for as long as the hole does. Causal determinism is not violated.
Alas Black Holes themselves are doomed to evaporate, ending Causal Determinism because it would end eternal information. That, in turn, would mean the end of causal determinism—and with it the assumptions which underpin the whole of modern physics. However new science, spearheaded by Dr. Stephen Hawking, has found a scientific way to explain eternal information surviving the end of Black Holes.
How did Hawking do this? Like any good scientific shaman, he used Magic, “the soft particle.’ The soft particle is one that has virtually no energy;the universe seemingly is teeming with them, like that other magical ingredient of the Universe-DARK MATTER.
In Hawking’s theory, soft particles are hairy little buggers around black holes; miraculously, they retain records of what the disappearing Black Hole has swallowed and imprints that eternal information on the radiation “that is carrying away the black hole’s substance and causing its evaporation….. Causal determinism is therefore preserved.”
Obviously it is easier to believe in an Immaculate Conception than Hawking’s Scientific Theories, yet both get to the same place-God. Scientists, theologians that they are, worship the soft particle theory because the soft-particle explanation does not disappear eternal information, and fits with all established laws of physics.
Stephen Hawking is a superb cosmologist, until he gets to the Big Bang. Then it becomes a belief system, amid cartoonish nanoseconds (nanosecond (ns) is one billionth of a second). He wants laymen to believe that the Universe was created in a fantastical micro nanoseconds( one billionth of a second). He also informs the congregation that there was a time before time in which there was no time; then SOMETHING, out of NOWHERE, SOMETHING spontaneously appeared. It was the size of a pin head, and out of NOTHING, it appeared, to explode into the Big Bang, creating the Universe.
This is the SCIENTIFIC Origin Story-
“…In 1980, theoretical physicist Alan Guth of MIT came up with an answer: All that stuff from the early universe had originally been in a single tiny spot when it was ripped outward in a violent expansion.
Because the universe was compressed and experienced a single sudden expansion, would require a massive spurt of inflation that scientists could barely comprehend. In less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the universe popped into existence, the newborn cosmos expanded from the size of a tiny subatomic particle …Los Angeles Times”
Creationists are suppose to be dolts because they believe God created the Universe; yet scientists offer a “trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second” explosion, of SOMETHING from NOTHING, as the time frame of the Big Bang.
Which is the Greater Fantasy? Creationism? Or the Big Bang Time Frame?
And what does the Universe of the Big Bang consist of?
Dark Matter.
And what is Dark Matter?
“Dark Matter is HYPOTHETICAL MATTER that is UNDETECTABLE ...… INFERRED from effects on visible matter.“
Creationists believe the Universe was created by an Invisible God; Scientists believe that the Universe consists of Invisible Matter. Which is the fantasy?
If one believes in Science, one must believe that something spontaneously appeared out of nothing...and is that not Creationism? Is not the Big Bang merely Creationism by another name?
If a devotee of science must believe that something was created out of nothing; then Creationists should have the right to say that the Creation process, of something out of nothing, was GOD.
“….. dark energy. One reason for its popularity is that, at one fell swoop, it explains another big cosmological find of recent years. In the early 1990s studies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), an all-pervading sea of microwaves which reveals what the universe looked like when it was just 380,000 years old, showed that the universe, then and now, was “flat”.
However big a triangle you draw on it—the corners could be billions of light years apart—the angles in it would add up to 180°, just as they do in a school exercise book.
That might not surprise people whose geometrical endeavours have never gone beyond such books. But it surprised many physicists. At some scales space is not at all flat: the power of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity lies in its interpretation of gravity in terms of curved space.
Cosmologists were quite prepared for it to be curved at the grandest of scales, and intrigued to discover that it was not.
…Relativity says that for the universe to be flat, it has to have a very particular density—which in relativity is a measure not just of the mass contained in a certain volume, but also of the energy. The puzzle was that various lines of evidence showed that the universe’s endowment of ordinary matter (the stuff that people, planets and stars are made of) would give it just 4% of that density. Adding in extraordinary matter—“dark matter”, not made of atoms, that interacts with the rest of the universe almost only by means of gravity—gets at most an extra 22%. That left almost three-quarters of the critical density unaccounted for…...
Quantum theory says that the seemingly empty vacuum of space is, in fact, not empty at all. Instead it is constantly abuzz with “virtual” particles flitting in and out of existence. ”
To explain the BIG BANG Theory, scientists have to revert to being alchemists, they have to resort to Magic, dark matter, dark energy,vacuum energy, and virtual particles…..cosmological constants which are not constant.
Creationists are not allowed to believe in angels, nor demons, heaven nor hell, but scientists and atheists are allowed to believe in “…”virtual” particles flitting in and out of existence.”
The reason Creationism survives is that Science forces laymen to believe in virtual particles, and Creationists have determined if they must believe in the virtual particle that virtual particle is the handiwork of God.
Of course, God does survive in the consciouness of Mankind because everything that physicists say is Gospel, turns out not to be.
Of course, God does survive in the consciouness of Mankind because everything that physicists say is Gospel, turns out not to be.
· "A new study out of Oxford University is questioning the accelerated expansion theory that says dark energy is driving the expansion of the universe.
· According to the study, accelerated expansion theories are based on an unobserved model, opening up the possibilities to new theories on our expanding universe….October, 2016.
These cosmological questions can all be explained when we communicate with the aliens we encounter.
Now it gets interesting, for the latest physics would lead any reasonable person to the conclusion THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER FORMS OF INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE Save MANKIND ON EARTH.
There will be no aliens disputing God; no ETs debunking Jesus.
“WHERE are they? Aliens, that is. Why is there no sign of intelligent life in the universe anywhere other than on Earth? That question has puzzled inquiring minds for centuries, and has become more pressing over the past few years, as the discovery of planets going around stars other than the sun suggests the Milky Way (Earth’s home galaxy) harbours billions of worlds suitable for life, in that they are orbiting within a habitable zone warm enough to keep water liquid, but cool enough not to boil it.
There are many possible answers, of course. The origin of life may be hard. The evolution of intelligence may be hard. Intelligent life, having evolved, may find it impossible to devise technology to travel from star to star, or may not think the effort worth it.
But there is another possibility. In a paper published on arXiv, an online repository, two astronomers, Tsvi Piran of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Raul Jimenez of the University of Barcelona, argue that some regions of the galaxy are less friendly to life than others. Moreover, the friendly areas may have been smaller in the past than they are now. If that is true, then it may be the case that complex life on Earth is just about as ancient as it is possible for complex life to be. And, since complexity necessarily precedes intelligence, that might mean human beings really are the first intelligent life forms to evolve in the Milky Way.
Dr Piran and Dr Jimenez are interested in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the most energetic phenomena yet discovered in the universe. No one is certain what causes them, but the leading theories are a hypernova—the sudden collapse of a massive star to form a black hole—or a collision between two neutron stars, the ultra-dense remnants of supernovas (slightly less massive collapsed stars). What is not in doubt is their prodigious power: a typical GRB generates as much energy in a few seconds as a star will in its entire multi-billion-year lifetime. That would be bad news for any life-bearing planet which was too close.
….The idea that a nearby GRB (nearby, in this context, means within about 10,000 light-years) would wreck the biosphere of an Earthlike planet was proposed in 1999 by James Annis of Fermilab, in Illinois. First, the blast of radiation would instantly kill most living organisms on or near the surface—not just those facing the blast but also, via secondary showers of charged particles and re-emitted gamma rays, those on the hemisphere facing away from it.
Second, the gamma rays would also stir up chemical reactions that create ozone-killing molecules sufficiently powerful to destroy more than 90% of an Earthlike planet’s ozone layer, and keep it destroyed for several years. This would let in intense ultraviolet light from the planet’s parent star, which would blitz any complex biological molecules it hit. Anything that survived the initial blast would thus be subjected to years of serious sunburn.
The Earthlike planet of most interest to human beings is, of course, Earth itself. Mankind’s home is 4.6 billion years old, and Dr Piran’s and Dr Jimenez’s model suggests there is almost a 90% chance that it has been hit by at least one GRB of this power in that period. For the first half of Earth’s existence, only the direct impact would have mattered, since there was no ozone layer to annihilate (the simple bacteria which existed at this time were either adapted to UV, or lived underground or underwater and were thus immune to its effects). But once photosynthesis started (about 2.3 billion years ago), oxygen—and therefore ozone, the triatomic form of that element—began to accumulate, and living things came out of hiding and got used to living under its protection. From then on, a nearby GRB would certainly have caused a mass extinction.
Any extinction that happened before about 540m years ago, when shelly animals appeared and fossils became commonplace, would probably be invisible in the geological record. But since then there have been five—one of which, that at the end of the Ordovician period, has no obvious explanation.
Perhaps not coincidentally, Dr Piran’s and Dr Jimenez’s model suggests there is a 50% chance Earth has been struck by a GRB in the past 500m years.
ET cetera
The odds Dr Piran and Dr Jimenez have found for a knock-back of life on Earth sound threatening enough, but they still think the planet has had it lucky. The solar system orbits about 24,000 light-years from the Milky Way’s centre. Nearer in, the density of stars—and therefore of GRBs—is greater. About a quarter of the Milky Way’s stars (and therefore planets) are so close to the core that the chance of their being hit by a catastrophic GRB at least once every billion years is greater than 95%, and fully half are close enough in that there is a 80% chance per billion years of their suffering. Moreover, that calculation is based on the Milky Way’s current composition. In the past, things would have been worse.
In astrospeak, the Milky Way is a metal-rich galaxy…..a tiny amount of lithium aside, hydrogen and helium were the only elements created in the Big Bang. The others have been formed by nuclear fusion inside stars or, in the case of the heaviest, in supernova explosions that have destroyed stars. This means they have become more abundant as the universe has aged.
The pattern of GRBs shows that they have got rarer over the course of time….only 10% of the universe’s galaxies would host sufficiently few GRBs to give the evolution of complex life a fair run. Presumably, in its less-metallic past, that would have been true of the Milky Way as well.
Whether the constant pressing of the evolutionary reset button suggested by the calculation Dr Piran and Dr Jimenez have made really is the explanation for humanity’s lack of contact with alien civilisations is, of course, a matter of speculation. But their work does indicate that the older the universe gets, the friendlier it becomes towards life. They reckon that, before about 5 billion years ago, GRBs were so frequent that life would have struggled to establish a foothold anywhere in the cosmos. If astronomers ever do discover life on another planet, then, it is unlikely to be much older than life on Earth itself. THE ECONOMIST”
Mankind may not only be the highest form of life ever to exist on Earth, but it well be the highest form of Life ever to exist in the Universe, because of those killer GRBs.
Therefore, if Mankind is indeed the Highest Form of Life ever to exist in the Universe of Eternal Information, that means Mankind is Divine.
Mankind may be it, not only the game in town, but they only game in the Universe capable of self-awareness, spirituality, Science and Civilization.
And if Mankind is it, that makes the Great Leap Forward, VERY SPECIAL.
The Great Leap Forward.
"Behavioral modernity refers to the set of traits that distinguish present day humans, from both living primates and dead hominids; it is the point at which Homo sapiens began to demonstrate a reliance on symbolic thought and to express cultural creativity. These developments are often thought to be associated with the origin of language. Behavioral Modernity occurred as a sudden event 50,000 years ago, or as a result of biological reorganization of the brain that led to the emergence of modern human natural languages. This event is called THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD."
Scientists cannot explain the GREAT LEAP FORWARD; Darwinists CERTAINLY cannot explain the GREAT LEAP FORWARD. The difference between Man and his primate cousins is not lineal Darwinism; it is not even progressive Darwinism. The difference between man and everything that went before is cosmological. The GREAT LEAP FORWARD is a paradigm shift in primates that Darwinists cannot explain.
But perhaps Teilhard de Chardin may have explained the Great Leap Forward; it may have been the Omega Point, or the first in a series of Omega Points on the road to Eternal Information.
But perhaps Teilhard de Chardin may have explained the Great Leap Forward; it may have been the Omega Point, or the first in a series of Omega Points on the road to Eternal Information.
“…About 50,000 years ago, something dramatic occurs, something happened, the modern mind emerged, triggering a creative, technological,and social explosion.”
Now we know because of GRBs, there were no extraterrestrials to give Mankind intelligence.
Perhaps the People who lived nearest to the Great Leap Forward can explain and/or understand it best. Göbekli Tepe, in Turkey, is an ancient ruin, a spectacular ruin.
“The structures are round megalithic buildings. The walls are made of unworked dry stone and include numerous T-shaped monolithic pillars of limestone that are up to 3 meters (10 ft) high. Another, bigger pair of pillars is placed in the centre of the structures. There is evidence that the structures were roofed; the central pair of pillars may have supported the roof. The floors are made of terrazzo (burnt lime), and there is a low bench running along the whole of the exterior wall."
Stonehenge is 7,012 years old(5,000BC).
The Pyramids are 4,600 years old(2,589 BC).
Easter Island Moai are 812 years old ( 1200 AD).
Gobekli Tepe is older than all those.
How old is it?
Gobekli Tepe is 12,000 years old, almost twice as old as Stonehenge, almost three times as old as the Pyramids.
It is amazing; Worship is not a by-product of Civilization; Civilization was created to worship @ Gobekli Tepe.
Worship What?
The John Calvin's God of Eternal Information, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's God of Omega Points.
Gobekli Tepe informs us, by definition, there can never be civilizations founded by atheists. Civilization itself is caused by a collective need for Mankind, at an Omega Point, to worship collectively.
Modern physics seems to insure that Mankind is alone in the universe; fresh from his Great Leap Forward, worshiping the God soon to be proven by physics.
It is all so Calvinistic.

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