This Blogger finds it remarkable that in this age of rampant and
seedy secularism, so many people are still seeking the existence of God.
author Jon Fosse, who won the 2023 Nobel Prize for Literature, for his oeuvre; an oeuvre, which is based on him seeing a shimmering light, while experiencing a near death experience
as a child. He believes God exists in the deep silences of life.
Blogger envies his poetic trek to God; this Blogger, raised a Trotskyite,
believes God is more science than poetry; a mysterious, baffling science, so
baffling that it is a mean science, versus comforting poetry. This Blogger
believes God is revealing Himself, piecemeal, but at an accelerated
rate, through newly discovered divine aka weird, mysteries in
may not be a good thing for Mankind; after Moses saw God, in person; he
had to wear a veil over his face; for his face had been so transformed by his
Divine encounter that his fellow Jews could not tolerate his new divine
inspired look.
regardless of whether the unveiling of God will be good for Mankind; this
Blogger believes that he is doing it, revealing himself to Mankind through
One of the stunning revelations about living in the 21stCentury
is that every year, every month, every week, seemingly every day, science.
Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology or a combination of all, opens a convenient
pathway to the realization God does exist.
recently, Astrophysicists discovered a solar system, on the other side of the
universe, in which all the rotations of the planets, around their sun are
synchronized, like female Olympic swimmers.
should not happen in the Universe; for that means that solar system has never
been affected by black holes, wayward punk comets; not bombarded by gangsta
asteroids, like the one which wiped out the dinosaurs.
solar system is a STAR WARS toy; which has never been taken out of its box; which
means God can keep whole solar systems pure when he wants.
Now, it seems Life popped up mere seconds after the explosive Big Bang; which created the Universe and Time. If Life was created so soon after the Big Bang, it lends credibility that the creation of Life was a Divine event.
“… might even be possible for life to have appeared mere seconds after the Big Bang.
To explore the origins of life, first we have to define it. There are over 200 published definitions of the term, which shows just how difficult this concept is to grapple with. For example, are viruses alive? They replicate but need a host to do so. What about prions, the pathogenic protein structures? Debates continue to swirl over the line between life and nonlife. But for our purposes, we can use an extremely broad, but very useful definition: Life is everything that's subject to Darwinian evolution.AY SOUND
With this definition in hand, life on Earth arose at least 3.7 billion years ago. By then, microscopic organisms had already become sophisticated enough to leave behind traces of their activities that persist to the present day. Those organisms were a lot like modern ones: They used DNA to store information, RNA to transcribe that information into proteins, and the proteins to interact with the environment and make copies of the DNA. This three-way combo allows those batches of chemicals to experience Darwinian evolution.
But those microbes didn't just fall out of the sky; they evolved from something. And if life is anything that evolves, then there had to be a simpler version of life appearing even earlier in Earth's past. Some theories speculate that the first self-replicating molecules, and hence the simplest possible form of life on Earth, could have arisen as soon as the oceans cooled, well over 4 billion years ago.
..... the sun was not the first star to ignite into fusion; it is a product of a long line of previous generations of stars. Life as we know it requires a few key elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. With the exception of hydrogen, which appeared in the first few minutes after the Big Bang, all of these elements are created in the hearts of stars during their life cycles. So, as long as you have at least one or two generations of stars living and dying, and thereby spreading their elements out into the wider galaxy, you can have Earth-like life appearing in the universe.
This pushes the clock back on the possible first appearance of life to well over 13 billion years ago. This era in the history of the universe is known as the cosmic dawn, when the first stars formed.
Astronomers aren't exactly sure when this transformative epoch took place, but it was somewhere within a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. As soon as those stars appeared, they could have started creating the necessary elements for life.
So, life as we know it — built on chains of carbon, using oxygen to transport energy, and submersed in a bath of liquid water — may be much, much older than Earth. Even other hypothesized forms of life based on exotic biochemistries require a similar mixture of elements. For example, some alien life may use silicon instead of carbon as a basic building block or use methane instead of water as a solvent. No matter what, those elements have to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is in the cores of stars.
Without stars, you can't have chemical-based life.
But perhaps it's possible to have life without chemistry. It's hard to imagine what these creatures might be like. But if we take our broad definition — that life is anything subject to evolution — then we don't need chemicals to make it happen. Sure, chemistry is a convenient way to store information, extract energy and interact with the environment, but there are other hypothetical pathways.
For example, 95% of the energy contents of the universe are unknown to physics, literally sitting outside the known elements. Scientists aren't sure what these mysterious components of the universe, known as dark matter and dark energy, are made of.
Perhaps there are additional forces of nature that work only on dark matter and dark energy. Maybe there are multiple "species" of dark matter — an entire "dark matter periodic table." Who knows what interactions and what dark chemistry play out in the vast expanses between the stars? Hypothetical "dark life" may have appeared in the extremely early universe, well before the emergence of the first stars, powered and mediated by forces we do not yet understand.RIES:
The possibilities can get even weirder. Some physicists have hypothesized that in the earliest moments of the Big Bang, the forces of nature were so extreme and so exotic that they could have supported the growth of complex structures. those structures could have self-replicated, enabling Darwinian evolution…”
Information, the ....universe seems to be based on information; astrophysicist are even theorizing information HAS MASS.
An astrophysicist states that:” There is no dark matter. Instead, information has mass, physicist says…Is information the fifth form of matter?
Researchers have been trying for over 60 years to detect dark matter.
There are many theories about it, but none are supported by evidence. The mass-energy-information equivalence principle combines several theories to offer an alternative to dark matter.
….We can tell how much matter is in the universe by the motions of the stars. In the1920s, physicists attempting to do so discovered a discrepancy and concluded that there must be more matter in the universe than is detectable. How can this be?
In 1933, Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky, while observing the motion of galaxies in the Coma Cluster, began wondering what kept them together. There wasn't enough mass to keep the galaxies from flying apart. Zwicky proposed that some kind of dark matter provided cohesion. But since he had no evidence, his theory was quickly dismissed.
Then, in 1968, astronomer Vera Rubin made a similar discovery. She was studying the Andromeda Galaxy at Kitt Peak Observatory in the mountains of southern Arizona when she came across something that puzzled her. Rubin was examining Andromeda's rotation curve, or the speed at which the stars around the center rotate, and realized that the stars on the outer edges moved at the exact same rate as those at the interior, violating Newton's laws of motion.This meant there was more matter in the galaxy than was detectable. Her punch card readouts are today considered the first evidence of the existence of dark matter.
Many other galaxies were studied throughout the '70s. In each case, the same phenomenon was observed.Today, dark matter is thought to comprise up to 27% of the universe. "Normal" or baryonic matter makes up just 5%. That's the stuff we can detect. Dark energy, which we can't detect either, makes up 68%.
Dark energy is what accounts for the Hubble Constant, or the rate at which the universe is expanding. Dark matter on the other hand, affects how "normal" matter clumps together. It stabilizes galaxy clusters. It also affects the shape of galaxies, their rotation curves, and how stars move within them. Dark matter even affects how galaxies influence one another.
Since the '70s, astronomers and physicists have been unable to identify any evidence of dark matter.One theory is it's all tied up in space-bound objects called MACHOs (Massive Compact Halo Objects). These include black holes, supermassive black holes, brown dwarfs, and neutron stars.
Another theory is that dark matter is made up of a type of non-baryonic matter, called WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). Baryonic matter is the kind made up of baryons, such as protons and neutrons and everything composed of them, which is anything with an atomic nucleus. Electrons, neutrinos, …. and tau particles aren't baryons, however, but a class of particles called leptons.Even though the (hypothetical) WIMPS would have ten to a hundred times the mass of a proton, their interactions with normal matterhem hard to detect.
Then there are those aforementioned neutrinos. Did you know that giant streams of them pass from the Sun through the Earth each day, without us ever noticing? They're the focus of another theory that says that neutral neutrinos, that only interact with normal matter through gravity, are what dark matter is comprised of. Other candidates include two theoretical particles, the neutral axion and the uncharged photino.
Now, one theoretical physicist posits an even more radical notion. What if dark matter didn't exist at all? Dr. Melvin Vopson of the University of Portsmouth, in the UK, has a hypothesis he calls the mass-energy-information equivalence. It states that information is the fundamental building block of the universe, and it has mass. This accounts for the missing mass within galaxies, thus eliminating the hypothesis of dark matter entirely.
To be clear, the idea that information is an essential building block of the universe isn't new. Classical Information Theory was first posited by Claude Elwood Shannon, the "father of the digital age" in the mid-20th century.
…..Vopson takes this notion one step further. He says that not only is information the essential unit of the universe but also that it is energy and has mass. To support this claim, he unifies and coordinates special relativity with the Landauer Principle. The latter is named after Rolf Landauer. In 1961, he predicted that erasing even one bit of information would release a tiny amount of heat, a figure which he calculated.
Landauer said this proves information is more than just a mathematical quantity. This connects information to energy. Through experimental testing over the years, the Landauer Principle has held up.
Vopson says, "He [Landauer] first identified the link between thermodynamics and information by postulating that logical irreversibility of a computational process implies physical irreversibility." This indicates that information is physical, Vopson says, and demonstrates the link between information theory and thermodynamics.
In Vopson's theory, information, once created has "finite and quantifiable mass." It so far applies only to digital systems, but could very well apply to analogue and biological ones too, and even quantum or relativistic-moving systems. "Relativity and quantum mechanics are possible future directions of the mass-energy-information equivalence principle," he says.
….If eventually proved correct, Vopson will have discovered the fifth form of matter.
So, what's the connection to dark matter? Vopson says, "M.P. Gough published an article in 2008 in which he worked out … the number of bits of information that the visible universe would contain to make up all the missing dark matter. It appears that my estimates of information bit content of the universe are very close to his estimates."….BIG THINK.”
Let us cut to the quick; INFORMATION IS GOD'S HANDIWORK; and if information has MASS then astrophysics will prove the physical existence of God.
Einstein sensed Information has Mass; he also sensed that theory would lead to spooky things; such as the physical proof of God.
On October 15, 2015, this Blogger published The "Spooky Things" in Quantum Theory are Proven:God's Speed of Information is FASTER than Einstein's Speed of Light....“
The following is excerpted from that Blog: "….Einstein was calling the unknowns beyond hidden variables in quantum theory "Spooky things", but what that latest European experiment in physics informs us is that the term spooky things applies to both physics and God.
…..The key cosmology of physics is quantum theory. As a layman, this Blogger has been studying quantum theory since 2006; and after a decade he can admit he understands barely a whisper or whimper of it. It is gobbledygook on an operatic scale, much like the Old Testament….
“Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.”
All well and good except there is a reason that it is a THEORY.
Supposedly light, the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, according to Einstein. However, within the quantum theory there is the worm of ENTANGLEMENT, forever interlocking the fates of subatomic particles, regardless of their separation. So if a photon on one side of the galaxy spins up, an instant later on the other side of the galaxy its twin photon will spin down …..Suggesting that INFORMATION TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT.
This was very upsetting to Einstein, because the suggestion that information travels faster than light is a no-no in his special theory of relativity.
He dismissed it as unworthy “spooky things”, and invented the concept of hidden variables. Hidden variables are mystical science, much like miracles; consider them miracles for physicists. Their sole purpose is to find an explanation within the universal speed limit of light to explain the speed of information traveling above the universal speed limit.
In 1964, a British physicist, John Bell worked out the Bell Inequality which was an equation which supposedly worked out the maximum effect hidden variables could have on any experiment in physics. Beyond his limit, physicists attributed spooky power to their results.
Last week, European physicists did a test which banned Einstein’s hidden variables from the lexicon of physics. They proved mystical things are indeed happening in the speed of information, unexplainable by any scientific mumbo jumbo like hidden variables.
….Or : “There remains, alas, one hitch that could explain all these counterintuitive findings. Just maybe, every single event that will ever be, from experimenters’ choices of the means of measurement to the choice of article you will read next, were all predetermined at the universe’s birth, and all these experiments are playing out just as predetermined…THE ECONOMIST.”
Every experiment in quantum theory is driving Mankind to the conclusion that it is all pre-determined….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….. Last week, astrophysicists announced another mystery, another something which should not exist in an Universe which should not exist, but does exist, a galaxy without DARK MATTER.
“”………physicists can’t agree on what it’s made of, how much a single particle weighs….(Dark matter is invisible—light doesn’t interact with it at all.) Nobody has ever caught a dark matter particle on Earth.
But after 30-plus years of telescope observations, most researchers do agree on one thing: The universe contains a lot of it. Astrophysicists think dark matter dominates ordinary matter in the universe by more than five times because galaxies rotate too fast for their visible star-stuff to handle. Without the extra dark matter holding them together, the laws of physics say that these galaxies would fall apart—the Milky Way …. rotates so fast that it must contain 30 times more dark matter than ordinary matter. In fact, every galaxy that astronomers have ever studied contains dark matter.
Until now.
An international team of astrophysicists has discovered a galaxy 65 million light years away with so little dark matter that it may contain none at all. To arrive at this conclusion, they measured the speeds of 10 twinkly blobs in the galaxy, called globular clusters, that each contain millions of stars. Their measurements showed that this galaxy’s stars canhandle its rotational speed. Compared to other galaxies of the same brightness, “it has at least 400 times less dark matter than what we expected,” says astrophysicist Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University.
This is weird—and it could change what astrophysicists think dark matter is, in addition to upending their understanding of how galaxies form, says van Dokkum. Right now, they think that galaxies form around a scaffolding made of dark matter. The stars only take shape on top of the dark matter that is already there.
“Dark matter accumulates; ordinary gas falls into it; it turns into stars, and then you get a galaxy,”….
“Finding a galaxy without dark matter is an oxymoron,” says van Dokkum. It’s like finding a body without a skeleton. “How do you form such a thing? How do you create a galaxy without dark matter first?”
…. the galaxy, memorably named NGC1052-DF2…The next step is to figure out whether this galaxy is an exception or the norm… If astrophysicists find more similar galaxies, they’ll have to revise their current theories about dark matter. The leading theory—that dark matter consists of so-called weakly interacting massive particles, each slightly heavier than a proton—would not be able to explain the existence of many dark matter-less galaxies.
….If the current theory is wrong, that will also affect the strategies of the experiments trying to catch dark matter particles on Earth…. In 2016, they found the opposite of this galaxy—one that was rotating so fast that they concluded it was 99.99 percent dark matter. “That object was a surprise in the other direction,” he says. They don’t know how that galaxy formed, either….…WIRED.”
….”Dark matter is a form of matter whose presence is discernable only through its gravitational interactions with baryonic, or "normal," matter. The unseen matter seems to make up roughly 80 percent of the mass of the universe and is thought to play a key role in galactic evolution.
…. the interaction of stars and galaxies within the dark matter is thought to have produced the galaxies astronomers observe today.
But DF2 defies this idea.
…. Using a combination of the light of the galaxy's stars and their color, the scientists measured how much normal mass could be found within the galaxy. They found that DF2 is about the size of the Milky Way but has about 200 times fewer stars.
The mass of the combined stars is about 200 million times the mass of Earth's sun, a unit known as a solar mass….."For a galaxy with a stellar mass of about 200 million solar masses, we expect a dark matter mass of about 80,000 million solar masses," van Dokkum said. The total mass of the system, however, weighed in at no more than 300 million solar masses, significantly less than anticipated.
If dark matter is a key ingredient for galaxy formation, then how did DF2 form? The researchers suggested that DF2 could be an old tidal dwarf galaxy, formed from the gas cast out of other merging galaxies……
Another potential explanation is that winds blowing through the interstellar medium swept up enough gas to build the unusual galaxy….….SPACECOM."
What astrophysics is proving is this- that the Universe which exists even though it should not exist, has too many consistencies (mathematical principles applicable though out the Universe) abiding with too many anomalies ( Galaxies without Dark Matter, ENTANGLEMENT) not to have been created by a Creative Divinity.
People of Faith don’t despair; soon there will no longer be a need for Miracles as confirmation of the existence of God; the only thing People of Faith have to do is finance Astrophysics, and let Astrophysics do its thing. The proof that God exists will be found by Science…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
That Galaxy without DARK MATTER has Mass; and if the Mass is coming from information, that means the Mass is Information, ENTANGLEMENTS. And Entanglements mean preordination; and preordination means a Creator.
On January 23, 2020, this Blogger published: 2020 Astrophysics Devolves into Divine Confusion
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
““One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time.
….All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” says Christian Smorra, a physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration.
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”….The standard model predicts the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter
– but that’s a combustive mixture that would have annihilated itself, leaving nothing behind to make galaxies or planets or people….cosmosmagazine.”
But this Universe does exist; Mankind is living through an explosion of astrophysics which is proving there are physical things which exist which should not exist, including the Universe itself.
The Big Rip, the Big Crunch, the Big Bang, spooky things, cosmic entanglement, information traveling faster than light,(which implies predestination, which implies John Calvin was the greatest astrophysicist ever), Black holes devouring neutron stars, …astrophysics is in A TOTAL STATE OF CONFUSION; cosmology is in a total state of confusion.
The seminal question is this- can Science explain how Nature created an existing universe where a universe,by all the laws of physics, should not exist?
….As a religious experience, following astrophysics in 2020 is really fascinating….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
Reader, did you notice how many times, in the scientific excerpts, the scientists used the terms weird or weirder to describe their science......almost as weird as the Book of Genesis.
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