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Update on the Biden Express to Dystopia: More Illegal Aliens Welcomed, In the Midst of a MEGADROUGHT

The Pre-historic Sahara Desert was vibrant, even lush. Plant life was abundant; it had numerous lakes, including a megalake rivaling a Great Lake, a lake which covered 42,000 square miles. 

Then a megadrought occurred, and the people of the Sahara were forced to migrate east, to a fabled river. They found that river, the Nile, and established one of the world’s first civilizations. 

 There are no untapped  fabled  rivers for Americans; in the 21st Century, Americans, especially of the West,  will either conserve water, in a major way, or die of thirst, or kill for water, the DON DIVINO.  The Drought, the megadrought, in the American Southwest, is so bad, that the water intake valves of Lake Mead, not seen since they became operational, have been exposed, and no longer are functional. 

“Lake Mead plummets to unprecedented low, exposing original 1971 water intake valve
The original intake is no longer in use since it cannot draw water. 

The West is in the grips of a climate change-fueled megadrought, and Lake Mead — the largest manmade reservoir in the country and a source of water for millions of people — has fallen to an unprecedented low.  

....The valve had been in service since 1971 but can no longer draw water, according to the Southern Nevada Water Authority, which is responsible for managing water resources for 2.2 million people in Southern Nevada, including Las Vegas. 

Across the West, extreme drought is already taking a toll this year and summertime heat hasn’t even arrived yet…… water officials in Southern California are now demanding that residents and businesses limit outdoor watering to one day a week, after a disappointing winter with very little rain and snow. It’s the first time they’ve implemented such a strict rule. 


“This is a crisis. This is unprecedented,” said Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. “We have never done anything like this before and because we haven’t seen this situation happen like this before. We don’t have enough water to meet normal demands for the six million people living in the State Water Project dependent areas.” 

…..Water flowing down the Colorado River fills Lake Mead and Lake Powell — another critical reservoir in the West — and the river system supports more than 40 million people living across seven Western states and Mexico. Both reservoirs provide drinking water and irrigation for many communities across the region, including rural farms, ranches and native communities. 

The federal government declared a water shortage on the Colorado River for the first time last summer. The shortage triggered mandatory water consumption cuts for states in the Southwest, which began in January. 


And in March, Lake Powell dropped below a critical threshold that threatens the Glen Canyon Dam’s ability to generate power.


The West is in its worst drought in centuries, scientists reported Monday. A study published in February found the period from 2000 to 2021 was the driest in for the region 1,200 years. 

The human-caused climate crisis has made the West’s megadrought 72% worse, the study noted. 

“We’re kind of in some uncharted territory, socially and economically,” Justin Mankin, assistant professor of geography at Dartmouth College and co-lead of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Drought Task Force, told CNN in March….CNN.” 

Into an area, in which the water is literally drying up, strange thinker Joe Biden has a solution which only makes sense to Liberals; he wants to welcome more people into the drought-stricken land. 

In Fiscal Year 2022, Biden has released over 836,000 illegal aliens into the thirsty homeland. The Biden Solution to the problem of less water, is welcoming more people to share the dwindling amount. That makes sense only to Joe Biden and his Liberal ilk. 

Why import, why welcome more migrants in the middle of a megadrought?  

For what purpose? 

Compassion? What is compassionate about more people  fighting for the last drop of  water? 

The economy? America needs more workers, consumers, MSNBC needs viewers and anchors, Stephen Colbert needs more viewers. 

This Blogger hates to be the bearer of bad news, but an economy needs water more than workers; in fact, a society needs water more than consumers. 

America has failed to conduct an adequate discussion about the impact on its future of the megadrought. That is because Liberal/Globalist intellectuals, such as John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Jorge Ramos, Samantha Bee, Joy Reid, Mehdi Hasan, and their ilk fervently believe that opposition in America to welcoming migrants is based on Racism, troglodyte racism.  

When in logical reality, opposition to Mass Migration is based on WATER STRESS.  


Twelve years ago, TWELVE YEARS, on August 12, 2010, this Blogger was ahead of the curve, when he published the following: THE DOOMSDAY BLOG,Climate Change , and Migration  


The following is excerpted from that Blog:  


"…… without extensive irrigation the plants will die and both farming and natural ecosystems will be replaced by  scrub and desert. What will there be to eat?.... scientists are predicting another consequence of climate change - mass migration to the United States. Between 1.4 million and 6.7 million Mexicans could migrate to the U.S. by 2080 as climate change reduces crop yields and agricultural production in Mexico, according to a study published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The number could amount to 10 percent of the current population of Mexicans ages 15 to 65.  


America to survive cannot take in the migrants of the world……Gerry Maxey”    


On August 21, 2013, this Blogger published: The Anthropocene Oxymoron of Liberals Believing in Climate Change, and Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.  

The following is excerpted from that Blog:  


“….….Liberals accept the concept of the Anthropocene , climate change, the warming of the planet, the desertification of American grasslands. Liberals also believe that the best solution to the ramifications of the Anthropocene is to legalize 11.5 million illegal aliens, as if the drying up of resources dictates the addition of population.  


Does that make any sense? Even to pro-amnesty Liberals?  


Unless the 11.5 million illegal aliens can create rain, they are of no added value to a nation declining in natural resources.  


Legalizing illegal aliens during the  Anthropocene is an un-natural keepsake of a prior time, when America was abundant in water and grass lands.  


…..Liberals are responding (to dwindling water supplies)  by offering 11.5 million illegal people amnesty, an opportunity to starve in their new land legally. The Liberal push for amnesty for illegal aliens in this Anthropocene Epoch is an Anthropocene  oxymoron. It makes no sense to anyone save Liberals drugged on a Pollyannish belief that American resources are unlimited, the grasslands are vast, the rivers are streaming, and the climate is permanently temperate.  


….Our American Anthropocene Immigration Policy cannot be based on politics, nor compassion,  nor even economic considerations. There is no economy without food, water and power; there is no compassion without water,power and food; there are no politics without food, water and power.  


Principled opposition  is not based on racism, nor nativism, nor tribalism, nor bigotry but American ecology…….There should be no amnesty for illegal aliens until the black grama grass returns; until the rivers of the West are replenished with water fit to drink….Amnesty for illegal aliens defies Nature in this Anthropocene Epoch; and defiance of Nature leads to collapse of civilizations.  


… can be persuasively argued that America is living in a pre-famine period of the Anthropocene Epoch; in this pre-famine period it is criminal to import 11.5 million people to starve.  Those who oppose importing more mouths to feed in this period of climate change know that sophisticated and well-fed America is just as vulnerable as those collapsed civilizations of the Bronze Age. In this period of Global Warming,  America is even more vulnerable to climate change, than those collapsed civilizations, since America is more sophisticated and more accustomed to being well fed…..THE MAXEY CHRONCILES.’  


On  December 13, 2013 this Blogger published: Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Amnesty Illegal Aliens Who Can Write FACEBOOK Code,- None Can Create Fresh Water  


The following is excerpted from that Blog:  


“…..It does no good that illegal aliens can write FACEBOOK code; it does no good that illegal aliens can store all the knowledge of the world; UNLESS among them is an alchemist who can make FRESH WATER from DIRT. 

As the sign said in drought stricken Texas, ‘ YOU CAN’T DRINK MONEY”; nor can one DRINK CODE, nor can one drink knowledge. An economy can survive a lack of code or knowledge, what economy in history has survived a lack of drinking water?  


…. America is over flowing with illegal aliens and it is running out of fresh water. That combination is not a good prognosis for America in the 21st Century.  


……American Liberals habitually state that they are on the right side of history; to remain on the right side of history during this Anthropocene  Era, American Liberals must oppose amnesty for illegal aliens, and base American Immigration Policy on Resources Available and not on Writing Code for Billionaires or Knowledge, or Money.  


Why should American Liberals .....Abandon compassion?…..For one simple reason, America is RUNNING OUT OF WATER.….by brutal necessity America will probably have to become one of the most unwelcoming hosts to illegal aliens ....…...THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”  


On January 24, 2014 this Blogger published: Mother Nature Seizes Control of America's Immigration Policy from Millennials.  

The following is excerpted from that Blog:  


………. desertification is setting in, with each rising sun, with each setting sun.  


…..It makes no sense to have an Open Immigration Policy when the nation is RUNNING OUT OF WATER.  


….the 21st  Century has laid a marker down on Millennials; they no longer control their futures, Mother Nature does. It will be Mother Nature who will be the ultimate decider of America’s Immigration policy..... Mother Nature will not allow the Millennials  a feel-good, Open Immigration Policy of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. Mother Nature, by nature, is cruel and will allow people, citizen, and undocumented worker alike, to cruelly suffer without water to wash, to cook, or to drink. Mother Nature is calling out America’s Immigration Policy, and  the Liberal Immigration Policy is not on the side of Mother  Nature; therefore it is doomed, to die of thirsty good intentions.….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”  


President Trump tried to deter that coming of thirsty hordes, but was demeaned by Globalists/Liberals and Democrats. So, the thirsty hordes WILL COME, leaving America with two choices- open borders ,which will allow migrants to use American water, as the supply of American water diminishes exponentially, or shoot migrants at the border.  


There is NO NEW WATER being made by Nature; all the water there is, all the water drunk by every living thing; all the water used to grow food in every corner of the world is used water, renewed from the great rain storms of 4,200 million years ago. “Water condenses in the cooling atmosphere, and heavy rains pour down on the planet. After several hundred million years of falling rain, great oceans form.”  


The Migrants  flooding the American Southern Border, are not a one off; they are precursors of vast hordes of people, from over populated nations; coming for water, to drink, to bathe in, to grow food, to wash clothes, to facilitate sanitation. The migrants will come for the American Dream, which is American Water. In the 21st Century, the American Dream will be access to American Water, nothing more, nothing less. 

The original intake valves exposed by drought

Biden's illegal aliens coming to America to DIE OF THIRST


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