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On April 17. 2011. Gerry Maxey Warned Americans about Ethanol, VIVA JOJOBA!

This Blogger believes that any American who drives an automobile, or cares about Climate Change, must join the consensus that Joe Biden is a bona fide simpleton.  Is that too harsh?

Then, just look at his energy policy, highlighted by his authorization of the use of E-15, during the summer months; which will increase emissions, and savage his promise to be a Climate Change aware President. 

In 2020, the Republic picked an empathetic  simpleton over a braggadocious boor to preside over its future; the voters who swooned over Biden's empathy did not factor in the fact, that the boor was shrewd enough to make the Republic energy independent. That achievement  is seemingly above the mental powers of the simpleton. 

The simpleton chose  a Potemkin faux policy of Climate Change priority  above American energy independence, hampering, closing down and decimating American oil and gas production, for the sake of Greta Thunberg,for the sake of saving the Climate. 

In 2022, America is suffering gas prices which have gone up 48% in one year; and America is reduced to begging autocratic nations like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia  for more oil production; nations with much less rigorous standards of Climate Change protocols. 

How do Americans know that Biden's policy of Climate Change priority, is a Potemkin policy of faux modernity? Because last week the simpleton struck again, authorizing the use of ethanol in gasoline, through the summer. 

On April 17, 2011, this Blogger railed against ethanol usage , because of the damage it does to the environment. 

The following is from that Blog: 

"One bit of spending that has caught the eye of Tom Coburn, the Republican senator for Oklahoma, is the $6 billion a year the government doles out in tax breaks to refiners  who blend ethanol into their petrol. By general consent, this is not money well spent…the economist.” 

The Governing Prats are taking a vital food, corn, out of the food supply, in order to make a bio-fuel which consumes as much fuel to create as it eventually supplies. How dumb is 2011 America? 

The Ruling Class takes food off the market to make costly and cost ineffective biofuels. The Prats should have figured it out by now, stop using corn and start using jojoba for biofuels. 

The United States is blessed with vast deserts in California, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico....deserts on which our native plant, Jojoba, thrives. 

Jojoba, " is a  shrub native to the Mojave desert..."

It may be the oldest living plant in America, in the world;  it pollinates by wind. That means it was here before the introduction of insects into Life on to this planet. Jojoba is an ancient plant, and all American. God's gift to America.

Jojoba ...."it has  use as both a  biodiesel fuel for cars and trucks, as well as a biodegradable lubricant."

Our Ruling Class prats are taking valuable food out of the food chain, creating a food shortage to make cost INEFFECTIVE fuel; while we can grow, on the scrub land of America, an efficient bio-fuel. They are foolish and incompetent, the definition of Prat. 

Ethanol increases carbon emissions in gasoline;  jojoba does not. 

America, to survive, must Change our Ruling Class of Prats. …..GERRY MAXEY.” 

In April, 2022, the simpleton decided ethanol was the way to go.

“WASHINGTON — President Biden announced on Tuesday a plan to suspend a ban on summertime sales of higher-ethanol gasoline blends, a move that White House officials said was aimed at reducing gas prices but that energy experts predicted would have only a marginal impact at the pump. 

The Environmental Protection Agency will issue a waiver that would allow the blend known as E15 — which is made of 15 percent ethanol — to be used between June 1 and Sept. 15. The White House estimated that approximately 2,300 stations in the country offer the blend and cast the decision as a move toward “energy independence.” 

“E15 is about 10 cents a gallon cheaper,” Mr. Biden said, speaking after taking a tour of a production facility that produces 150 million gallons of bioethanol annually. “And some gas stations offer an even bigger discount than that.” 

“When you have a choice, you have competition,” Mr. Biden added. “When you have competition, you have better prices.”  

The decision to lift the summertime ban comes as Mr. Biden faces growing pressure to bring down energy prices, which helped drive the fastest rate of inflation since 1981 in March…… 

Ethanol is made from corn and other crops and has been mixed into some types of gasoline for years as a way to reduce reliance on oil. But the blend’s higher volatility can contribute to smog in warmer weather. For that reason, environmental groups have traditionally objected to lifting the summertime ban….. 

….Oil refiners are required to blend some ethanol into gasoline under a pair of laws, passed in 2005 and 2007, intended to reduce the use of oil and the creation of greenhouse gases by mandating increased levels of ethanol in the nation’s fuel mix every year. However, since passage of the 2007 law, the mandate has been met with criticism that it has contributed to increased fuel prices and has done little to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. 

 A study last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences estimated that corn-based ethanol was at least 24 percent more carbon-intensive than gasoline when emissions from land-use changes to grow corn, along with processing and combustion, were included. 

“Corn ethanol is a greater emitter of greenhouse gases than gasoline,” said Jason Hill, a professor of bioproducts and biosystems engineering at the University of Minnesota. 

“This will actually work in the opposite direction of the administration’s climate goals rather than being a benefit,” Mr. Mills said.,,,NEW YORK TIMES.” 

JOJOBA should be the standard for biofuels.

Jojoba in Texas


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